Allen Walker In DxD

Chapter 26 - 21: Title at the end of the chapter.

Before starting this chapter, I must comment that some have noticed that I have been absent in web novel, and with my novel by D. Gray man along with many crossovers, but that was normal, since previously I had said I would do another novel I had in mind. I have many ideas which I have wanted to implement, but I have not found a world (novel - anime) that can take 100% of the potential of the character I want to create.

Previously I had said One piece, but I deleted the idea after thinking it over, since my character will be implacable, without fear of the consequences. he will travel several worlds of anime. Well, I'll give you a hint of the main character in the story that will travel through worlds and create his way through blood, sweat and memories of his past life that will accompany him at night while nightmares kill him slowly, until a woman or several In this case, they can eliminate the ghost of their past.

with anticipation: it will be an ordinary Otaku person who will reincarnated in an anime world, but the nightmares as a child will not allow him to rest calmly, until the memories of his past life together with the current one mix and create a new being.

Here goes the hint:

"I see a man in each of my dreams," I told the psychiatrist.

"What does man look like?" she asked curious

"He sits on a throne of sadness and anger and every day he mourns for his family."

I thought about this idea after surfing the internet later and seeing a certain 2013 Super Bowl commercial. In short, that will be my only clue until I manage to advance this story until it reaches a good point. And thinking about the 20 chapters I promised will be a good term. Anyway, here goes the chapter!


After making plans and looking for some things Allen needed to train for the girls of the club, he invites all the girls who live with him, to help him train in these 10 days to the group, even if they do not beat Riser, which he finds unfortunate.


Allen: come on girls, this weight is nothing, Koneko is jogging along with a backpack twice the size of yours Isami.

Isami: I know! I'm seeing it and I still can not understand how a little Loli can have so much strength in that small body

Koneko: mph, keep walking perverted girl.

Isami: Koneko-chan evil, so evil! In that little body only pure evil is hidden!.

Koneko: he he he.

Allen: calm down, maybe later you can have as much strength as she does. Oh good herbs you picked Yumi, some are medicinal and others are edible, I'll make a great meal at night with them

Yumi: Thanks Allen-kun, I look forward to the food you will prepare.

You can see a group of people with a large backpack on their back along with some black bracelets in each hand on all people including the white-haired boy, who is guiding the group while encouraging them to keep climbing to reach the summer house of Rias.

Rias: Allen-kun, is it necessary these bracelets you gave us? I can understand Isami, Koneko including Yumi, but why the three of us too?

Allen: because you also need a healthy body, since you only rely on magic and although it bothers you, not everything is the magical power in the fights, those bracelets I gave them increases the weight by five in each day and I will deactivate them only when they go to sleep. So get used to it.

He responds seriously looking at her since he knows since she woke up her demonic power from the Bael house, she does not train her body, and maybe not her magic, thinking she is invincible if she hits her magic on someone.

Allen: impressive, it's an excellent place here Rias, an excellent mansion.

Rias: Thanks Allen-kun, it's one of the many territories that the Gremory house owns.

Allen: I do not question it Rias ... I do not doubt it. Changing the subject, rest 30 minutes, I'll start the training and I need to call my group to help you in magic as in hand-to-hand combat. And there is someone special I have in mind

All: Who? They all ask curious since Allen is usually with them and with nobody else.

Allen: calm down, all in due time. For as long as they rest, they will need it later. He responds with a malevolent smile

Isami: is it me or Allen-kun is waking up more and more his sadistic side?, That smile scared me.

Asia: d-do not say that Isami-san, Allen-san is not like that ... right Allen-san? Hey? Allen-san why do not you answer me?

Asia is looking at Allen with tearful eyes as he prefers to look away to avoid looking at that naïve angel who blindly believes in his hero.

Meanwhile Allen moves away from the Gremory group, reaching the forest, making sure that no one is watching him, he takes a breath and then concentrate while raising his hand forward

Allen: 'Let's see, according to the memories of Nea, along with those of Allen, to be able to call the ark I need to concentrate and imagine it to materialise here. Anyway, here we go 'answer my call ark!

Allen: Well, it worked the first time, now I need to secure the ark to this world and ... ready! is insured and I can call her whenever I want, I thought it would be more difficult. Anyway, I have 30 minutes to investigate it to see if it's how I remember it.

He walks towards the semi-transparent hexagons without knowing he has just caused a tumult in the seraphim inhabit in the heavens, along with some of Grigori's high commands were present when the biblical God said a prophecy and all the survivors of the great war remember in flesh and blood.

In an office of Heaven.

¿?: Did you feel that Gabriel?, then what our father said was true, I hope he can stop all this.

Gabriel: Yes, I felt it, too. Michael, I still remember what our father said before he left us. she says sad when she remembers her father and his last words

Michael: Do not worry Gabriel, I know he will be a good person, and will achieve the peace we all want.

Meanwhile in Grigori's quarters

¿?: Oi oi, then what our father said was true, hey Baraqiel you also felt it not?, the things will become interesting from now on.

Baraqiel: yes, I felt it too Azazel, the world will be in a tumult soon thanks to him.

Kokabiel: then it's true, eh? Father your last words were true, I'll judge him for you since you're not now, I'll see if he can lead this world to a new beginning, or destroy it in the process.

Azazel / Baraqiel / Kokabiel / Michael / Gabriel: He who will come to this world in the future, will create miracles as devastation, only we depend. if he will bring peace to the earth, or his future destruction ... The last Noah.

Meanwhile in an unknown place you can see a small Gothic Loli who also felt the rupture in space, looking towards the direction where it was caused, with an empty look of emotions investigates, without thinking, thanks to that decision, it will change much the destiny of her.

Meanwhile within the Ark

Allen: IT'S GREAT, IT'S SO GREAT, SO MANY HOUSES, BUILDINGS, I'LL LOSE HERE! Huh? Now I'm wondering, how will you keep all these buildings so clean if there is no one to inhabit them? Anyway, it does not matter, I must go to look for the girls in my apartment, let's see if I can place the coordinates to my apartment. And ... ready, now I must find the door that takes me where I want and ... oh hello girls!


Allen: Huh?

Title: calling the Ark for the First Time, The Prophecy of the Biblical God.

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