The pressure of one Esdes is enough.

But don't you think Saitama won't do it if you don't do it?

Saitama was a little angry, "What do you mean, are you ignoring me like this?"

"Saitama, don't make a move," Esders stepped down, trapping a few imperial masters in the ice cage and playing with them, "You have already dealt with General Bude, this group of people should be left to us, Points should be shared by everyone."

If Saitama were to take action seriously, this group of people would be killed in seconds, and everyone would not earn points.

Saitama touched his bald head, "Okay."

On the other side, Chen Zhi's shadow clone calmly brought down a group of imperial soldiers, "I admire your courage, but put down General Bude, it's just a loss of life, go now, the worst result is that you can still survive. Take the corpse for him. Maybe after consultation, General Budd can still leave his life. If you are obsessed, you will start your hands later. I don't care if it will accidentally hurt, but General Budd is really dead. .”.

Chapter 164 The whole empire is in chaos

Chen Zhi's shadow clone to deal with a group of imperial soldiers is an understatement.

As for Chen Zhi's body, he also overthrew a few more powerful imperial masters.

It can be said that in this empire, in addition to the masters from all over the country, most of the masters who are loyal to the empire are already here.

The chat group or the powerhouses who have been strengthened once or have been strengthened several times to reach this world is a crushing game in itself.

The most threatening thing in this world is the strongest Teijin, and the unknown thing that slipped in.

In Chen Zhi's mind, the bulk of the 80000 points is probably on the thing that slipped in.

Otherwise, although the strength of this group of masters is not bad, the ministers are not worth much.

General Bude is not weak, and in truth is not as strong as Chen Zhi's demon in the world of Xiaolongnu.

As for that minister, no matter how strong he is, he is still inferior to Esdes~.

Esdes's frost, Erza's armored sword, Matt's iron fist, Chen Zhi's palm - a burst of infuriating energy.

All of this today is a nightmare for the masters of the empire.

But these masters have little chance to have another nightmare.

Such as Niwu, Rakshasa and the four ghosts, all of them will die.

On the other hand, Dugu Qiufeng, Piccolo, and Aizen acted separately.

According to the plan, they went to find Minister Ornest, the son of the minister, Sheila, and the remnant masters who needed to be cleaned up.

People are pre-arranged.

Dugu has a long life, has seen a lot, has rich experience, a generation of peak powerhouses, and his own strength has not yet shown the upper limit. It is very suitable to find Minister Lao Yin Bionest.

Piccolo has high combat intelligence and can make arrangements in battles and obtain the information he wants.

Not to mention Aizen, he lives longer than Dugu’s defeat, loves to play big chess, and has a lot of abilities. After the points are strengthened, his strength is even more outstanding. It is also suitable to eliminate those masters with one-handed Jinghuashuiyue and ghostly abilities.

The most important thing is that both Dugu Qiufeng and Piccolo have the ability to sense qi, and Aizen has learned to be domineering.

It is easy for the three to find someone.

And they all have good strength, and they can live happily if anything happens.

Even if there is any accident, I can't run out of a Super Saiyan-level monster in the world of Zhan Chitong.

Dugu seeks defeat and finds Minister Ornest.

This man, who seemed to be just [-] meters tall, was a burly man, when he saw that the guard couldn't even make a sound and let the stranger come to him, he staggered decisively and ran away.

Dugu Qiufeng caught up in two steps, and the long sword was fired.

The threat of death enveloped the whole body. At this moment, Minister Ornest burst out with hidden strength to avoid the sword energy, and a powerful and ferocious aura emanated, "Why do you force me to do it, I will crush your bones!"

Neither the little emperor nor General Bude could have imagined that Minister Ornest possessed high strength.

If others saw him, he might have listed this man as the strongest in the empire like General Budd and Esdes.

For a character with a combat power of 5, a guy with a combat power of 70, a combat power of 80, and a combat power of 90 is no different from the invincible.

Minister Ornest's speed and reaction are not weak, and his momentum is also good, but Dugu Qiufeng has long ignored opponents of this level.

Back then in Dongzhou, I had encountered an opponent of this level.

If you let the Dugu Qiu defeat in the low martial arts world know that there is still such a Dugu Qiu defeat in the heavens and the world, you will be overjoyed to think about it.

"Just like this, you are also worthy of fighting with this old man?" Before Dugu Qiu's voice could be heard, countless sword qi condensed and rushed towards Minister Ornest.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

This dense sword qi has nowhere to hide.

Minister Ornest widened his eyes, "No!"

The sharp sword qi stabbed him with many holes.

Somewhere in a splendid place, a great head flew up.

The expression on his head was still unbelievable.

Blood spurted out from the headless body, but not a single drop fell on Piccolo.

"Hmph." Piccolo glanced in disgust and turned to leave.


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