No wonder the younger brother is not afraid of the Sword King.

Is it just human?

There is no precedent anywhere in the world.

I am afraid that this younger brother is not a monster. .

Chapter 154 His Name is Chen Zhi

After resolving Chen Yaning's doubts, Chen Zhi began to do the next thing.

To this extent today.

A lot of things have happened, and I don't want to be disturbed, so I can't hide my clumsiness all the time.

For example, Tohsaka Sakura's household registration and schooling problems.

For this matter, he decided to ask the president of Tianhai University.

If it is an ordinary person, it is very troublesome to arrange a school for the little girl who wants to bring it back from another world.

However, in the eyes of the principal, Chen Zhi is a young extraordinary master, and he still has this face.

Some people will always have some privileges.

Absolute equality exists only in the world dominated by **.

Chen Zhi agreed to apply for the graduation assessment in advance, which made the principal very happy.

Because this means that Chen Zhi no longer intends to hide his strength.

Even if he applies for early graduation within a year of entering Tianhai University, he is someone who has gone out from Tianhai University.

It's definitely a huge honor.

Why do people choose Tianhai University instead of going to Beijing University?

As long as Chen Zhi graduated from Tianhai University, that would be an honor.

As an extraordinary master, the president of Tianhai University is extremely proud at this moment.

The shock of Chen Zhi's exposure to the extraordinary things of Seven Stars was too great.

Seven-star warriors, compared to seven-star ability warriors, may not have developed too many supernatural powers, but high-star warriors are also rare.

Chen Zhi came to the assessment site of Tianhai University.

The president of Tianhai University, several tutors, and those in charge of the assessment are all ready.

Even if Chen Zhi is a Seven Star Extraordinary, the necessary process still has to go.

The result was of course no surprise.

If eighteen-year-old seven-star superhumans can't graduate early, I'm afraid no one in the world can graduate early at Tianhai University.

And some teachers who don't know it are also stunned at this time. Rao is a group of teachers who belong to the elite, and their psychological quality is excellent. At this time, they are equally upset.

If such a young extraordinary master spreads out, it may shock the whole world.

This is as shocking as ordinary people see God.

The near impossible happened.

How old is the youngest seven-star extraordinary record in the world?

How many years is Chen Zhi early?

It is conceivable that this young man has a bright future ahead.

Principal Tianhai didn't know why Chen Zhi suddenly wanted to be famous, but he still heard some things, so he asked Chen Zhi to talk about it.

"Little friend, I heard that a girl from the Li family had some conflicts with you a while ago. I have contacted the sword king and explained the situation to him. You don't have to worry."

"Trouble the principal." Chen Zhi really planned to go to Li's house later.

Although it was said last time that the woman was called, and after being taught, there was no movement, but who knows if she is holding back some big moves.

Chen Zhi is not afraid, my sister might be tricked.

He didn't want to think that when his sister would encounter any danger again, he would rescue him himself, and pretend to slap her face again.

Now the strength has the confidence to fight against the nine-star king.

Why hide and hide.

Chen Zhi has also resigned from the small martial arts hall that was originally named.

It may not be a good thing for a strong person to be named in such a small martial arts hall.

The other party has no one who can support it.

It is also easy to expand and cause trouble.

Human beings are thirsty for profit.

But if there is no strength, it is easy to invite disaster.

"Little friend is not polite. Logically, you have only been in school for a few months, so we should be friends of the same generation." Principal Tianhai has no pretence at all, an extraordinary master, theoretically, he is indeed qualified to communicate with extraordinary masters of the same generation.

There is a gap between seven stars and eight stars, but it is not something that anyone can arbitrarily manipulate.

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