Saitama: "You're already very strong."

Saitama has taken advantage of the free time to read his own memory copy, knowing the opponents he will meet in the future, feeling a little boring.

And the group members in the group also know that Saitama has seen the memory copy.

Knowing what Saitama said was just polite comfort.

The current Matt Daiqiang is strong, and he is still not as strong as Boros.

After all, Boros has the power to destroy the surface of the planet.

I have seen the eight-door Dunjia formation that Matt Dai had completely defeated.

Estes, Piccolo, and the others have no intention of fighting Saitama.

The gap is too big.

Who likes looking for abuse.

Even if several fight one, there may not be any chance of winning.

There are also a few unfathomable guys in the group who have not shown their limits yet, but they can give it a try.

King: "What a shocking and exciting fight."

King also quit the spectator mode, he felt like his heart was about to jump out, he couldn't take it anymore.

What a power this is.

He has been using the chat group function to watch the battle well.

Otherwise, you don't know the battle situation at all.

Dugu Qiuwei: "Seeing Saitama's battle, this old man suddenly feels old."

Esdes: "I originally wanted to ask Saitama to help, but my opponent here, Saitama should not be interested, so everyone in the group, are you interested in helping me to solve the darkness of the empire? "

Keroro: "Oh? Is Your Excellency Esders making big news?"

Chen Zhi: "Esdes, have you made up your mind?"

Ding, group task: group member Esdes' request for help.

Mission content: Esdes is determined to cleanse the darkness of the empire and rebuild a promising empire. Since Esdes is only one person after all, even if he adds his subordinates, there will inevitably be fish that slip through the net. Please help Esdes to The darkness of the empire is completely purged. Reminder: It seems that something strange has quietly entered the world of Esdes, increasing the danger. Please don't be careless. The task points are 80000, and the number of participants: 8 people. .

Chapter 159 The group of friends goes to a collective silence

The sudden appearance of the task draws everyone's attention to the past.

Originally, Esdes asked for help, and some people still didn't understand, but now they understand this task.

This time, it is a task for 8 people, with a total of 8 points.

It doesn't look as much as last time, but don't forget that last time, all members participated, and the rewards were especially improved~.

This time the task seems to be very difficult.

The task of [-] points per capita is not so easy to do.

And Estes looked at the mission description, why did he feel that something was wrong.

With her current strength, she can crush the darkness of the empire alone.

It's just that she may be negligent after all, and the enemy may escape. She can't cover everything by herself, so she asks everyone in the group to help.

If the fate of the world is reversed, maybe everyone can get special points rewards.

I don't think anyone in the group would mind helping.

Unexpectedly, the chat group directly posted the task.

But the last description "something strange seems to have crept into Esdes' world, increasing the danger, please don't be careless", even a fool can see the problem.

My own world was invaded by some extraterrestrial demons?

Esdes's heart became solemn, and he didn't notice any abnormality.

Little Dragon Girl: "What's the situation, there's a mission?"

Matt Dai: "Oh, is there a 8-person limited-participation mission? The Third Ninja World War is over. I think I can help."

Aizen: "I think I can help, too, but is there something wrong with the world of Esdes in this quest?"

Shark Pepper: "Only eight people can participate in the quest with a total reward of 8 points, which is a bit difficult." Shark Pepper felt that he had no chance to participate. He always felt that the level of this quest was a bit high and he would die.

Even if he had earned a little points before, it was not enough for him to be fooled. He was just a weak robot, and many strong men in the group could easily dismantle him.

Shark Chili felt that his strength was far from enough, and decided not to join in the fun.

Tony: "What level of mission is this?" Stark Tony was also shocked. The last mission in Little Dragon Girl's World was initially judged to be only 6 points. The reason why it was later increased to 12 should be the killing of the opponent's demon body. Come on, plus what achievements are triggered, this one is 8 points.

Even if the points earned by himself are all used to upgrade, and the Mark armor may be gone forever.

Saitama: "Excuse me, can I participate?" He also understands what points can do.

I don't know if the points can make him grow his hair.

He is still obsessed with his hair.

I didn't even look at the nickname and changed it from the invincible bald head back to the name.

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