Allen Walker In DxD

Chapter 50 - A poll!?

Forgive me for not uploading chapters since last week, but I'm at a crossroads. My dear wife, has commented to me "hey, the chapters are shorter, I don't like it. If you are going to upload a few chapters a week, let them be long." and here I am, With doubt my dear readers.

I make the longest chapters between 10,000 words or more.

I make regular chapters between 1000-1500 or more words.

Remember if you choose the first option, two weekly chapters will be uploaded. instead the other option, will be 5 weekly. Please vote, I am writing chapters and I want to upload them to my pa-treon page and I would like to know your opinions.

This will be until Thursday. From there? next week will be chapters yes or yes. I'll post some on the weekend so be patient.

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