The left-handed Cassiopeia was last-hitting under the defensive tower, and he was only half-blood at this time.

Suddenly, a Master Yi used his Q skill to jump out through the wall, and Counterstorm controlled the Cassiopeia, Syndra followed up with QE, and Spider followed up with Cocoon.

So the left-handed Cassiopeia was controlled to death, and the head was taken by Luo Ren's Master Yi.

The first blood broke out!

Wang Duoduo laughed: "Is this how you deal with your old teammates? No mercy at all, and it's the most stable way to kill. Master Yi controls, and the others follow up with control, so you can definitely hit."

Reta also laughed: "Zuo Shou's previous performance in the game was quite good. Today, he was under a lot of pressure against Rouji, and he was also targeted by his old teammates."

Guan Da was disdainful: "This kind of person comes to the middle lane to pick up heads. Snake Girl has already lost a lot of blood, and there is Spider to help. This head is equivalent to feeding Master Yi."

"Now Master Yi has a first blood head, and the laning in the top lane is not fair."

The director gave a close-up of Zuo Shou, who smiled awkwardly, and seemed to be in a complicated mood.

Luo Ren returned to the city to replenish a wave, and then TPed to the top lane to continue the laning.

The shy's Fiora has not returned yet, and he seems to want to stay.

The top lane soldiers are controlled by Fiora, and the soldiers are in this position. It is very advantageous for Fiora, who can attack or defend.

Luo Ren's flaw refreshed in front, which was not a friendly position for him.

As expected, as soon as Luo Ren approached the minions, Fiora poked him.

Luo Ren immediately used Counter Storm to counterattack, AEA...

"Ready!" Suddenly, Fiora used her W skill Laurent's Heart Eye Knife, as if to counter Weapon Master's W skill. Luo Ren moved to the side to avoid Fiora's W, and then used her Q skill to jump back.

The flaw refreshed, and the next flaw position was not good. There was no need to continue to fight, so he just grinded slowly.

Rita commented: "Another wave of blood exchange, this time the Weapon Master still made a profit, although not much, but a little can add up to a lot."

At this time, Ning Wang sent a signal to the top lane: "I'm coming, you can cross the tower."

So Luo Ren chose to push the line quickly, and Fiora hit the flaw.

After the line of soldiers entered the tower, Luo Ren's E CD was turned on, and Fiora's W must be fast.

"He has W." Luo Ren reminded Ning Wang.

At this time, Ning Wang had already approached Fiora from behind the defense tower, and the arrow was on the string and had to be shot.

"You control first, I'll take it." Ning Wang chose to give the most difficult task to Luo Ren.

As long as Luo Ren can control the person, this wave will definitely be killed.

Luo Ren approached Fiora under the tower and started a counterattack storm.

Wang Duoduo explained: "This wave is very critical! The game between Master Yi and Fiora, if Fiora can hand over W in time, then he still has room for operation..."

As Wang Duoduo was talking, Fiora handed over the W skill first, but couldn't hold it back!

However, Gragas also appeared!

Wei's Gragas rushed over from behind.

Fiora handed over Flash and followed up with Q skills, Ning Wang handed over Cocoon, but it was empty!

"Let's go." Luo Ren didn't want to fight at first, but Ning Wang seemed to have gotten excited, so he chose to chase him and continue fighting.

Luo Ren could only follow behind. Ning Wang's Spider used AQW to attack Fiora, then switched forms, flew into the air, and landed on Fiora.

Almost at the same time, Gragas used his E skill, so Spider flashed to the other side of Fiora, but Gragas also flashed, and used E to control Spider!

Guan Da cheered: "Very nice reaction! Gragas's reaction was too timely. Now Spider is lured into the enemy's depth. Gragas and Fiora focus their fire. Spider is going to die!"

At this moment, Luo Ren's Master Yi flashed Q to find Fiora, and Spider used all his skills on Fiora before dying.

"I tried my best." Ning Wang's Spider was killed.

Luo Ren was a little speechless. What does it mean to try your best? He shouldn't have been on the attack in the first place.

Luo Ren continued to attack Fiora, and Fiora used her Q skill to retreat.

Luo Ren's next Q was ready, and he pretended to chase forward, but suddenly turned back. Sure enough, Gragas came over with a belly full of bullets, and passed by Master Yi!

Reta exclaimed: "It's a very nice step back. If he hadn't stepped back and jumped up directly, he would have been knocked down by the barrel! The Master of Arms gave up his Q to follow up, and AWA took the head of Fiora. One for one, it's acceptable!"

Guan Da was a little anxious: "No, what is this barrel doing? Is it necessary to use the skill so quickly? Fiora didn't have to die, and there was even a chance to kill the Master of Arms!"

After killing Fiora, Luo Ren chose to retreat, and Wei's barrel didn't entangle much, it was meaningless.

Luo Ren chose to return to the line to continue development, and The shy's Fiora TP came back. This wave was acceptable to both sides.

Road, since being caught just now, Zuoshou's style of play is much more cautious than at the beginning.

Rouji's Syndra completely dominated the middle lane.

"I found it's true. After he was killed once, his style of play is completely different." Rouji said in surprise.

He also felt very strange. The first blood head was not his, and he only got an assist. The advantage was actually very small. Logically, Snake Girl didn't need to make such a big change.

Then we can only think that it is the same as what Luo Ren said, this is a personality problem.

In the top lane, after the two sides re-lined, The shy's Fiora continued to maintain an active offensive style of play, and whenever there was a flaw, she would come up and try.

However, Luo Ren countered successfully every time, and the blood volume gap became larger and larger.

Six minutes into the game, The shy's Fiora was at low blood, and Luo Ren led a wave of soldiers into the defensive tower.

Seeing that The shy had no intention of going back, Luo Ren wanted to kill!

But now Fiora has W, Luo Ren has to try to deceive.

Reta commented: "It seems that the top lane is going to fight again, and it's a tower dive! This wave feels very risky, and Fiora still has W."

Luo Ren's Master Yi approached the defensive tower and pretended to attack the defensive tower first. Just as he thought, The shy's Fiora was really brave and took the initiative to Q up to break the flaw.

This behavior is self-confidence. He feels that he can operate and takes the initiative to ask for a fight.

Luo Ren opened the counter storm to block Fiora's Q, then AWA to Fiora and continued to chase forward.

The audience held their breath, and the victory or failure depended on this move!

Seeing that the counter storm was about to end, suddenly, Fiora handed over W!

An outrageous scene appeared!

This Fiora's W was thrown behind her!

But Luo Ren's Master Yi was in front of him and was not affected. Although the control and damage of the E skill were blocked, the Master Yi was not controlled and the attack speed was not reduced. AQAA took away Fiora!

Luo Ren completed the tower dive alone!

Guan Da exclaimed: "Why? Why did this Sword Lady use W behind him? Did he make a mistake? Definitely a mistake, otherwise it would be impossible."

Reta speculated: "Is it possible, I mean possible, that he was predicting the Weapon Master's Q? Did he think that the Weapon Master would use the Q skill and jump behind him?"

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