Now the audience basically thinks that DL is doomed to lose, and the game has lost suspense.

Of course, PDD also thinks so: "This is totally unbeatable. You said that you want to let the players get training, is this how you train? What's the use?"

Luo Ren comforted: "Don't worry, you're anxious just a few minutes after the game started?"

Suddenly, Miller's voice came from the audience: "Single kill! A single kill was completed in the top lane!"

Luo Ren looked at the screen and found that it was The shy's Riven who killed Duke's prince.

PDD's eyes lit up: "He can actually kill Duke alone, it seems okay..."

After all, Duke is SKT's champion top laner, although many people think that Duke has the element of lying down to win.

But no matter what, the title of champion top laner is not fake, and you can't win without any ability.

Soon, the director gave the replay. Through the replay, everyone found that this single kill was not so simple!

At the beginning of the replay, Riven's health advantage was already very large, and the last hit was twice as much!

This proves that before this wave of single kills, the Prince was basically in a state of being beaten.

It happened that there was a cannon cart in this wave of soldiers. The Prince used the Q skill to kill, but he was blocked by Riven and dared not go over, so he could only use Q to kill.

However, as soon as he used the Q skill, Riven approached with EQ3!

Xiao Ma analyzed: "This Riven must have blocked the Q skill in advance, and he has been waiting for this opportunity. Now the Prince has no Q and can only flash."

Although it seems that Riven has caught a good opportunity in this wave, the Prince still has flash at this time, so everyone thinks that he should not be killed alone.

Riven's next Q skill CD is ready, a set of light speed QA...

"Fuck, so fast? This person's light speed QA is so fast!" Xiao Ma was dumbfounded.

This wave of Riven's light speed QA far exceeded his imagination!

But this is not the point, the point is that the Prince gave up the flash before Q3 landed.

Riven had almost no delay, flashed Q3 to knock up, and then took down with a basic attack, all in one go!

It felt like Riven already knew that Prince was going to flash, and he flashed with Prince! It was predictable, and it was cool anyway.

PDD was not calm: "This guy's Riven is something, you know what, his proficiency feels no worse than those Rivens who are the best in the national server."

PDD looked at Xiao Ma, who was the best Noxus and Centaur in the national server, and a well-known top lane king, and was quite professional in this regard.

Xiao Ma nodded: "Well, this person's Riven proficiency is definitely not low, there is something."

However, PDD immediately calmed down: "But it's useless. There are many people who can kill randomly with Riven in the line, but none of them can play professionally. The difficulty of Riven lies in team fights, and the tolerance rate of team fights is too low."

Xiao Ma agreed: "This is also true, otherwise I will directly bring Noxus into the game to kill randomly. I can kill more than him, and I can't play in team fights."

Luo Ren laughed: "Don't worry, okay, keep reading."

In the jungle, the junglers on both sides were playing hide-and-seek. Ning Wang's Spider wanted to counter-jungle, but after invading the jungle, he found that he was fooled. This Pig Girl's jungle route was different from what he thought, and there was nothing in the jungle.

Although Wei did not GANK in the front, he perfectly avoided Ning Wang's Spider and did not let Ning Wang continue to play an advantage in the jungle.

Six minutes into the game, bad news came from the bottom lane. Crisp's Lulu was killed, and Jackeylove's Draven got the second kill.

The director gave Jackeylove a close-up of his expression. At this time, Jackeylove's mouth corners were raised, which showed confidence. That kind of confidence was not pretended, but revealed from the cabinet.

Many female audience members seemed to be moved:

"So handsome, this Jackeylove is so handsome."

"Wow... so handsome."

"I didn't expect there is such a handsome ADC in LPL, I want to play support for him."

"I want to give birth to a monkey for him..."

Da Sima blushed when he heard it, and said: "Young people nowadays are too outrageous."

PDD said: "Old Ma, you can't stand it, can't you stand this little stimulation? Hahaha."

Just then, PDD's cell phone rang. He took it out and saw that his face changed. After adjusting his expression, PDD answered the phone: "Hello, Principal, what can I do for you?"

When Luo Ren heard it, the person who could be called "Principal" in the circle must be Principal Wang.

PDD continued to communicate with Principal Wang: "Me? I'm on the second floor, box 001, where are you, Principal?"

"Want to come up? Of course you're welcome. I'll wait for you at the door."

PDD hung up the phone and looked at Luo Ren: "Principal Wang is coming. By the way, you don't seem to know Principal Wang yet."

Luo Ren replied: "No."

PDD stood up and patted Luo Ren on the shoulder: "I'll introduce you to him. Follow me."

So Luo Ren followed PDD to the door and opened it. Almost at the same time, a man walked to the door of the box with a smile on his face. Principal Wang!

Luo Ren recognized him at a glance. There were four women following Principal Wang, all dressed up and hot.

And they looked familiar. I always felt that I had seen them somewhere. They were probably some internet celebrities.

"Principal, come in." PDD greeted with a smile.

Principal Wang came in with four female companions and saw Luo Ren at a glance: "Isn't this the so-and-so?"

Principal Wang seemed to have an impression of Luo Ren.

PDD introduced: "This is the MSI champion, the power player of our LPL region, Luo Ren."

"Brother Luo, this is Principal Wang. You should have heard of him. "

Luo Ren greeted, "Hello, principal."

Principal Wang reached out and shook hands with Luo Ren, and said, "You are handsome, and you are good at playing games, not bad."

Luo Ren smiled, and several people walked to the sofa next to him. Principal Wang did not consider himself an outsider at all, and sat down directly.

After sitting down, Principal Wang said, "PDD, you said you are a shareholder of DL? Or the largest shareholder? What do you think? Too much money, right? Get a bunch of new recruits to burn money?"

PDD smiled and said, "How can there be too much money? The principal doesn't see how poor I am now. In fact, this is not my idea, it's his idea, and he chooses the people."

PDD pointed at Luo Ren.

Principal Wang asked, "Then what do you think? No, why don't you go up to play in the game?"

Luo Ren replied, "Now it's mainly to train other people. I don't need to train, so there's no need to go up to play in the game."

"Fuck, you... are you so confident? "Principal Wang seemed to be frightened by Luo Ren's confidence.

Luo Ren responded: "The five people I picked are all very talented. As long as they are given enough training opportunities, they will definitely achieve good results in the future."

Principal Wang laughed: "You guys were suppressed so badly in the bottom lane this time. If you guys were talented in the bottom lane, wouldn't our IG bottom lane be so powerful?"

Luo Ren said: "You guys are also very talented in the bottom lane, don't you know that, Principal Wang?"

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