The comments in the live broadcast room were boiling:

"No, bro, what's so funny about this? You got killed by a single player."

"Did they do it on purpose? They let XLG get killed by a single player."

"If it was acting, it would be too realistic. They were working hard."

"What are these two doing?"

The shy's smile even caused some people to suspect that he was playing a fake game.

Luo Ren returned to the city to replenish supplies and moved to the bottom lane to lead the line.

The game time quickly came to 21 minutes. Luo Ren had cleared the bottom lane and pushed it to the opposite high ground.

DL's focus was now on the middle lane. Wei knew that Luo Ren was difficult to deal with. He might not win even if he went two-on-one, so he simply ignored it.

With the cooperation of his teammates, he finally got the IG middle lane tower, which was considered progress.

Seeing that Master Yi was about to go to the high ground in the bottom lane, Wei commanded: "Now we either fight the dragon to force a team fight, or go and capture this Master Yi, otherwise we will die slowly."

Gala reminded: "My development is average now, and I am not fast at killing the dragon."

Zuoshou had a similar problem: "I am also slow at killing the dragon now."

Wei: "Then we have only one way to capture the bottom lane."

For Wei, it was fortunate that they pushed the IG middle lane tower, and now there was more room for movement. If Master Yi was more aggressive, they would have a chance to capture him if they were not careful.

Of course, the vision of the dragon pit must be guaranteed to avoid IG stealing the dragon.

Twenty-three minutes into the game, DL suddenly caught a wave of opportunities!

At this time, Gala and Crisp pushed the middle lane soldiers in front of IG's second tower, and Master Yi took the highland defense tower in the bottom lane. His position was very deep!

In addition, the positions of DL people were very scattered now, and they had to walk a long way to kill the dragon!

"Go to the bottom lane! Grab the bottom lane!" Crisp led Gala to the bottom lane.

"Then I'll go to the Baron. I'm too late." At this time, Wei was still in the upper jungle area and had no time to go with the duo.

On the commentary stand, Wang Duoduo explained: "Here we go! The DL duo must cooperate with Fiora to gank the bottom lane. Braum is quite restrained against heroes like Weapon Master. As long as the policewoman's operation is fine, Weapon Master will definitely die."

Jide agreed: "And now the other DL players are scattered, and it's too late to kill the Baron."

The audience became nervous, and the director's camera was fixed on Weapon Master.

In the bottom lane, Luo Ren was taking the highland crystal of the opposite side. Suddenly, A Shui gave him a signal to retreat: "The opposite side may go to catch you, go quickly."

Luo Ren was very calm: "You go to kill the Baron, I can delay time."

Luo Ren pushed the highland crystal while moving forward, and he was ready to walk the dog.

Of course, how to play depends on how many people come from the opposite side.

Soon, the policewoman and Braum appeared, and the two approached from the side and back.

Seeing his teammates in place, The shy's Fiora went up first!

Fiora used her Q to rush up, and used her ultimate on the Weapon Master.

Luo Ren first took down the highland crystal, and then pretended to fight with Fiora.

Suddenly, Fiora directly used her W skill, Laurent's Heart Eye Knife!

"Move!" This wave of Fiora's attack was very sudden, and Luo Ren didn't even start the counter storm, and Fiora used her W first.

This was obviously not a mistake, but to reduce the attack speed!

The Weapon Master is very dependent on attack speed, and after Fiora's W hits, it can reduce the opponent's attack speed by 50%, which has a huge impact on the Weapon Master.

Fortunately, Luo Ren reacted quickly, canceled his own basic attack action, and barely dodged.

The opposite Braum approached, and he first used his Q skill to test, while blocking around the policewoman, ready to protect him at any time.

Luo Ren started the counter storm, and suddenly moved forward and pretended to go to the policewoman.

As expected, the policewoman retreated immediately, and Luo Ren turned back and continued to attack Fiora.

At the moment when the policewoman turned back to attack, an incredible scene happened!

The weapon master flashed Q close to Gala and controlled the policewoman and Braum together!

AWA giant Hydra A, everyone saw that the street lamp in the weapon master's hand never stopped, and directly melted Gala's policewoman!

Wang Duoduo exclaimed: "The policewoman was killed instantly! A full-blooded policewoman was killed instantly! My God, this weapon master is too powerful, and the policewoman and Braum were controlled together, so Braum couldn't help at the first time. It's useless to hand over the ultimate move now."

After killing the policewoman, Luo Ren turned back to look for Braum and Fiora.

Knowing that he couldn't beat them, he could only choose to retreat.

At the same time, the four people in the front of IG had already started to fight the big dragon!

Wei took a look, it's bad, now there are three people missing, just him and the snake girl, can this big dragon be defended?

This is not over yet. In the bottom lane, Luo Ren continued to move forward with the soldiers and headed for the opposite front tower.

In this way, The shy's sword princess did not dare to TP to the front. Braum alone could not defend the master of weapons.

Remember the commentator said: "This wave of three-on-one was not beaten? My God, this master of weapons pulled Gala to show off. He didn't even use his flash and E skills and was killed instantly! Is this the strength of a power leveler? It's so terrifying!"

Reta continued: "Now it depends on whether Wei's barrel can grab the dragon, but he has been discovered by the vision. Tam is looking for him. The barrel can only run, otherwise it will be a dead end. The dragon was taken by IG!"

At this time, in the box on the second floor, PDD, who was watching the game, was stunned: "Ah, we are going to lose? DL is going to lose? No way?"

As a shareholder of DL, he naturally doesn't want DL to lose, but in this situation, DL has no chance of turning the tables.

After taking down the Baron, Luo Ren and his teammates went back to the city for supplies.

Ning Wang praised: "Awesome, you can win even if you fight three, awesome!"

Luo Ren said: "It's one wave, I'll push the bottom lane, you guys push the middle lane, and end the game in one wave."

So IG started to push the lines separately, Luo Ren led the super soldiers to the opposite front tower and base crystal in the bottom lane, and his teammates were in the middle lane.

DL was pulled back and forth, and had to defend the bottom lane and the middle lane. In order to prevent being attacked by Master Yi, they had to give up the middle lane defense tower and retreat all the way to the high ground.

Wei was a little anxious, he knew he had to start the team fight first, otherwise he would lose everything if he kept dragging it out.

So Wei saw the opportunity, took advantage of Varus's coming up to kill, and used E to flash the ultimate move!

Remember exclaimed: "Verus was blown back by Gragas! Gragas found a very good angle, but there was Tam! Tam swallowed Varus in mid-air, is this okay?"

Reta continued: "Now the four people in front of DL are standing more concentrated, and Master Yi is coming! Master Yi enters the field from the back, DL is sandwiched in the middle, Snake Lady's ultimate, Master Yi turns back, never petrified!"

Luo Ren's Master Yi enters the field and outputs crazily, moves to avoid Snake Lady's Q, activates Counter Storm to be immune to Sheriff's basic attack, at this time he is invincible, almost no blood loss, and no one can withstand his output.

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