Sometimes, one more punch may decide the outcome of the battle.

This is all for later consideration.

Seeing Saitama's unconcerned appearance, Matdai felt that he wanted to let the other party feel his fighting spirit.

When the eight doors are fully opened, a powerful force keeps coming up.

Chakra seems to have turned from a trickle into a stormy sea of ​​​​the sea.

No, it should be said that from the vast sea, it turned into a river of stars.

No matter how wide the sea is, how can it be compared to the vastness of the galaxy.

The Eight Gates Dunjia Formation itself is at the cost of life in exchange for a short period of brilliance.

Like autumn leaves, like meteors across the sky.

There is a splendid beauty.

A terrifying force erupted.

A group of strong people watching the battle also felt agitated.

Once the Eight Gates Dunjia Formation is completed, the power can be increased many times.

The secret technique that costs life, how strong is Matt Dai now.

Whether Esdes or Piccolo, there is no certainty that they can be opponents at this time.

That terrifying aura made Mattdai seem to be filled with flames that could burn everything.

The strength of Bamendai is still higher than that of Bamenkai in the memory copy.

If Madara Uchiha encounters the current Bamendai, it is hard to say whether the final result will require Naruto Sasuke to make a move.

With strong blood and energy, Dugu Qiufeng and Arturia had to admit that this was an opponent worthy of attention.

170 "Saiyu-kun, watch out!"

Matdai's expression was ferocious, and his breath was like a wild beast.

As soon as it moved, even many of the powerhouses in the group had difficulty capturing the trajectory of their movements normally.

too fast.

Whether or not to open the door to death is completely two concepts.

Unleash all the chakra in a short time, all the vitality is concentrated in one minute, this is what a powerful ninja is all about.

Just the first punch, the power is above the previous day tiger.

Saitama still has such a cute egg-faced face, and he didn't expect much from the previous test.

Hope this eight-door brings a little fun.


Matdai's figure appeared in front of Saitama, punching out with a powerful air shock wave.

Saitama's face also became serious, and he opened his hand to block the blow.

Huge air waves spread out from all around, the ground cracked, countless cracks spread, and the nearby mountain peaks began to collapse.

Obviously, the spectator mode will not be hurt by the aftermath of the battle, but there are still some group members who unconsciously make a defensive posture.

This power is too strong.

Saitama was directly hammered into the ground by this blow, and a large pit of several hundred meters in diameter and tens of meters deep was punched on the ground, but Saitama was unscathed, that is, the cloak was a little dirty.

And Matty had already jumped away.

"Even though I've used it once, it's still the same pain."

Matty gasped.

The power brought by the death door is so great, and the corresponding price is also great.

This kind of pain, if it weren't for a Taijutsu expert like him, ordinary ninjas couldn't bear it at all.

Saitama jumped up from the pit, "Is there any more?" He deliberately wanted to see the strength of this punch. It was normal, it didn't hurt him, it was boring.

If it was just like that, it wouldn't be much different from the weirdos he had fought against before. The ultimate, evolution, would be meaningless.

"It's not over yet, Saitama-kun!" Mattey shouted.

The secret technique that was originally only used for protection was used to make friends excited.

This dangerous trick can only be used once in a lifetime.

Now because of the existence of the group arena, you can experience it more than once.

However, the pain caused by this move is still great.

How can it end hastily.

Matty's figure disappeared in place.

In the distance, a powerful air shock wave was blasted out.

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