The factory manager was stunned. Although the top and jungle on the opposite side were both low on health, there were two of them anyway. Was it just a matter of going up?

Luo Ren continued, "I am Draven. I get extra rewards for getting kills. Even if you trade one for one with the opponent in the end, you will still make money, understand?"

The factory manager understood what Luo Ren meant. He actually knew that Draven made a lot of money by getting kills, but he was just timid.

Now that Luo Ren said so, he naturally had to go up.

So the factory manager came to the wall, Draven pressed forward, exposing the position of the low-health Prince behind the defense tower, Draven drove forward, and Rambo retreated.

"Go!" Luo Ren gave an order.

At this time, Rambo and Prince stood together!

The factory manager's Gragas didn't even have time to drink, and he directly flashed over the wall with E to knock out two people and followed up with a Q skill. Luo Ren's Draven went forward to output, one axe, two axes, and one E shot! Prince's EQ was interrupted again!

"No?" Wei was surprised. This Draven's E has prediction!

Luo Ren went forward and continued to output an axe to take down the prince. Rambo activated his Q skill to output Gragas. Gragas took two damages from the defense tower. Rambo continued to chase. Seeing that he was about to be pulled away, he flashed and output to kill Gragas.

But Draven flashed up, and Rambo's head was also taken by Draven!

Zhao Enjing explained: "Grandpa was very decisive this time, helping Draven to get a double kill. Although he himself was replaced, it is completely acceptable!"

Colonel Guan was stunned. He couldn't believe that this was the factory director's Gragas!

In his impression, the factory director was very stable, even too stable, and would miss many opportunities. Logically, he would definitely not go up at this time.

Luo Ren's Draven cut off a wave of soldiers, and then returned to the city for supplies. The Storm Sword was almost there, so he made the pickaxe and straw shoes first.

Luo Ren returned to the top lane and continued to fight, saying, "Look, I said it would definitely win."

At this time, the factory manager's heartbeat accelerated, this was an unprecedented feeling!

He was too stable before, so he didn't have the opportunity to make similar attempts. Now he finally has the opportunity to prove himself.

Suddenly, news came from the middle lane that Lucian and Ahri had swapped, one for one!

Wang Duoduo explained: "The middle lane killed each other, and both of them had ignite, which was very fierce. In the end, they were burned to death by the opponent's ignition. This game was full of gunpowder. Both sides played freely."

In the bottom lane, the two EDG bottom laners were beaten back first, and lost a few soldiers. DL bottom lane got some results with the hero advantage.

The director's camera was given to the top lane again. The top lane Rambo was driven out of the experience zone again, and still couldn't play.

Seeing the situation in the top lane, Wei was a little anxious. He knew Luo Ren's strength very well.

If Luo Ren continued to snowball in the top lane, The shy would soon be unable to stay under the defensive tower.

"Mid lane, come with me to the top lane to gank, can you push the line?" Wei wanted to call Zuoshou, it would definitely not be enough for him to go alone.

"I'll try." However, Zuoshou also had his own difficulties, and Lucian put a lot of pressure on him.

"Is there no flash in the middle lane on the opposite side? I'll help you gank." Wei thought about it and thought, why not just go to the middle lane to gank, first help Ahri establish an advantage, and then roam with Ahri!

So the game time was five minutes, Wei came to the middle lane to gank, Ahri took the lead and hit the chain, Lucian wanted to counterattack, but found that Prince came, and finally failed to break the chain and was controlled, and Prince cooperated with Ahri to kill.

"Let's go to the top lane..." Wei just finished speaking, and the top lane was caught, and the factory manager's barrel went to the top lane to gank and help cross the tower, two level 5s hit one level 3, and they were killed directly, without a chance to change one.

Wang Duoduo commented: "What a fast pace! Both sides suddenly accelerated the pace, and the battle on the line was very fierce, so it was easy for the jungler to gank."

Zhao Enjing continued: "Now Draven has three kills, how to deal with it? Prince can't come alone, he must bring Ahri, and he can't be counter-ganked."

This is not over yet. Luo Ren has crossed the defensive tower to cut off the line of soldiers in the top lane, and the factory manager's barrel is brushing the jungle next to him. Rambo has no TP and can't get back to the line at all.

In the official live broadcast room, the barrage is boiling:

"Fuck, this is not a human being at all."

"Don't give him a chance to survive? Leave a way out for others so that we can meet again in the future."

"Rambo is still level 3? Draven is almost level 6!"

"No, I remember The shy is very strong. He was beaten into a human machine when he met the power leveling brother?"

Before, Luo Ren never played in the game, and The shy played the game. He has already made a name for himself in LPL. Many people even think that he has the potential to become the strongest top laner in LPL.

Of course, Luo Ren was not included in the discussion.Because he also played in the middle lane, he can't be simply classified as a top laner.

But this person who is considered to have the potential to become the top laner in LPL was beaten into a human machine by Luo Ren in the top lane. The shock brought by this contrast made everyone at a loss!

The shy is also very smart. He knew that the barrel was probably still there, so he chose to call people: "The opponent's jungler should still be there. I can't go online now."

"Left Hand, let's go to the top lane." Wei took Left Hand to the top lane together.

It happened that Left Hand's Leblanc was upgraded to level 6.

On the EDG side, Scout gave a signal: "The opponent's mid laner disappeared."

He didn't go to the top lane directly. Now he didn't know where the opponent's Leblanc had gone. There was no vision next to him, so he couldn't move around casually or he would die.

"Let's go?" In the top lane, the factory manager began to back down. If the opponent's mid and jungle came over, it would be two against three.

"You can fight, believe me." Luo Ren was not panicked at all. He was now level 6, the opposite Prince was level 5, and Rambo was level 3. It looked like three people, but in fact it was only two and a half.

Soon, Prince and Leblanc appeared! Zz1tai's Gragas was in the bush and saw the two people on the opposite side first.

The opposite side put a ward first, and Zz1tai's position was exposed!

Colonel Guan commented: "If he doesn't leave yet, does Draven think he is invincible? How dare he hang around here? If Leblanc takes Draven's head, DL will be safe!"

An outrageous scene appeared. Seeing the three people on the opposite side, Luo Ren's Draven took the initiative to rush up to output!

So Prince decisively used EQ twice, and Luo Ren used W to accelerate and move sideways to avoid it!

Almost at the same time, Leblanc QW came up, and Draven interrupted with an E!

Wang Duoduo explained: "Enchantress's E was interrupted, which was very critical. Enchantress's damage was not dealt. Gragas gave all his belly to Jarvan. Draven surrendered his ultimate and continued to damage. Jarvan could not bear it at all!"

"Draven was still moving while damaging. Enchantress's chain was also empty! The ultimate copied the chain, but it was still empty. No way, what are you doing, Left Hand?"

Luo Ren's Draven took Jarvan's head first, and then turned to damage Enchantress. Rambo originally wanted to come up to damage, but seeing his teammates in this situation, he chose to give up, otherwise he would just give away heads.

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