Graves came from the river. Luo Ren was standing relatively forward at this time. The opposite Qing Gangying chose to use his E skill hook and kicked it at the position where Kled retreated.

But Luo Ren played a little trick and suddenly turned back and walked forward, causing Qing Gangying's E skill to miss!

But it was not a big problem for Qing Gangying. Kled was walking towards his home, which was looking for death!

Graves followed, "Blind eyes." A smoke bomb made Kled lose vision.

Qing Gangying AQ played the passive, Luo Ren's Kled did not fight back. He chose to wait until Qing Gangying's shield disappeared, followed by a Q skill, close-range output, and slashed one by one.

Qing Gangying chose to retreat and handed over a W skill to slow Luo Ren.

Luo Ren's Kled followed with an E, and the second stage of the E skill continued to follow.

After a set of attacks, the opposite Qing Gangying only had a trace of health, but Luo Ren now had no skills, so he could only choose to retreat.

Graves came up to deal damage, AQA, E skill to continue to deal damage.

Guan Dale was happy: "This wave of Kled is dead. If he chose to flash back at the beginning, I think he would have had a chance. He actually dared to fight back. It's too outrageous."

Soon, Luo Ren's Kled was knocked off his horse, and Skarr ran away, and was about to be killed by Graves.

Changmao muttered: "Don't you have flash? Why doesn't Kled flash? If it's just to upgrade skills, isn't it too economical?"

However, just when everyone thought Luo Ren was going to be killed, he chose to walk around the minions, and counterattacked while moving.

All of Graves's basic attacks were given to the minions. Obviously, the distance was very close, and with only one or two minions, Graves couldn't hit Kled.

Fortunately, the CD of the next Q skill was turned on, and Graves chose to use a Q skill to reduce Kled's health to a trace.

At this time, Kled's courage value was also full!

Guan Da exclaimed: "Is Kled going to kill him this time? What are you doing, Graves? Kill him quickly! Don't you have flash? Can't you just flash A?"

Just then, Graves's A was blocked by the minions, so Graves made a move, and at the moment of the second Q A, Graves used flash!

Changmao exclaimed: "A flash! Graves' A flash, can this operation work?"

"No, Kled also flashed, but didn't kill him, Graves is going to be killed this time!"

What no one expected was that when Graves flashed A, Kled also flashed, causing Graves' A flash to still miss!

Kled used a A and Q skill to kill Graves!

Almost at the same time, Qing Gangying kicked over with an E flash, and Kled's courage value was full, so he had to be killed instantly.

However, at the moment when Qing Gangying's E flash hit, Skaarl came back, Kled got back on his horse, used his Q skill on Qing Gangying, and then chopped him with a knife and axe.

Qing Gangying's health was very low to begin with, and he was killed by Kled twice. Luo Ren's Kled completed a double kill!

The audience was shocked:

"Fuck, what's wrong with this guy? Can he win by one against two?"

"This male gun is playing tricks, right? He could have been killed long ago."

"Too good, brothers, my scalp is numb!"

"What does the male gun's flash just now mean?"

In the commentary booth, Guan Da was dumbfounded and couldn't speak for a long time.

Changmao muttered: "What's going on? Was the male gun's A flash just now a mistake or intentional?"

Just then, the director gave the replay, and through the replay, everyone saw the situation clearly.

Graves used a basic attack and flashed. Kled also used a flash almost at the same time. Although this basic attack did not hit Luo Ren's Kled, it hit the soldier and the soldier lost health!

Changmao explained: "The soldier lost health, which proves that Graves's A flash is effective. My God, Graves has this kind of operation? To be honest, I didn't know before that this hero can adjust the position with A flash."

"No! Graves's operation is already very impressive, but Kled can actually know Graves's thoughts. Isn't he even more impressive? My God, is this the strength of a repairman?"

The director gave a close-up to IM. The jungler and the top laner were both autistic. This wave could have been killed, but now, instead of killing Kled, they died.

Backstage, Luo Xin and Reta were so excited. Luo Xin hugged Reta's arm and cheered wildly: "Nice! Nice! We won, we won!"

Reta suddenly said: "Sister Luo Xin, I suddenly feel that you...are much older than before."

Luo Xin was stunned after hearing this, and then exclaimed: "Ah? it so obvious? Do I look old?"

Luo Xin was a little panicked and quickly took out her mobile phone to use the camera to check her appearance

Reta shook his head: "I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about this..."

Reta pointed to Luo Xin's chest.

Luo Xin was proud: "I'm not... secondary development, maybe because I developed late! Yes, that's it!"

Reta laughed: "Even if it's secondary development, there must be a reason, tell me honestly, did you do that with your little brother!"

The game is still going on. On the QG side, seeing the double kill in the top lane, Doinb exclaimed:

"No, buddy, can you fight two one? Start fighting two one now?"

Swift was also shocked: "I thought he was dead when I saw that he had only a little blood, but he survived in the end, incredible."

Now Swift is a little curious about Luo Ren, because he can't imagine how to avoid being killed in that situation.

Luo Ren's Kled returned to the city to replenish supplies and returned to the line to continue the line. Now it's easy to fight. When they meet, they just ride on each other's faces, without giving any face.

At first, the Blue Steel Shadow wanted to fight back against Luo Ren, but after being pulled by Luo Ren twice, the Blue Steel Shadow had no choice but to give in.

In the middle lane, Doinb's Taliyah and the opposite Clockwork developed peacefully, without interfering with each other.

The laning in the bottom lane was basically evenly matched, with both sides fighting back and forth. Because they were all soft supports, it was difficult to get kills.

The game time came to five and a half minutes. Luo Ren's Kled reached level 6 and pushed a wave of soldiers into the defensive tower. Luo Ren's Kled disappeared in the top lane.

The Blue Steel Shadow immediately sent a signal to his teammates, and the mid lane Clockwork had already begun to retreat.

Luo Ren's Kled just went to the opposite upper half jungle to plant a ward, and then signaled to his teammates:

"Let's counter this blue buff later."

Swift and Doinb were both confused when they heard this.

Why did Luo Ren still command? In this game, the three positions of jungle and support are the main ones for command, and there are very few top laners and ADCs, and there is almost no command.

However, seeing Luo Ren's determination, the two agreed: "Okay, wait for me to push the line."

"I'll go over to the jungle."

Six and a half minutes into the game, the blue buff in the opponent's upper jungle area was refreshed.

Luo Ren pushed the line of troops to the defensive tower again in the top lane. Using the vision arranged in advance, Luo Ren saw the position of the opposite male gun: "Get ready, get ready!"

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