Judging from the laning situation, it may be easier to catch in the top lane, but you need to guard against the opponent's jungler. If it is two on two, you can't beat it. Rek'Sai has a high burst in the early stage.

Luo Ren brushed to the upper jungle area, but he didn't rush to hit the red buff. Instead, he put a ward at the red buff and hit F6 first, and then walked towards the position of the stone beetle.

However, just when Luo Ren passed the red buff bush, suddenly, Rek'Sai appeared!

Rek'Sai dug a tunnel to get closer, and at the moment he knocked EZ away, EZ handed over the E skill!

Although the knock-up effect has occurred, because the distance is pulled away, Rek'Sai can't keep up with the subsequent skills and damage.

Zhao Enjing explained:

"What a quick reaction! Now EZ can counterattack by pulling away. Rek'Sai tried to move, but was hit! He continued to move, and W was also hit! Rek'Sai wanted to pull? Suddenly turned back..."

"EZ pulled back to keep distance, kite, Rek'Sai has no way now!"

Seeing that his pull had no effect, Rek'Sai entered the bush. He was waiting for Luo Ren's EZ to face the bush. Luo Ren used his Q skill to output and hit again.

"The opposite prince has passed." The signal was given in the top lane.

There was no way, Peanut could only give up, use the tunnel to return to the Baron pit, and escape.

In this way, Luo Ren could safely collect the red buff.

Zhao Enjing continued to explain: "Rek'Sai is at a disadvantage. He didn't take advantage and wasted a little time. Moreover, the route of clearing the jungle was exposed. EZ could have just cleared the jungle without ganking in the front."

"But Rek'Sai can't do that. This hero needs to set the pace in the early stage, otherwise the effect of teamfighting will not be good."

Luo Ren cleared a circle, went back to replenish supplies, and went to the second wave of wild monsters in the lower half of the jungle.

The situation on the three lanes was still similar. The blood exchange on the top lane was more frequent, but it was still on the safe line.

In the middle lane, Left Hand and Leblanc were both below half blood.

After reaching this blood volume, Syndra is definitely more dangerous than Leblanc.

Approaching Leblanc has displacement skills and passive Mirror Flower Water Moon, which has strong life-saving ability.

Luo Ren put a ward in the grass in the lower river to prevent the opposite Rek'Sai from ganking the middle lane.

Sure enough, Rek'Sai soon appeared, entered the grass, and started scanning.

Seeing that he was discovered, Rek'Sai could only go back to continue clearing the jungle.

The game time soon came to six minutes, and the second round of wild monsters refreshed.

I remember the commentator said: "The rhythm of this game is very slow. It feels that it is mainly because Rek'Sai failed to get the rhythm twice before, so he can only be forced to develop together. This rhythm is quite comfortable for EZ."

Guan Da said disdainfully: "Now Rek'Sai has reached level 6, and his GANK ability has been further improved. He is heading to the bottom lane. It seems that he is going to attack the bottom lane!"

I saw Rek'Sai enter the lower half of the DL jungle area, first take a look at the blue buff, confirm that the blue buff is gone, and there is no movement from the toad, which proves that there is no one, and then give the signal to the bottom lane:

"You can go up, I'm coming."

In the bottom lane, Gala's Tristana was pushing the line, and suddenly, the opposite Lulu gave the big mouth a speed up and rushed up to fight.

So Crisp's wind girl gave the big mouth a shield and chose to counterattack, although he knew that it might be the jungler coming.

But Tristana has W, if Rek'Sai comes from the river...

"Go! Rek'Sai is behind us!" Crisp suddenly reminded Gala.

Gala looked and saw that Rek'Sai was behind him!

Rek'Sai came from the triangle grass by digging a tunnel.

So Gala used her W skill to retreat and pull away.

"I can't use my W!" But an embarrassing problem occurred.

Lulu flashed and turned into a sheep, which directly caused Tristana's W to be unable to be used.

Kog'Maw continued to output, Janna flew over with the wind, and Kog'Maw flashed through.

Rek'Sai flashed W to knock Tristana away, followed by a set of skill damage.

So Gala's Tristana was killed!

First blood burst, Rek'Sai got some.

Guan Da cheered and jumped for joy: "Nice! Very nice, this is Xiaohuasheng's Rek'Sai!"

"He suddenly launched an attack from the triangle grass and magically went around. Who can defend against this?"

Jijie continued: "I have to say that the cooperation in the bottom lane was also perfect. They followed up at the first time and prevented Tristana from using any skills."

The director gave Xiaohuasheng a close-up of his expression.

Xiaohuasheng shook his head and seemed very happy, celebrating.

In the official live broadcast room, the barrage was boiling:

"Watch carefully, learn well, this is how to play jungle."

"I advise XLG to play in the lane honestly, jungle is not something you can play well."

"EZ, please help, where is EZ?"

"This is the cooperation of the world's top teams."

The camera turned, and Luo Ren's EZ had reached the topIn the half jungle, he was not in a hurry to gank the top lane.

The top laner was already level 6, and The shy's Jarvan II was controlling the minion line, so Rambo didn't dare to go out.

Rambo directly used his ultimate to clear the minion line.

Luo Ren cleared the opponent's upper half jungle, leaving a ward, and then went to his own upper half jungle to continue clearing.

Huni's Rambo on the top lane was still sneaking around, and just didn't come out.

Luo Ren cleared the jungle while waiting.

After more than half a minute, Rambo finally couldn't help it and came out to continue last-hitting and developing.

"Be careful in the bottom lane, I'm going to gank the top lane." Chen Nan reminded his teammates before taking action.

Luo Ren walked to the river, and The shy was ready. While Rambo came up to last-hit, he covered him with his ultimate.

Luo Ren's EZ came out of the river.

Just then Rek'Sai appeared!

Rambo counterattacked on the spot, and Rek'Sai also came up to find Jarvan II.

Colonel Guan commented: "We were fooled! Rek'Sai knew there was a threat in the top lane, so he came over to counter-camp, a perfect counter-camp!"

Zhao Enjing said: "But Rambo didn't have a big move, so we could definitely fight two on two. When Rek'Sai approached and was about to knock him up, Prince used EQ to knock him up, and the control was offset... Rambo flashed, and Prince followed up, and EQ flashed and knocked him up!"

"EZ followed up with the big move, and used the E skill to face-to-face output. The passive was full, and EZ's output was very high!"

The shy's operation really showed off to the audience. Prince continued to output, while moving and pulling Rek'Sai.

Rek'Sai turned around and approached Prince, knocked him up with a W, and Rambo was roasted at red temperature.

But Luo Ren's EZ was also outputting, killing Rambo first, and then Rek'Sai!

Prince pulled to the bush, used the bush to block the vision, and turned back to look at the moon to pull Rek'Sai.

Rek'Sai saved his big move for Chen Nan's EZ, and he was confident that he could win.

The premise is to deal with the Prince first.

The Prince's W slowed down Rek'Sai, and Rek'Sai was pulled away and dug a tunnel to catch up.

Suddenly, the Prince turned around!

The two passed by.

Zhao Enjing explained: "Rek'Sai was pulled, and he can't touch the Prince now, it's very uncomfortable, and EZ is still damaging him."

"There is really no way, Rek'Sai can only give up his ultimate, and the ultimate landed... The Prince's EQ knocked him up, perfect prediction! After landing, he walked away without giving Rek'Sai damage distance!"

Xiaohuasheng was pulled numb, and finally Chen Nan took the head.

Colonel Guan couldn't believe his eyes: "No, what is Xiaohuasheng doing? How can he not be killed? What are you doing?"

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