Eun-jeong began to introduce: "In the first wave of confrontation, Syndra had the upper hand. Syndra is a very powerful hero. When she releases the Q skill, there is no stiffness, which means that she does not need to stop and walk, and will not give the opponent a chance."

"Lucian is stiff when he releases the Q skill, and Syndra seized the opportunity in this wave."

Guan Da was uncomfortable now. Zhao Eun-jeong actually introduced it in such detail, and it felt very professional, which made him, who thought he was the most professional commentator, look better.

Guan Da said: "It doesn't matter, these are not the key, the main thing is to see the follow-up..."

The melee soldier was low on health and started to last hit. Lucian and Syndra were still pulling and adjusting their positions.

Sindra used the Q skill to collect the minions in advance, and then came up to put pressure on Lucian. In this way, Lucian might be ambushed when he was last hitting.

So Lucian and Syndra started to pull again. There was no way. Lucian could only choose to use the Q skill to last hit, so that he didn't need to hit three times, and he could get it done in one time.

However, while Lucian had no skills, Luo Ren's Syndra naturally had to come up to suppress him.

Lucian could only retreat first.

The second wave of soldiers came, and Luo Ren's Syndra stood on the side of the soldiers. At this position, as long as Lucian came up to last hit, he would be within the range of Syndra's Q skill.

So Zhao Enjing explained: "Now Syndra is putting a lot of pressure on Lucian. Lucian will have to go up and try sooner or later..."

As soon as the voice fell, Scout's Lucian took the initiative to approach the soldiers and moved back and forth, as if trying to cheat the skills.

Luo Ren didn't care how Lucian moved, he just stuck in position and last hit, without any extra movements.

Soon, Lucian couldn't help it, closed the distance, and Syndra's Q shot!

"Move!" Scout kept watching Syndra's movements, waiting for Syndra to make a move, and moved at the first time.

But it was too late, and he was still hit by Syndra's Q skill.

Wang Duoduo felt something was wrong: "Syndra is putting too much pressure on me. Why do I feel like Lucian can't win the laning match?"

Guan Da would not agree with this statement: "Syndra's position is unreasonable? Isn't he afraid of the jungler? He is a squishy without displacement."

Enjing was stunned. She reminded him: "At this time... the jungler should still be brushing the jungle and can't come to the middle lane."

Guan Da argued: "What if the jungler comes to the middle lane at level 2, won't Syndra's flash be gone?"

At this moment, Syndra was the first to reach level 2. Not only that, Syndra happened to use Q, so she clicked the E skill and used the E skill to control Lucian!

The action was very coherent. If you don't know, you might think he was originally level 2 and had the E skill.

Syndra walked forward and used a basic attack to trigger the electrocution. At this time, Lucian was already half-blood, while Syndra was still full of blood!

In the official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling:

"Oh my god, this Syndra is quite fierce in the laning phase, brothers, Scout is completely suppressed."

"Is the pressure so great? No way."

"Scout can't beat it, just stay alive and don't give up heads."

"Yes, this is a five-person game. If you can't beat it, just develop, don't give up."

In the top lane, The shy's Fiora and Rambo are laning. Originally, everyone thought that Rambo should have the advantage, but now, Rambo can only use the E skill to kill from a distance, and he dare not go up at all.

"The Fiora on the opposite side is quite good." Ray wanted his teammates to help in the top lane.

Zz1tai's Rek'Sai was still brushing the jungle: "Don't worry, stay steady, and wait for me to come."

In the bottom lane, the bottom lanes of both sides are basically 50-50. The policewoman has a long arm, but the ice is not short either. There is no obvious advantage or disadvantage, and both can play.

Three and a half minutes into the game, Lucian has been suppressed by Syndra under the defensive tower.

Suddenly, while Syndra was using her Q skill, Lucian used her E to dodge and close the distance between them, dealing damage while moving.

However, Luo Ren's Syndra did not use the Weakling Retreat immediately. Now using E only pushed Lucian away, which was not enough.

Syndra first used W to pick up the Dark Orb and threw it over to slow down Lucian. She paused for a while to wait for the CD of her skill, used a Weakling Retreat to control Lucian, and finally used a Q to send out Electric Punishment. After a full set of attacks, Lucian's health was depleted.

Eun Jung praised, "Syndra is so calm. Most people would have used their E skill long ago when they saw Lucian's E coming up, but if that were the case, the damage would definitely not be enough. XLG was able to respond calmly and choose a combo with the highest damage."

The director gave Scout a close-up. At this time, Scout was very serious, as if he was facing a great enemy.

"Be careful in the middle lane, the opposing jungler may catch you.. "Wei suddenly gave Luo Ren a signal.

At this time, Wei was looking for an opportunity in the bottom lane, and he didn't expect Luo Ren to be so aggressive in the middle lane.

"It's okay, I know my limits."

But just after he finished speaking, the opposite Lucian was not right, and he approached Luo Ren.

At the same time, Rek'Sai approached from the side and was flanked!

Guan Da cheered: "Sindra is gone, you like to suppress, right? Isn't it the same as giving away heads in this position? If you like to suppress without thinking when you have a little advantage, you will definitely not go far."

Although he saw Rek'Sai's position, Luo Ren was not panicked at all. He fought and retreated, using Q and W skills to consume Lucian, and walked to the bush below.

So, an outrageous scene appeared.

After the factory manager approached Syndra, he suddenly stopped going up again!

He seemed to be worried about something and turned back directly.

"Ah? What is the factory doing? Isn't he going up? "Guan Da's jaw almost dropped to the ground.

Luo Ren's Syndra decisively chased Rek'Sai and Lucian, chasing and fighting the two.

Guan Da's mentality suddenly exploded:

"Fight! You guys fight him, isn't he giving away for nothing?"

However, Zweilin didn't go up, and even chose to dig a tunnel and leave.

Guan Da's defense was broken: "Why not fight? Why not fight, operation, Syndra is already dead!"

Enjing analyzed: "I think the reason why Zweilin didn't go up is not complicated. He thought that Gragas was in the bush below, and Lucian was in a bad state. If he couldn't beat two on two, he could only give up. "

In the official live broadcast room, the barrage was boiling:

"Hahahahaha, is this Zweilin? He is really too stable, I cry to death. "

"Zweilin is really something, he doesn't want such a good opportunity. "

"You don't dare to fight two on one, go home and raise pigs. "

"This is the Mingkai we are familiar with! ”

The game is still going on. After defeating Zzaichang, Luo Ren chose to continue developing in the middle lane.

Lucian was embarrassed now. Not only did the jungler fail to catch anyone in the middle lane gank, but Lucian was also hit with a set of damage, leaving him with very little health.

Luo Ren pushed a wave of soldiers into the defensive tower. Because he had ignite, Lucian chose to be greedy and wanted to push the soldiers before going back.

"Are you looking for death?" Luo Ren saw that his chance had come!

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