In fact, Luo Ren had already discussed this wave with Xi Yang, that is, to trick Ryze to come and kill him.

Xi Yang's Titan used his ultimate on Xiao Hu, so Xiao Hu's Ryze was knocked away, and Luo Ren's Jayce stepped forward to deal damage, AWA...

Suddenly, the opponent's Shen handed over an E skill, and Luo Ren opened the acceleration gate and stepped back to dodge it!

Remember exclaimed: "Oh my god, Jayce's reaction is so fast, can he dodge it? Jayce switched forms and used Sky Leap, Ryze couldn't stand it and was killed instantly. This is a super-god Jayce, and Ryze can't bear his damage at all."

Guan Da couldn't stand it anymore, if he could, he wanted to leave directly.

Continue to deal damage to the opponent's Shen, at this time Titan couldn't stand it anymore, and pulled out the defense tower.

Let Di have an idea, he chose to give the ultimate to his teammates and run away!

Guan Da: "Shen is very smart. Now Titan's skills have been used up and there is no way to interrupt his ultimate."

Just as Guan Da finished speaking, Luo Ren's Jayce used a thunderbolt to interrupt Shen's ultimate, switched forms, and got the kill AWAAA!

Luo Ren completed a violent double kill in the top lane!

UZI's nose was crooked with anger: "No? Still giving away? You are still giving away? Can't you stop giving away?"

Rangdi and Xiaohu were both autistic. Xiaohu thought it was Rangdi's problem. If Rangdi hadn't insisted on him TPing over, he wouldn't have died.

But Rangdi thought it was all Xiaohu's problem. Xiaohu was too bad in the laning phase, allowing Jayce to roam endlessly.

After Luo Ren got the double kill, he also demolished the top lane tower and went back to fight the Rift Herald.

Mala Xiangguo took the little dragon to stop the loss.

The game lasted fourteen minutes. Luo Ren continued to lead the line in the top lane and used the Rift Herald to get the top lane second tower.

Jijie: "Jayce pushed the tower very quickly, relying on the defensive tower to supplement a lot of team economy for teammates."

Guan Da: "But it's useless, we are still at a disadvantage, and teammates can't be relied on this time."

Guan Da has realized that it is impossible to directly blacken Luo Ren's Jayce, because his performance is too good.

So he can only choose to start with Luo Ren's teammates. Anyway, this is a game for five people, so it's okay for him to say so.

The game time is 18 minutes. Luo Ren's Jayce is leading the line in the bottom lane and is pushing the second tower.

A fight suddenly broke out in the middle lane. The opponent's Ryze drove the jungler around, and a wave of four against three, OMG was defeated, and was beaten zero for three.

RNG fans saw hope again:

"Just play like this, and we can win by protecting the bottom lane."

"We can win if the others don't give up. I don't know why the top and mid laners have to give up to be happy."

"No one can win without doing anything, that's too outrageous."

"It's really speechless to meet such teammates."

Luo Ren was pushing the second tower in the bottom lane, and his first and second towers in the middle lane were pushed down by the opponent.

Now UZI's Varus is also super, and the morale of the OMG team collapsed:

"It feels like we can't win now, Varus is too fat, and there is a Shen and a Karma to protect him."

"How about Jayce come to the front and we team up together?"

"It feels like only Jayce can come, otherwise we can't fight at all."

After all, the OMG team is not very familiar with Luo Ren, and Xi Yang and Luo Ren had a little conflict before, so they are not too embarrassed to ask Luo Ren to do something now.

Luo Ren commanded: "Don't worry, everything is under control."

At this time, Luo Ren pushed the opponent's line of soldiers to the high ground, and then entered the lower half of the opponent's jungle to brush the jungle.

In fact, in the past ten minutes, Luo Ren not only pushed the line, but also cleared the opponent's jungle.

Unless there are three or more people on the opposite side, they dare not come to Luo Ren, which means that when Luo Ren enters the jungle, Karsa can only take the initiative to give up the jungle to Luo Ren.

The game time is 20 minutes, and the dragon is refreshed.

I remember the commentary: "It is a bit difficult for RNG to go directly to the high ground from the middle lane now. It is estimated that they still have to start with the dragon. Varus's output is very fast to kill the dragon."

Guan Da: "RNG controls the vision near the dragon, and ambush whoever comes will die."

Just then, Luo Ren's Jayce returned to the city for supplies, and the director gave a close-up.

Jayce has four pieces of equipment!

I remember exclaiming: "This is not right, four sets in 20 minutes? This development speed is a bit too fast."

"Although Jayce's equipment is relatively cheap, it shouldn't be so fast. Look at Jayce's last hits. Jayce last hit 270 in 20 minutes! This development is a bit abnormal! I guess a lot of it is from jungle farming."

Luo Ren's Jayce and his teammates walked towards the dragon pit together.

"The opponent may ambush, everyone be careful." The teammates were still saying to be careful of the opponent's ambush.

Luo Ren's Jayce suddenly attacked!

Jayce used QE to enter the bush outside the red buff!

This QE hit Ryze, Karma and Shen!Ryze and Karma lost half of their health!

Shen lost a quarter.

The whole audience was shocked:

"Fuck, what kind of damage is this? A shot hit the aorta, right?"

"You must be kidding me, can we still fight this team fight?"

"Run quickly, don't let the team fight start."

"Luckily, Uzi was not hit."

So RNG hurriedly retreated. Their health was too low, and if they really fought, they might not be able to win.

Taking this opportunity, Luo Ren and his teammates took back the vision of the dragon pit.

RNG was definitely reluctant, and did not pull away. Lee Sin and Shen were still wandering around.

Suddenly, Luo Ren's Jayce fired another QE!

Shen and Lee Sin moved at the same time, but they did not dodge. Shen still had half of his health left, and Lee Sin lost a third of his health.

Remember exclaimed: "This won't work. All the RNG players have been injured by Jayce. We have to go back to replenish immediately. Wait, what are OMG going to do? They are going to attack the Baron!"

On the screen, five OMG players are fighting the Baron together.

On the RNG side, Xiao Ming originally wanted to go back to replenish, but now he can't leave. If he leaves, no one will provide vision.

Not only him, but also those who originally planned to go back to replenish, except Shen, can only stay and continue to fight.

If everyone goes back, the Baron will be gone. Shen can go back because he has TP and ultimate to support.

"Go and have a look." Karsa commanded his teammates to go and take a look.

Shen TPed to the front and cleared the way for the RNG players.

"Be careful of Jayce!" Xiaohu reminded his teammates. No one can withstand a shot from Jayce now.

Suddenly, a blue trinket eye fell at the feet of the RNG players, and the positions of all five players were exposed.

So Jayce's next QE flew over!

Xiao Ming was quick-witted and flashed to avoid it!

But he dodged, but Xiaohu didn't, and Xiaohu became almost dead!

UZI was anxious: "Can't you guys move around a bit? If you keep taking Jayce's skills, how can you fight in a teamfight?"

Xiaohu said quickly: "I have TP, I'll go back for supplies."

Xiaohu returned to the city, causing RNG to not dare to explore, and could only throw a blue trinket eye over, and the dragon still had half blood!

Remember the commentator said: "This wave is very critical, I feel it is very likely to directly determine the outcome of the game, and now OMG has the upper hand temporarily with Jayce's consumption."

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