Allen Walker In DxD

Chapter 49 - CHAPTER 41: Poor Rias and her date intent. A WILD SONA APPEARS.

Many thanks to Zodiac for your support.

Thanks for everything guys! I didn't expect much support and they've shut my mouth impressively.

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While Restia was still fantasizing about the future date with Allen and Est, the white-haired was loaded as a mule. Rias could not think of a better idea than to go through the mall again as a date. Unfortunately, the shot went out through the buŧŧ, since she saw Sona next to Tsubaki that possibly came from shopping the same as they came with bags in their hands.

Rias knew the chess game Allen had with Sona with the loss of the last. HOW SHE HATES Sona's engagement with the white-haired boy. Will she lost on purpose? She doubts it a lot; she knows her friend for many years, not for nothing they are childhood friends. So she discarded it Knowing that they had no way out, they had to greet the girls with glasses. Anyone would say they are familiar, although they favored one more than the other. Regrettably.

"Hello, Rias, how have you been?" Sona spoke with a stoic face that characterized her, beside her was Tsubaki fulfilling her role as queen and helping her in everything she can.

"Hi Sona, I've been fine, thank you very much," she replied forcefully, actually she didn't want to be with anyone but her Allen. she would show him how she cooked, they say that to conquer a man you must first conquer his stomach.

[Y / N: before continuing I wanted to clarify something. IS NOT ALWAYS THAT WAY. I love my partner with all my heart, but she is a lost case in the kitchen. With all my love to you my beloved wife that you will surely read this and I will end up sleeping in the sofa. Ok let's continue with the novel.]

"Oh Allen-kun, how are you ... is it really Rias? he looks like a load horse, I'm counting at least 15 bags between food, clothes." Sona gasped in surprise when she saw Allen who was with a somewhat tense smile while trying with all his will that the straps of the bags not be cut.

"I've been better Sona, thank you very much and you?" Allen replied with a forced smile while resting his arms, he may have a superhuman strength, an immortal being, but shopping trips mentally worn him out.

"Fine too ..." Sona replied a little nervous to see her future partner, has not yet told him about the marriage commitment he won through a game of chess. With Riser, those sent from the church and, above all, taking care of a woman who wets her school books with her drool, Jibril was actually a lost case.

"Once upon a time I swore I had a heart,

Long before the world I know tore it all apart,

Once upon a time there was a part of me I shared,

Years before they took away the part of me that cared.

I've been a thousand places,

And shook a million hands,

I don't know where I'm going,

But I know just where I've been,

I've flown a million miles,

And I've rode so many more,

Every day, a castaway,

A vagabond, battle born,

I'm battle born "

Tsubaki was speechless, she had never heard that song, and something told her that there was a story behind it. Maybe he sang in a murmur but something complexed him. In fact, Tsubaki considers Allen a very good friend, a good person, and she likes him. For the black-haired girl, Allen is like a box of surprises, you'll never know that she'll be inside it.

He usually looks like an easy-to-talk, calm, smiling boy, when he enters in his cat mode he is lazy to the point that the Maou Asmodeus would cry tears of pride for the white-haired boy.

For her puzzles like chess are her hobbies, of course not forgetting her passion for the path of the sword, she still remembers that great ceremonial sword of Allen, her dark edge as the night cut the chicken as if he was buŧŧer, including the stadium. And how to forget her two special swords, swords spirits, for the other witnesses they thought it was his Sacred Gear, but no, when he finished humiliating duel, she with her king Sona, they left for the Sitri library, and found that they are sword spirits, a Familiar who they are currently extinct. Where did he find them? why two? Many questions were around her head that night. she still remembers the chills Est was giving her, a sacred sword greater than the Excalibur, with the possibility of denying the magic itself, and annulment of curses. A demon-slayer sword. At least that is what they appear in the books, the similarities were documented, but there was never a bearer of both swords. Really a fascinating and mysterious boy.

She loved the challenges and she will discover even the last thing she does, the secrets of the first Noah. Or as he introduced himself. the crowned clown of God.

But now none of that mattered, his swords, his style, nothing. What she discovered today is another facet of Allen, they say that the lyrics of the songs are metaphors of your experiences, of your past, your present and perhaps future.

She took a look at her king who was pushing her forehead next to Rias, while they were discussing something, possibly the white-haired boy. She didn't care, for the first time a long time ago she had been interested in something other than her hobbies. A boy. A mystery to discover.

When she pondered her words again, a huge shiver surrounded her by her body, her face turned pale, she had just discovered what Allen was feeling when he was serious. Now she was finally able to complete a riddle of the fuċkɨnġ white-haired boy. But there are more and more questions than answers.

Shee had to tell her best friend, SHE MUST COMMENT WITH HER.

Allen when he is serious, is like a sword ready to cut. As if his whole body was a sword. Like the novels she sometimes read, the Sword Intent, the heart of the sword, etc.

Hopefully it is true what she discovered to be only a sword Intent or the heart of the sword as the novels documented.

Although sometimes reality surpasses fiction, what she did not know was that in a couple of days the knowledge of the world she knows would be destroyed. In a simple night.

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