Allen Walker In DxD

Chapter 7 - 4: being a first-person spectator

After that cliché encounter, for Allen's point of view, he decides to go to his apartment, to plan what is coming, since he would not like the poor blond girl in the church to die for the greed of the fallen angels They live in the abandoned church, so he will be watching her, but he is also conflicted, since what happens in the abandoned church will make Isami's Sacred gear grow, sighing not knowing what to do, he decides to stop think about that for a moment to go and cook for him and his girls

Allen: Sighing, he tells the girls "Restia, Est, what can I do? I do not want that girl to die so that later they revive her, since she will suffer when they extract her sacred gear "he tells them both something sad because he considers the girl a pure soul and the treatment she receives is cruel.

Restia: "what you always do, protect, watch over others, and when they are going to extract the Sacred gear from her appear before them, exterminate them as always and leave it in the hands of the crimson girl to be their new servant and you leave the place calmly, now changing a more important subject "lowering the temperature of the environment a few degrees looking seriously at Allen and asking" will you also want to be a servant of the girl Gremory or Sitri? "she asks seriously, just to get a giggle from him and a simple answer

Allen: "Nope, in the least" he responds to her with a smile, to her surprise without letting her ask what bothers her "they would not be able to" revive me "since one, I'm immortal, two, I own them both and if I'm not wrong each one needs at least 3 or 4 pieces of pawn, not including my space magic and the Haki that I own, so they will need at least 12 or 16 normal pawn pieces or 8 mutant pieces, and like the Sitri he only has 4 and Rias will revive Isami, I will be out of trouble like those old nobles of the underworld "smiling happily as he will save himself problems that until today he finds them a pain in ȧss

While the trio spoke slowly in the apartment, meanwhile in a certain club of the investigation of the hidden we can see a girl with crimson hair talking to a white-haired Loli telling her that the girl who had to watch her, was approached by a Fallen angel to invite her to a "date" while her president only releases a cold laugh with a cold look.

Rias: "Until finally those crows began to move, Koneko, Watch her well, I was not wrong with her, maybe she can help me with my problem" whispering the last bit biting her lower lip since she has a few weeks left and needed help from whom can since she hated her

future fiancé with all her soul.

Koneko: "Hai Buchou" replies and then leaves the club

Returning to our white-haired boy, he is lying next to the girls looking at the ceiling of his apartment, thinking about what has happened to him lately, recalling more memories of the fourteenth and of Allen when he was with the exorcists, asking himself if he will have to go to that world, if something will have happened. Leaving aside those thoughts, he decides to sleep because it is a weekend and he wants to rest with his girls without worrying about anything else.

Passing the days quickly we can see Allen back with a sleepy face since last night the girls wanted to watch a series marathon on television and they did not let him sleep as they sat on his ŀȧp both, ignoring the murmurs of their classmates he is going to stretch at his table to lean his head on it and murmur "never again ... I will never again ask him to watch TV when there is a marathon of that series" with his eyes closed, snickering at those who hear him while others being the boys ask themselves again and again 'he said' I will ask them "... I was accompanied last night" looking at him out of the corner of his eye thinking he was with some girl. coming to that conclusion that is not so wrong of reality they look at him with eyes full of hatred and jealousy only to freeze as they feel the knock of the door and see our favorite perverted girl running towards Allen hitting him on the head to wake him up in the process getting a scream from him

Allen "Itaaaaaaaai, Isami-chan why was that" he asks with a pout as he wanted to continue sleeping only to look at her that she was anxious

Isami: "Allen-kun, Allen-kun, do you remember Friday when we separated? Did you see a girl who invited me to be her friend? Do you remember that right? "She asks anxiously as she remembers that a spear of light came to her in her stomach to bleed to death and then wake up like a dream. Looking at her in that anxious way he feels sorry for the girl, but for his sake he has to lie telling her

Allen: "I'm sorry Isami-chan, I do not know what you're talking about, on Friday we said goodbye at the door since I had things to do and we went our separate ways" pulling a confused face and answering her with that lie alone to look at her that of anxiety changes to a face of distressed to one of resignation to hear her say

Isami: "Alright Allen-kun, maybe it was a dream ... an ugly nightmare" she says with a complicated face just to sit in her seat and wait for the class to begin while our white-haired young man thinks' wow! I'm missing popcorn and I would be watching this series in first person 'thinking playfully to get two small mental giggles from their partners

Spending the week slowly together with our young man until one day he will go to look for Isami at home, just to receive the typical morning comedy that he is already accustomed to, by Isami's parents

Mother of Isami: "Ara? Did you come back son-in-law to look for our daughter? "Making a giggle from Allen to respond to her

Allen: "Yes, excuse me, since I do not want her to go to school alone, and something happens to her, being a pretty girl" answering her with a calm smile only to fall into her game

Mother of Isami: "Ara Ara, our daughter must be lucky to have a boyfriend like you, fufufu, come in, she still does not come down from her room if you want I'm going to get her up" looking at the boy in front of her

Allen: "Do not bother, I'll wake her up, I'm used to doing it" so as not to disturb her friend's mother, he will go up to the second floor while activating his kenbunshoku haki subconsciously only to freeze for a moment to get a soft smile and keep moving towards the door, then knocking on the door and hearing an anxious scream from the girl

Isami: "Wait mom! Do not get in I'll be out in a minute! "Giving the boy a giggle, just to calmly tell her

Allen: "Come on Isami-chan, do not I think you're cheating on me with someone else?" He asks playfully as he knows who she is with and why she is so anxious. just to get what he wanted:

Isami: "A-A-A-A-ALLEN-KUN ARE YOU HERE? WAIT I GO OUT IN 5, NO, BETTER IN 10 MINUTES! "Screaming more anxious than before to get a soft laugh from the girl next to her

Allen: "Okaaay ~ I'm waiting for you below, I-sa-mi-Chyan ~" he replies playfully to go down to the first floor where both Isami's parents are waiting for her

Father of Isami: "Oya? Son-in-law I did not see you were here, how have you been? "He asks, since he has a great time with the white-haired boy

Allen: Excellent Mr. Hyoudou, what about you? "He replies calmly only to get a chuckle from the girl's father and the answer he has given him every morning he goes looking for his friend

Isami's father: "I could not be better, and what did I tell you? Call me Father in law ~ no Mr. Hyoudou, does not it cost a lot? "He laughed at the white-haired boy with a small drop of sweat on his head to continue with the morning comedy until they heard footsteps on the second floor, to see go down the girl in question with someone else, another voluptuous young girl with crimson hair, freezing both parents and taking a mental laugh from the white hair, but looking at her without expression as he wants to continue bothering her

Isami's father: "I-Isami ... who is she?" They ask her since they did not expect her to be together with a girl who looks foreign on all sides getting the brown-haired girl to stand with a strong blush on her cheeks looking for a place to escape until she sees a white haired boy looking at her seriously

Allen: "So you were together with Gremory-senpai, huh?" Taking a white handkerchief out of his pocket to pass it through the nonexistent tears that fall "you cheat me Isami-chyan" placing his face as hurt as possible while inside is rolling, laughing together with both of his companions

Rias: "Ara, you're here too, Kohai-kun" greets the white haired boy, since she knows him, being him the Prince of Kuoh

Allen: "Are? Rias-senpai, good morning "he greets her as if it was not the great thing while he thinks 'yep, I need popcorn and I'm watching a perfect comedy'

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