Zhu Kai said, "Choose a Gragas! Yes, you can play Gragas, right? It's very simple. You can use the Q skill to clear the minion line in the back. The passive skill can restore health. The E skill can move and run away. The ultimate skill can blow up the opponent's jungler!"

Zhu Kai suddenly found that Gragas was a good choice. It has strong pressure resistance!

And it is not easy for the opponent's jungler to target.

Especially when under the defense tower, Gragas has various controls, forced displacement, and deceleration.

The opponent wants to cross the tower and think clearly.

Luo Ren said, "No."

The time is about to run out, and the factory manager said, "What can you play? As long as it is a tank hero, choose one you can play, hurry up, the time is running out!"

Then something outrageous happened!

A hero that no one expected was locked!

Spear of Vengeance, Kalista!

Iboy exclaimed: "No, I didn't ask you to choose Kalista, why did you choose Kalista?"

Zhu Kai broke down emotionally: "I'm really convinced, is there something wrong with your eyesight? You can click on the hero crookedly?"

As a result, Luo Ren said: "I played this Kalista myself, don't get me wrong."

"Let's do this, you play yours, I play mine, don't complain."

The EDG people were speechless.

Zhu Kai had to say: "Forget it, forget it, anyway, we just came up to make up the numbers, we just want to finish the game, and we will accept it if we lose."

Zhangzhuang: "Try to delay it as much as possible, delay it for more than 20 minutes, don't lose too badly."

The EDG people gave up persuading Luo Ren.

They also realized that they originally asked Luo Ren to play in the game just to cope with it.

It's just because this game is more important, so they really want to win.

Now they suddenly realize that this idea is outrageous.

Iboy said: "Protect me, I'll pick Kog'Maw this time, you guys can try to protect me, maybe we can win."

Zizi: "It's all right, if you think you can give it a try, I'll take Twilight Sparkle."

So EDG got Twilight Sparkle as a jungler on the second floor again. This hero is a special dog, protecting a C position.

Seeing Twilight Sparkle locked, everyone in WE laughed miserably.

Kantie said: "Twilight Sparkle? No, if they picked Twilight Sparkle as a jungler, wouldn't there be no pressure on the top lane?"

957 was also very happy: "Rumble's biggest fear is being caught by the jungler, but he picked Twilight Sparkle! I understand! They gave up on the top lane! They definitely gave up on the top lane, they should be preparing to protect the double Cs!"

So WE immediately adjusted the BP strategy and locked Lee Sin and Karma on the second and third floors.

It was EDG's turn to choose again, and EDG got Ryze and Lulu on the third and fourth floors.

Originally, I wanted to pick Kog'Maw and Lulu together, but Kalista was picked in the top lane.

If I picked Kog'Maw directly, Zhu Kai was worried that the opponent would be prepared and adjust the BP later.

It just so happened that Kalista, the smoke bomb, could be used to cause trouble for WE's BP.

This trouble was indeed caused.

The moment Lulu was picked, everyone in WE was confused.

Xiye: "No, Kalisti and Lulu? What the hell is this?"

Zero: "I feel like they made the wrong choice. Kalista should be paired with a hard support."

"Lulu should be paired with a late-stage big C, and Kalista is obviously not."

Not only the WE players couldn't understand.

The commentator was also confused.

Wawa muttered: "EDG's BP is a bit strange. The bottom lane picked a three-in-one."

"Isn't Lulu the bottom lane? Top lane Lulu?"

Miller: "No one plays top lane Lulu in this version. That was a long time ago. But since EDG played a trainee in this game, it's reasonable to be a little strange."

BP was once again WE's turn. WE got Varus and Clockwork on the fourth and fifth floors.

Finally, EDG's fifth floor counter position.

Wawa analyzed: "If I guessed wrong, this position should be the top lane. It's strange that EDG gave the fifth floor counter position to a trainee?"

Miller: "I suspect they are worried that he will be too badly blown, so they let him choose last and try to make him feel more comfortable."

Reta has a different idea: "I think there is another possibility. In fact, this handsome guy... the trainee is very strong. Maybe after getting the counter position, he can really play something."

Reta let it slip and subconsciously said the "nickname" for Luo Ren.

The audience in the live broadcast room immediately began to judge the case:

"What do you mean? He is a handsome guy, right?"

"Not allowed! No one except me can be called a handsome guy by Reta!"

"No, who are you? Why does my wife call you a handsome guy?"

"She isYour wife? Then who is my wife? "

However, Luo Xin, who was sitting in the first row of the audience, had already jumped up from her chair!

"Little brother! He is little brother!"

She felt a little like him at the beginning, and now Reta shouted like that, she can be completely sure!

She has a good relationship with Reta, and she heard Reta call Luo Ren handsome!

Suddenly, the audience was in an uproar!

Luo Xin looked at the big screen, and found that EDG actually locked the big mouth on the fifth floor!

Wawa exclaimed: "What the hell? Kalista and the big mouth were selected together? What is EDG doing?"

Miller: "No, the big mouth may indeed go to the middle lane, but you have a Ryze, Kalista, Ryze, and the big mouth, how can these three heroes be taken out together, who will go to the top lane? ”

On EDG’s side, after the lineup was determined, everyone had a helpless expression.

They were very dissatisfied with Luo Ren’s arbitrarily locking Kalista.

But there was no way, it was already locked, and Luo Ren was just a temporary worker to make up the numbers, so the EDG people could only blame themselves for their bad luck.

Zhu Kai ran away immediately, he couldn’t bear to watch this lineup!

He could already guess how he would be scolded after losing the game.

But there was no way, he couldn’t just say that he found a maintenance worker to play in the game.

And then this maintenance worker didn’t cooperate and randomly chose heroes.

So in the end he had to take the blame.


On WE’s side, seeing the five heroes of EDG, they were a little confused.

Xiye: “What do you mean this is... Ryze top lane... Kog’Maw mid lane, Kalista bottom lane?”

957: “Then it should be Ryze top lane. Ryze should be the best at playing against Rumble among these three heroes. EDG actually found a trainee who can play Ryze top lane for a while? ”

That’s what everyone in WE thought.

However, when the countdown reached the last twenty seconds and the lineups of both sides were completely locked and could not be changed, WE could not sit still!

The lineup at this time was like this:

Red side EDG: top lane Kalista, jungle Empyrean, mid lane Ryze, ADC Kog’Maw, support Lulu.

Blue side WE: top lane Rumble, jungle Lee Sin, mid lane Clockwork, ADC Varus, support Karma.

EDG did not even switch Kalista to the bottom lane!

Xiye exclaimed: “Top lane Kalista? Are you crazy! Can this hero still play in the top lane?”

957: “I haven’t seen it, really I have never seen it, but it feels very ordinary. If there is no jungler, doesn’t it mean that it is missing a big move?”

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