In the chat group, a group of members could see that Gui Yanye was at a disadvantage.

If you can't even break the defense, it basically proves that you lose [-]% of the battle.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu: "Why didn't Erwa take action, if you don't dodge for a while, it won't be over."

The momentum of this iron corpse's shot is simply astonishing. Although it is nothing in the group, Gui Yanye himself is more outstanding among the bottom group.

Dugu Qiuwei: "Don't panic, Gui Yanye, this little girl, has not used many methods yet. It seems like a disadvantage, but in fact it is more than enough."

Chen Zhi: "Don't worry, don't forget that Gui Yanye will be armed and domineering, and the points obtained in the last mission in the Little Dragon Girl's World are enough to upgrade your strength, so it won't happen like this, and Erwa must be watching now. ."

In comparison, Erwa's own aptitude is extraordinary, with magical powers. With the help of points, she can strengthen her potential and stimulate her potential. She is not far from becoming a fairy, and her strength is still higher than that of Ninth Uncle.

A ghost can happen.

A few members of the group are worried about Gui Yanye, and the powerhouses who have really experienced many battles have sufficient vision~.

Gui Yanye's knife did not break defenses many times.

Iron Corpse's attack is indeed powerful and fast. Although he doesn't know martial arts, he has such power and speed. I don't know how many martial artists can be overthrown. In the world of Lie Haiwang, even Fan Ma Yongjiro can deal with it - enough.

This iron corpse, which should not have appeared in the end of the law, is so cruel.

If there is no Ninth Uncle to stop, even if the Ren family finds dozens of musketeers, they will not be able to avoid the fate of being exterminated.

It's impossible to use artillery to stop it in town.

People sneak attack in the dark and don't confront you at all, so what can you do?

The invisible domineering surging, the appearance of the iron corpse is absolutely scary, but Gui Yanye's knife at this moment is so firm.

After many trials, I already know.

The Nine Swords of Dugu is of little help to this copper-headed and iron-armed monster.

At this time, all I can trust is myself and the skills I learned from a swordsman teacher.

Armed color domineering covers the weapons.

"this is?!"

A large group of people who watched as if they were on the scene discovered that Gui Yanye was unusual at this time.

Ace stared, did he actually master the domineering of the armed color to such a degree?If you are in my world, maybe you will become the second queen, I can't say for sure.

The Empress, one of the Qiwuhais, is by no means weak. In the memory copy, if Ace does not die, he is equally qualified to become the King's Qiwuhai.

Dugu Qiufeng was also a little surprised at this time. Ace discovered Gui Yanye's domineering armed look from the perspective of a bystander. The strong swordsman, but found Gui Yanye's posture at this moment, holding a knife and distributing his center of gravity. Seems invulnerable.

This girl is very talented in swordsmanship.

Due to some misunderstanding, many people think that a sword is a stab and a knife is a slash, which is a wrong concept.

In fact, if you really understand ancient weapons, you know that the sword can cut and the knife can stab.

Depends on what kind of weapons and personal habits.

At this moment, Gui Yanye burst out with all his strength.

The points earned by signing in since joining the group, the accumulation of points gained from two missions, and a brilliant talent, Gui Yanye is a martial arts wizard buried in the everyday world.

Never found it before.

The current Gui Yanye, when it broke out at this moment, did better than expected.

The knife in Gui Yanye's hand was made by a skilled craftsman in modern times, and in terms of performance, it was better than those famous knives in ancient times.

Only the wealthy, please use the skillful craftsman to make such a knife.

Manual fees are expensive.

The perfect slasher.

In modern society, the collection value is better than the practical value.

After all, how convenient a pistol is.

You don't need a really good knife to kill.

In ancient times, famous swords were a symbol of status.

Especially in island countries, those sword saints in the Warring States Period were actually proficient in using long spears.

At this moment, Gui Yanye also brought out his own perception of practicing swordsmanship and the results of his ascetic practice.

The perfection of this knife is enough to immortalize the world.

In the history of the island nation, even the most critical juggernauts and swordsmen saw this sword, but they could not say anything wrong.

It is not only powerful, but also the perfect coordination between man and knife, between man and knife and heaven and earth.

As soon as the knife went out, the iron corpse's hideous face was frozen.

The head, which even a big axe couldn't cut off, flew up.

The head was chopped off.

Even if it is an iron corpse, its head is cut off, and it can no longer move.

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