If he continues to fight Varus, Varus will rely on his Q skill to consume him, and he will be exhausted to death sooner or later.

Instead of doing this, Varus with armor penetration is not good for team battles.

So, Xiaohu and Rangdi went to the middle lane together, ready to cooperate with the duo to group together.

Colonel Guan seemed to see hope: "Here it comes! This time RNG took the initiative to attack, and it should be easier to fight with five people in a group."

"Vairus is armor penetration, and the continuous output is not enough. As long as we decisively start a team, there will be no problem."

On the DL side, both the top and bottom lanes sent signals, and at the same time, the vision also saw that the opponent was gathering in the middle lane.

The shy: "I have TP!"

Left Hand: "I have it too."

Luo Ren estimated that there were five people on the opposite side. If there were only three people on his side defending in the middle lane, it would be easy to have problems.

"Left Hand, come back and let the top lane lead the line."

So Left Hand's Corki also rushed to the middle lane to defend.

As the soldiers were about to enter the defensive tower, Luo Ren's Varus charged his Q skill and fired a Q.

The Q skill hit the soldier line, killing the soldiers and injuring them.

The airplane followed up with the ultimate skill and finished with a Q skill, and the wave of soldiers was gone.

Jin Minna commented: "RNG wanted to fight a team fight, but DL didn't want to, so they dragged it out. The Blue Steel Shadow was leading the soldiers in the top lane, and the second tower was about to be taken. If RNG didn't defend, they could go to the high ground."

Miller continued: "I feel that RNG is very entangled now. They have paid the sunk cost. If they continue to go back to defend, it will be a loss in vain."

"Then there is only one way to go!"

In the middle lane, UZI urged frantically: "Start a team fight, start a team fight, what are you doing? The home is going to be lost, and we are going to be killed in a wave!"

So, Xiaohu's Clockwork gave the ball to Rangdi.

"Good guy..." Rangdi understood that he was being blamed.

All the skills were given to him, so he needed to be responsible for starting a team fight.

But the opponent has flash and displacement, so it is not so easy for him to start a team fight.

The next wave of soldiers enters the defense tower, and there are not many opportunities.

So let Emperor pull back and forth first to test it.

At the moment when the plane came up to clear the soldiers, the stone man flashed the ultimate move!

"It didn't flash out!" Zuo Shou was dumbfounded, he pressed the flash a little slowly.

Clockwork followed up with the ultimate move, the policewoman output, and the plane was killed instantly!

Colonel Guan cheered: "Nice! This plane is just pretending, he is just pretending, he can't react at all, and he pretends as if it's real."

Jin Minna continued: "But it's useless now, the stone man is controlled, Varus also used Q to clear the soldiers, making it impossible for the opponent to push the tower, and the stone man was killed by the defense tower."

"In the end, it was a one-for-one fight, and they didn't have a chance to push the tower."

The camera turned, and the highland defense tower on the top lane was pushed down by the blue steel shadow, and then the highland crystal.

"Go back, go back quickly! This time UZI really can't help it. If he doesn't go back to defend, he will be attacked!"

RNG players all chose to retreat, trying to find a place to go back.

"Chase! Chase together!" Luo Ren would not give them a chance and led his teammates to chase.

So RNG players could only find a safe place to go home again.

Miller explained: "RNG is anxious now. They are being dragged and can't go back. Qing Gangying is pushing the front tower. Will they be attacked?"

Fortunately, RNG's middle lane tower was still there, and UZI's return to the city behind the tower was not interrupted.

When RNG players rushed out of the fountain, Qing Gangying took down a front tower and ran away.

In the front middle lane, Luo Ren led his teammates to counterattack and took down the middle lane tower.

Kim Min-na commented: "RNG has now entered a death spiral. They can't join the team fight, can't push the team, and can't continue to fight in the laning phase. None of this will work."

Miller agreed: "I agree with this point. DL's pulling is very good. Although they have a big economic advantage, their lineup is not suitable for team fights, so they won't fight. Anyway, they can win by pushing the team, so there is no need to take risks."

Twenty-two minutes into the game, The shy's Qing Gangying was about to go to the high ground in the bottom lane.

At the same time, the other DL people were near the Baron pit, obviously trying to use the Baron to pull RNG.

Kim Min-na analyzed: "RNG must make a choice now, whether to defend the Baron or the bottom lane high ground, they have to choose one."

Miller agreed: "That's right, and RNG must make a choice immediately, otherwise it is very likely that they will not have both."

Suddenly, RNG moved, and the duo and the jungler went to the bottom lane to find Qing Gangying.

At this time, The shy's Qing Gangying was very arrogant, and he could even take the damage of the stone man to destroy the tower.

Anyway, this stone man has no output ability.

Suddenly, Caitlyn, Karma and Mantis came from the jungle together..

"Three." The shy was very calm, he knew the opponent would come sooner or later.

So the front teammates started to kill the dragon.

The shy operated in the bottom lane to delay RNG.

Although he was killed in the end, the time gained was enough for DL ​​to finish killing the dragon.

Jin Minna commented: "RNG chose to use the dragon to exchange for a kill of The shy player's Qing Gangying. Although this kill was finally given to the policewoman, it was still a loss."

Miller agreed: "The policewoman's equipment is far from enough for him to carry, but can he delay until that time? I think it's difficult."

On the DL side, everyone went back to the city for supplies, led the line of soldiers first, and then the five people pushed forward in the middle lane.

Luo Ren commanded: "It's time to send RNG home."

Upon hearing this, everyone got excited.

Wei: "I'll lure the opponent and trick the Stoneman into using his ultimate."

Left Hand: "I'll throw my skills from behind."

Crisp reminded his teammates: "The Stoneman on the opposite side has one minute left to flash."

This one minute is enough time!

As long as the Stoneman doesn't flash, it's easy to control the distance he starts a team fight.

Soon, the mid lane soldiers entered the defensive tower, and Luo Ren's Varus was charging his Q skill from behind.

Seeing the opponent clear the soldiers, Varus' Q shot... hit Mantis, and Mantis lost one-third of his health!

Miller exclaimed: "This output is too terrifying, right? My God, is this the power of armor-piercing Varus?"

Jin Mina explained: "We must add a qualifier, it is the armor-piercing Varus with an advantage. Now RNG still has the same problem, we must start a team fight immediately."

"If we don't start a team fight, we will definitely be consumed, but starting a team fight also has problems. It's hard to win when the opponent has the big dragon buff. We are in a dilemma."

At the moment when Luo Ren's second Q hit the policewoman and took away one-third of the policewoman's health.

Let Di's stone man give up his ultimate!

This ultimate is aimed at Spider and Qing Gangying!

"Big me?" Wei didn't expect that he would be hit by the stone man.

"Imperial!" Clockwork followed up with the ultimate.

The policewoman put the trap, Spider landed and was controlled, Mantis gave up the E skill to enter the field to harvest, and took down Spider with a WQ.

The team fight is about to start!

Luo Ren's Varus used his ultimate to control the opponent's Mantis.

Although Mantis was invisible, it did not prevent Luo Ren from using his Q skill to output.

After firing a Q, Mantis was left with little health!

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