Luo Ren went back to get the little dragon. Now he was very good at single combat. As long as he was not killed instantly, Rek'Sai and Leblanc were no match for him.

Eighteen minutes into the game, Left Hand was ganked in the middle lane, and the opposite Leblanc took the kill.

Before he died, Left Hand dealt all the damage, but he didn't kill the opposite Leblanc instantly, and he was still a little short.

For Faker, he could naturally calculate how much damage Syndra could deal in one wave, and he would not give him such an opportunity.

Xiao Huasheng cheered: "Nice! Brother Xianghe, you can be the C in this game."

In fact, he was now very worried that Luo Ren's EZ would win the game and get the MVP.

So Faker needed to stand up at this time, maybe he could lead to victory.

Faker was not as optimistic as Xiao Huasheng: "Don't give EZ the opportunity to continue to get kills. The others are fine, but this EZ will be more difficult to deal with at that time."

"What a pity!" Left Hand felt very sorry, it would be better if he could be replaced.

"It's okay, this kill is mine." Luo Ren's voice suddenly came.


The next second, the news came that Luo Ren's EZ killed Ahri.

Zuo Shou was shocked:

"No, this is also possible? How do you know his position?"

Zuo Shou was shocked. This wave of EZ's ultimate was accurately predicted.

Luo Ren responded: "It's just a basic prediction."

At this time, Faker's face was very ugly on the SKT side.

Xiao Huasheng was embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Because Faker just said that he couldn't give EZ a kill.

I didn't expect that I would give EZ a kill right away. What would my teammates think?

Although no one spoke, the atmosphere was very awkward.

Many times, not speaking is also an attitude.

"It's okay, I'll watch this EZ when we play in a team." Faker could only try to save face by saying this.

The game time came to 21 minutes, and the duo switched to the middle lane.

Zuo Shou and Faker faced each other in the bottom lane.

Xiao Huasheng suddenly appeared, came out from the blind spot of vision, and helped Faker get another kill.

Colonel Guan commented: "Nice! Now Faker's Leblanc has risen. I don't know how DL can defend it. The top lane Prince is a little bit tanky, and the others are all squishy."

Jide agreed: "Yes, if you look at the lineup, DL does not have any heroes that can target Leblanc. It depends on personal operation."

The game time is 22 minutes. It will definitely not work if you continue to push the line.

Leblanc is much harder to catch than Syndra, so if Zuo Hand continues to push the line, it will become a breakthrough.

Luo Ren got the double BUFF and felt that the time was ripe, so he started to call people:

"Let's push the middle lane. I have double BUFF."

The teammates understood and all came to the middle lane to push together.

The SKT team also chose to come back to defend the middle lane.

Zhao Xueying explained: "Now EZ has exactly three big items including the jungle knife, and the development is very exaggerated. He is the best in the game. DL chose to push forward in the middle lane. It feels a bit difficult to push forward without the big dragon buff."

Jide agreed: "Yes, now it depends on EZ's performance."

Colonel Guan looked down on him: "It is obvious that the pressure brought by the single Ahri is too much. They can't hold on, so they are desperate to try any possible means."

The middle lane soldiers entered the defensive tower, and Luo Ren's EZ began to look for opportunities to consume.

Luo Ren's EZ used a Q skill and hit Rek'Sai.

Rek'Sai kept moving, but after being slowed down by the red buff, his movement was not so comfortable.

Another Q skill, hit again!

Rek'Sai can only choose to retreat and pull away, and EZ used his ultimate.

Hit Rek'Sai and Lulu at the same time.

Lulu only has one shield, and if you give it to Rek'Sai, you can't give it to yourself.

Suddenly, Ahri came out from the side, approached Luo Ren's EQ, and used QRE.

Luo Ren used E to dodge to the side, and used QWA to consume the enemy, while Ahri used W to go back.

The next wave of soldiers came, and Luo Ren used the same trick again.

The only ones who could clear the soldiers on the opposite side were Ahri, Rambo, and Kog'Maw.

Ahri consumed the enemy on the side, so only Kog'Maw and Rambo were left.

Rambo came up and hit Luo Ren with two consecutive Qs, and half of his health was gone!

"Xiba, what damage!" Huni felt a little dizzy.

After forcing the opponent to retreat, Luo Ren went forward to attack the tower, and Gala's Tristana came up to help.

The health of the defensive tower dropped very quickly.

It depends on whether the middle lane tower is in danger. Faker commanded: "Go directly, don't give them the opportunity to consume the enemy."

Hearing this, the SKT players got excited.

Huni's Rambo directly used his ultimate to block the road.

Colonel Guan commented: "The team fight has begun. Rambo's ultimate is veryPerfect, it's a real skill."

"Lulu speeds up Kog'Maw and rushes up to deal damage, Rek'Sai follows, LeBlanc! LeBlanc is on the move! W closes the distance and QE to Janna!"

Gala's Tristana wants to turn back to help and use her ultimate to blast away LeBlanc.

But LeBlanc turns back and pulls, causing Tristana's ultimate to be out of range.

The rest of SKT follows up, and Tristana can only retreat.

So Janna and LeBlanc use their flash at the same time. Although Janna uses her ultimate to push LeBlanc away, the chain of LeBlanc is triggered and Janna is retained!

Then, Rek'Sai flashes and knocks Janna away, and Kog'Maw comes up to deal damage.

Suddenly, Jarvan II turns back to fight back! EQ combo...

Kag'Maw is knocked away, but it doesn't matter, Lulu turns Jarvan II into a sheep.

Kag'Maw's bonus is fully opened.

Colonel Guan commented: "No one can stop Kog'Maw's damage, Jarvan II can't handle it, and Kog'Maw is still dealing damage! The prince used his ultimate on the big mouth, but it was useless, the prince couldn't beat it! "

Luo Ren's EZ used the Q skill to output remotely, but there was Rumble to help block the damage with his body.

At the same time, EZ gave deterrence from the side, Luo Ren couldn't help, and could only output to the closest one.

So the prince was killed first, and at the same time, the wind girl was left with little health.

Luo Ren fought and retreated, and the W of the enchantress came up. Suddenly, Syndra counterattacked and used the weak retreat to the enchantress.

The enchantress was controlled!

The left hand turned back and used the ultimate, Luo Ren's EZ followed up with the output, the cannon used the E skill, and the A three-hit ultimate pushed away.

The enchantress was gone!

Rek'Sai dug a tunnel to get closer, and Syndra gave up the flash.

Rumble flashed Q to slow down, the big mouth output, and Syndra was also killed!

Colonel Guan was beaming with joy: "We won! SKT is going to win, the team battle is completely one-sided, DL can't stop it! ”

However, just as SKT continued to chase forward and wanted to expand the victory, Luo Ren's EZ's firepower made them overwhelmed

Rumble was at low health, and EZ used two Q skills to get a kill.

"You can fight!" Luo Ren gave the signal.

Gala immediately understood, turned around and used the W skill to enter the field to find the opposite Kog'Maw.

"Magic!" Lulu used the sheep transformation to Tristana.

Luo Ren knew that his chance had come, and used the E skill to get close to Kog'Maw and output to Kog'Maw!

Kog'Maw was outputing while moving, and was killed by Luo Ren without dodging a skill.

"Xiba, so accurate?" Bang was dumbfounded. He thought he had a good positioning, but it was completely useless in front of Luo Ren.

Killing Kog'Maw, Luo Ren brushed out an E, used the E skill to pull, and made Lulu flash, and finished with a Q, another kill!

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