Chapter 84: Harsh Reality, Meet Tiki.

In conjunction with Zefa’s matter, Steel Bone Sora suddenly mentioned the title of Karp Naval Hero, that is, the world government should have issued some kind of order to this Marshal of the Navy Headquarters…….

“It’s the world government.”

Karp didn’t think much of it, although with his qualifications, strength, and prestige, he could afford this title in any way, and he didn’t need to prove anything like anyone.

But since Cyborg asked so, he did not shy away from saying the issuer of this title.

“When you and Gore D Roger joined forces to take out Locks, how much combat power the navy dispatched, I think you also know, otherwise even if Whitebeard, Shiji and the others fight separately, you and the Roger Pirate Group alone will not be able to defeat the Locks Pirate Group.”

“But in the end, the message from the world government is that you led the navy alone, destroyed the Locks Pirates, and killed Captain Locks, thus being named a naval hero.”

“The Five Old Stars spoke to me before the meeting began, and they told me that no matter what method was used, Porusalino’s future promotion path should not be problematic, and as for Zefa, he should not publicize his heroic deeds too much, because this would probably cause Porusalino’s sense of belonging to the navy to be reduced!”

“To put it bluntly, a deposed general, and a person who can have the combat power of a general in a few years, whether it is me or the world government, will choose to support the latter.”

“Everything is for the Navy, I hope you”

“I understand.”

“Just like when you accepted the title of naval hero, in fact, you also know that things are not what people outside hear, but in order to drive the fighting spirit of the navies, to become their example, in order to further expand your prestige, and to let the pirates in the world be hit, you still accepted.”

Steel Bone Sora’s face can no longer see any emotion, his temperament has become very cold, and his words, like a hammer, every word will be smashed in Karp’s heart

“That is to say, Zefa fought with the pirates until the last moment, did not escape, should not get too much reward, you or the world government, but will take action to downplay this matter, right?”

The blue tendons on Karp’s neck burst out, looking at Steel Bone Sora with a fierce face, and said word by word in his mouth.

“He deserves a lot of credit, but he can’t! A very simple truth, because of this, he was praised by countless navies and regarded as a hero, so how should the escaped Porusalino live in Marin Fando? With his talent, he will inevitably be able to become a general of the headquarters in the future with Sakasky and the green pheasant. ”

“Is it because of one of his escapes that he forced him out of the camp of the navy? At that time, we will not only lack a top combat power, but also an additional powerful enemy! ”

Cyborg Sora’s words were sonorous and irrefutable, and he had to do so for the future of the navy, and although it would cause Zefa great pain, he could only selectively sacrifice the other party.

“You, like the five old stars, are inhuman guys.”

Karp held his breath for a long time, threw down only one sentence, and then turned and left the marshal’s office.

The words are so clear, Karp is not a fool, as a naval hero, in fact, he is just a vice admiral of the headquarters and cannot change this matter, or rather, when Porusalino chose to escape, everything was already doomed.

“Warring States, when you get to this position, you will know how difficult it is for a marshal to do.”

“Ten years later, you are the new marshal, there are three major generals available underneath, as well as the big staff crane, the naval hero Munch D Karp, then you must lead the navy to become stronger and stronger!”

Watching Karp leave, Steel Bone Sora rubbed his swollen and painful forehead and said to Sengoku.

He has done everything he can, and he has also paved the way for the Warring States, and in the future, how high the Sengoku can bring the navy to the stage, then it is not for him to meddle.

Sengoku did not speak, but nodded vigorously, and at the same time prayed a few words for Zefa in his heart, hoping that the other party could recover a little better and not leave too many sick roots.

For a day, two days, no newspaper reported the battle without wind, that is, until now, except for a few admirals of the navy, as well as people from some big forces, some newspaper directors, no one knew that Zefa was so seriously wounded…….. Although Morgans received the news from Remington, he did not dare to scribble in the newspaper, otherwise he would probably encounter the thunderous means of the world government.


“Boss, you guys are too ruthless, right? It’s the first time I’ve heard that the general has unloaded his legs! ”

In the palace of Hive Island, Abaro danced and touted Remington, like a clown in a circus, very funny.

“Boss, do you want to prepare? The Navy suffered such a big loss this time? Will there be a war with us? ”

Choate did not join the praise of Remington this time, but said with some concern.

When the others heard this, they also focused their eyes on Remington, and going to war with the navy was not a trivial matter, and they all wanted to hear what Remington meant.

“No need! It is impossible for the navy to fight the Hive Island, unless the steel bone is crazy, and with the patrol team scattered by our pirate group on the periphery, and the special location of the Hive Island, the navy is coated from the bottom of the sea, and will not attack the Hive Island at the first time. ”

“The horse runs and dances, as if nothing has happened, but from now on, you must pay attention to everything you go out to do, but don’t get caught in the road, and be caught in the city, don’t expect Lao Tzu to save you!”

Remington shook his head, and at the end he made a proper joke to ease the murderous atmosphere in the palace.

“Captain, I found that Tiki, who trained with me in the gladiatorial arena, has a very special physique, he doesn’t seem to need to sleep, as if he was born never tired.”

The atmosphere was broken, and everyone chatted together for a while, when Kiryu stood up and said something strange to him.

“Oh? Tiki? ”

“Go and call him.”

Remington pretended to be curious and ordered Abaro.

Originally, he still thought of waiting for the dark fruit to be concocted after concocting Tiqi, but now it seems that it is good to subdue the other party early, and the provincial Tiqi does not cultivate hard in order to cover up his sense of existence, then the gain is not worth the loss.

“Tiki see Captain.”

Soon, a strong boy with black curly hair followed Abaro to the palace, his face was kind, without the slightest gloom, and people who did not know him could never imagine that this boy had a huge ambition knife.

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