Faker had no expression, waiting for Luo Ren's decision.

Luo Ren changed the subject: "Your performance in the last game was OK, keep playing."

People who didn't know would think Luo Ren was SKT's coach and was giving a lecture to the SKT players.

Luo Ren looked at Peanut again: "Peanut."

"You rest in the next game."

Peanut was stunned. He thought Luo Ren just wanted to evaluate his performance, why did he suddenly let him rest?

Although Kkoma didn't understand, they could only give in now. Who told them that they had never beaten Luo Ren?

From MSI to now, they haven't won a game, so they can only be grandsons.

As SKT, the pride of the LCK region, the first team in history, if they are eliminated in the group stage, he probably won't be a coach anymore.

There is no way to bow his head.

On the other side, in the DL lounge, seeing that Luo Ren didn't come back, everyone started to discuss.

Zuoshou spoke first: "Did you see that? Some people are discussing online that Luo Ge seems to have been invited by SKT to play for SKT."

Everyone got curious after hearing this.

Wei said excitedly: "Really? Can we play with SKT? Oh my god, so cool?"

The shy didn't quite understand Wei's excitement: "Didn't we beat SKT? Why are you so excited?"

Wei explained: "Because I am a fan of SKT. I grew up watching SKT's games."

"Of course, I don't like it as much as before."

Crisp joked: "You are just a fan filter. In fact, the current SKT is completely incomparable to the peak period."

Gala: "I also want to try to play with them, but there is no chance, forget it."

Everyone chatted.

Soon, the game was about to start. In the live commentary booth, Wawa explained:

"Welcome back, the upcoming tiebreaker between SKT and C9 is very important. It will determine which team can advance."

Miller brought a message: "I received a message from the front. SKT changed the jungler position in this game. Peanut was replaced by XLG! That man, he really went to SKT, he wants to help SKT advance!"

Wawa couldn't hold it anymore: "It was he who defeated SKT, causing SKT to fail to advance smoothly and have to play a tiebreaker. Now he comes back to help SKT advance. It seems that he will make a lot of money from this!"

In the official live broadcast room, the barrage exploded:

"Who was defending SKT just now? It's impossible for SKT to ask for foreign aid? Stand up!"

"Hahahaha, SKT really gave in. It feels good now!"

"I can't accept it! I can't accept it!"

"Fans turned passers-by, It's boring. I'd better go and support XLG. "

Many LCK fans were defeated on the spot. This feeling was worse than LCK losing to LPL.

In this situation, isn't it just like losing and then spending money to avoid disaster? It's like kneeling down to someone.

At the invitation of the host, the players of both sides came on stage.

The audience was embarrassed. The C9 audience was very desperate. They obviously couldn't beat SKT and needed to hire a power player to win.

Now, the power player who led them to win has gone to SKT.

Who can they complain to?

And the fans of SKT didn't know whether they should cheer for Luo Ren.

Luo Ren is from LPL after all, and they will be opponents in the future.

And the fans of LPL originally came to have fun. Who should they support?

If they support C9, Luo Ren will lose.

But if they support Luo Ren, SKT will win. Anyway, they are uncomfortable with the choice.

Players of both sides appeared on the stage. Luo Ren appeared on the SKT side with four teammates and coaches.

After a brief appearance, everyone returned to their positions.

Luo Ren replaced his peripherals and started debugging.

Debugging was fine, he put on the headphones and said:

"Are you ready? Count as you hear!"

After this, the SKT team fell silent and no one responded.

Kkoma persuaded: "There is no need to count, everyone is here."

Luo Ren responded: "I just want to test the voice, can I hear it clearly, who knows if I don't try it?"

"You have to cooperate with me. If you don't cooperate with me, I have nothing to do with losing the game."

Seeing that Luo Ren said so, Kkoma had to say: "You all cooperate, everything is to win the game."

Luo Ren repeated: "Count as you hear!"

"1!" Bang spoke first.

Then Huni: "2!"

Faker and Wolf were still a little hesitant.

Wolf was the lastAfter that, he couldn't help but: "3!"

Now only Faker is left. After a moment of silence, he compromised:


The game started.

Entering the hero selection stage, Luo Ren continued to lead the pace:

"Take out all the heroes you are good at, don't hide them, otherwise it will be the last game."

"Everyone cheer up and stay focused!"

Luo Ren chose Graves as the jungler in this game.

The lineups of both sides were quickly determined.

On the commentary seat, Colonel Guan was still in shock. He couldn't accept that SKT really called Luo Ren to play in the game, which would cost a lot of money!

Wawa commented: "XLG chose Graves as jungler in this game, it seems that they are planning to play the game by themselves."

"In fact, I think with SKT's strength, XLG doesn't need to put in too much effort to win."

Miller said: "But isn't it best to hold the key to victory in your own hands? What if your teammates encounter this or that accident?"

Entering the game screen, Luo Ren went out and started to lead the rhythm:

"Push the line for me. The heroes on the opposite side are not as good as you. Pushing the line should be no problem."

No one answered.

Luo Ren raised his voice:

"Hello, hello? Can you hear me? I'm asking you, can we get the line right?"

"Yes! No problem!" Huni replied.

Bang also said: "We don't have much problem in the bottom lane."

Only the mid lane is left, Faker spoke after several seconds:

"My mid lane is also no problem."

So Luo Ren began to plan his own counter-jungle route.

In the first round of wild monster refresh, Luo Ren got the red BUFF with the help of his teammates, and then started to brush the jungle in the upper half of the opponent's jungle area.

The three lanes were indeed trying to push the line, but the top laner's personal ability was a little bit poor and failed.

It was enough for Luo Ren, and soon, a battle broke out in the jungle.

SKT's mid and top laners supported together, and in the end they exchanged two for two. Luo Ren got two kills and Huni was killed.

Colonel Guan commented: "In this game, it feels like SKT is playing around the jungle. The support of teammates is just right. Of course, XLG's operation is also very critical. He can hold on until his teammates come."

Luo Ren continued to counter the jungle. With six minutes left in the game, he chose to ambush in advance and killed the opponent's jungler!

Then Luo Ren called Faker to go to the bottom lane to cross the tower together and kill the C9 bottom lane duo.

SKT's advantage is getting bigger and bigger. Luo Ren madly dominates the other SKT people to work for him and do whatever he wants.

In the end, SKT won the game in more than 20 minutes!

Guan Daxiao commented: "Congratulations to SKT for defeating C9 in the match and getting the qualification. Although this is the second place in the group, it is already very rare. I hope they can get good results in the knockout stage!"

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