All the people turned into beasts: I started as a Tyrannosaurus Rex

Chapter 770 The God of Death and the Zanpakutō

Chen Chu is traveling in the universe.

Zhang Dapai has already told Chen Chu the coordinates.

Chen Chu went there confidently, but found that he didn't recognize him.

The universe is so big. Although there is a coordinate, I don't know where this coordinate is based.

"It would be great if there was a complete star map."

Although Chen Chu's consciousness had spread across the universe, it was simply impossible to remember the entire universe.

Just when he was about to contact Chun Qiu Chan again, the space in front of him distorted, and a ball of golden light appeared.

So familiar!

Isn't this the energy of the Spring and Autumn Cicada?

The golden light shook, and then a star map was formed!

There are two points in the star map, one is the target location and the other is yourself.

"Chunqiu Cicada can also determine navigation! This ability is quite good."

With it, you will never get lost in the universe.

Outside of Sword Art Online.

Jian looked at the familiar and unfamiliar place with mixed feelings in his heart.

Once upon a time, that was where our ancestors lived.

Now, even from a distance of 50,000 meters, one can feel the deathly silence.

"Hey, the glory of the past is gone." Jian sighed.

The Bull Demon King's eyes shone when he looked at the Sanqing battleships, "If we take Sword Art Online into our hands, wouldn't it mean that we have the benchmark for the fleet?"

The Great Sage Fuhai nodded, "That's right! I've already thought of a name! Let's call it the Roger Pirates!"

"Huh? Why Roger...Pirates?"

"Hahaha, old cow, you still lack a bit of culture. The Roger Pirates represent the pursuit of outstanding creatures from all over the world!"

The Monkey King shook his head, "No! Call us the Luffy Pirates! It means flying all the way and running amok."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." The Great Sage Yishan stretched out a finger and kept shaking it, "Your cultural level is really not high! If you want me to say it, it is called the Beasts Pirates! Because, we are all beasts!"

Deadpool clasped his head, "Why are they called the Pirates?"



Yes, why are they called the Pirates?

At this moment, the Zhang Dapai in them simultaneously made a voice, "My overlord fleet! How can it be a pirate group!"

The Overlord spoke!

"Oh, what a pity I was thinking of Roger's name.

"Shit, it's a pity for my beasts."

"You are all wrong. The most unfortunate thing is that I was thinking of Luffy."

Sword Art Online.

A sword flew into the center of Sword God Realm like a meteor.

It is Xiao Li Feidao who controls the bumblebee!

After Xiao Li Feidao entered the center of Sword Art Online, he felt a great pressure.

"Xiao Li Feidao, what's going on?"

"The battleship has detected a bunch of creatures! They can all be used as powerful carriers!"

"How powerful?"

"It should be stronger than the carrier I control!"

"Let those low-level weapons explore the way first."


Xiao Li's flying knife flew directly into a corner on the east side of Sword Art Online with a hiss.


Bumblebee's feet suddenly stepped on the ground, and then he held Xiao Li's flying knife in his hand, "Hey! You guys listen up! There is a group of powerful carriers appearing now! You go, whoever gets it will be his!"



The ground continued to rise, and then a strange-shaped knife appeared.


"Hahaha, great! I've long been tired of using that broken carrier!"

Fifty thousand meters away.

The Bull Demon King held a dark golden Fangtian Sculpture, "The target is right in front of us, do you want to explore the way?"

"It's better to wait for the Overlord, he is coming here."

At this moment, rays of light appeared in front of him.

Those lights exude powerful spiritual power, which has already caused pressure on them!

"Is this... spiritual pressure?" The Bull Demon King frowned.

"Hey! Looks like I got there first!"

A man in black clothes with red hair appeared carrying a Japanese sword.

"Huh? Why does it look a bit like a warrior from Sun Island?" The Dragon of the End asked in confusion.

Jian shook his head, "It looks like him, but he's not. Didn't you see that he is many times larger than a human? He was once part of a small, unpopular group in Sword Art Online, and that group was called the God of Death."

"God of death? Hahaha, the god who controls death?" The Bull Demon King laughed.

The corner of Jian's mouth was full of ridicule, "It's just their self-proclaimed name. Compared with our ancient ancient gods, they are just ants. Their craftsmanship is also very backward, and their swords are all called Zanpakuto. "

Although the red-haired Shinigami's face was dull, he still showed an angry expression, "You can call the Shinigami group rubbish! However, you can't say that the craftsmanship of this sword is backward! By the way, let me tell you, this carrier is called Asa Well! The sword, hehe, is called Shebimaru!"

The God of Death Asai raised his sword and roared angrily, "Roar! Shebimaru!"

The sword that looked like a Japanese sword unexpectedly changed and became a tool that became wider from the hilt to a vertical blade!

"Oh? Is this something from Sword Art Online? Let me try it!" Deadpool pulled out his anti-matter swords from behind and rushed forward.

Asajing sneered, "I don't know whether to live or die! Oh!"

"call out"

The Shebimaru in his hand suddenly stretched out and slashed towards Deadpool.

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