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Loken was stunned when he saw that 369 was killed by Shen before he had been leading the line for long:


"Brother 69, what's wrong with you?"

"Didn't I just say Don't push the line too deep, how come you were killed in the next second? "

369 heard this and said innocently:

"I didn't push it too deep!"

"I didn't even push it to the river channel yet Well, this shouldn't really be considered as taking the line too deep! "

After hearing this, Loken said helplessly:

"Brother 69, the reason I told you not to take it too deep is because I'm afraid you'll die."

"Even if you really If you didn't take it too deep, you would still die. "

"We need to develop now!"

"We need to delay development!"

As soon as Loken finished the last word, he saw the death information of his own Zoe!

The Queen of Elements hit Kill the Twilight Aspect!

Knight's Zoe was killed by Rookie's Qiyana near the grass on the line between the upper first tower and the upper second tower on Tes' side!

After being killed, Knight immediately apologized:

"My... This wave is mine."

"I didn't expect Rookie to be so insidious and actually wait for me in the grass."

"My fault, my fault."

Loken: "..."

Loken looked at Zoe, whose record was already 0-3-0, and Kennen, whose record was 0-4-2, suddenly didn't know what to say.

Because of the death of Kennen and Zoe, Loken and the other two naturally didn't dare to The mid lane soldiers were pushed too deep.

Because once they pushed too deep, they would most likely face a double team from IG's five players!

As for the bearish Pig Girl, she didn't even dare to enter her own jungle area. .

So, the three of them could only stay quietly near the exploded second tower in the middle lane, waiting for the appearance of the minions and the resurrection of Zoe and Kennen.

However, what Loken and the other two did not expect was that.

At this time, Lu Hao's cat had already hung on Ning Wang Olaf, and directed Ning Wang to bypass all the wards of the Tes team from the lower jungle area of ​​the Tes team. Came to the aisle to the upper right of Loken and the other two!

The next second, Loken and the other two were caught off guard and saw Olaf rushing towards them!

Seeing this, Loken immediately shouted:

"F*ck!" Damn!"

"How did Olaf get to this position!"

After saying that, LoKen controlled Lucian to use his E skill towards the high ground defense tower in the middle lane.

Qiuqiu also controlled the Minotaur to He moved closer to where Olaf was, hoping to attract Olaf's attention with his own body, and see if there was a chance to knock Olaf away before he could use his ultimate.

However, Qiuqiu's Minotaur even Before I even took a step out, I saw Olaf's body change color!

Olaf activated his ultimate!

This is not over yet!

In order to increase Olaf's movement speed, Lu Hao directly healed Olaf, who was full of health, and then released the Q skill towards Lucian who was running away!

Then, the cat Q skill: Fishing Missiles shot towards Lucian!

Loken controlled Lucian to twist left and right, and suddenly found that he couldn't twist away the cat's Q skill at all!

When the cat's Fishing Missiles were about to hit him, Loken Lucian immediately used his flash!

Then, at the moment when Lucian flashed, Ning Wang's Olaf also flashed!

After Ning Wang's Olaf flashed, Lu Hao aimed at the right angle and released his ultimate move towards Lucian !

As the three shock waves of Cat's ultimate hit Lucian, Lucian was fixed in place!

During this time, Xiongxiong and Qiuqiu could only watch helplessly as Olaf, like a mad dog, and his cat chased after Lucian!

As Olaf's axe fell, Loken Lucian's health bar almost instantly dropped. It was cleared!

Berserker killed the Holy Lance Ranger!


Berserker has surpassed God!

After killing Lucian, Olaf's ultimate skill duration has not even ended!

So, Ning Wang's Olaf The target was then changed to Minotaur and Pig Girl!

Of course, Pig Girl and Minotaur could not just sit there and wait to be killed by Aoki.

Raf was killed.

But since Olaf was standing behind them, Minotaur and Sejuani could only escape from the left and right respectively.

However, before they had run a few steps, they saw a Qiyana and a Blue Steel Shadow popping up respectively!

Qiuqiu stared at Qiyana, ready to use the W skill to knock Qiyana away when Qiyana E came up.

When Xiongxiong saw Blue Steel Shadow hanging on the wall with the E skill, he directly threw his ultimate at the Blue Steel Shadow hanging on the wall!

However, just when Xiongxiong and Sejuani's ultimate was about to hit Blue Steel Shadow, Blue Steel Shadow suddenly flashed and dodged this ultimate of Sejuani!

After dodging the ultimate, Blue Steel Shadow continued to E towards Xiongxiong's Blue Steel Shadow!

That's right!

Theshy performed a classic Blue Steel Shadow move: E flash E!

Xiongxiong saw Blue Steel Shadow E coming towards him, so he immediately used the Q skill to the right to continue to escape!

However, something that Xiong Xiong did not expect happened!

Just when Xiong Xiong's Pig Girl was already heading to the right Q, Qing Gangying suddenly used a big move to frame him!

"What the hell?"

"Qiang Gangying has flash and big moves in hand?"

Xiong Xiong shouted in shock!

On the other side, Qiuqiu was not much better here!

Just when Qiyana used the E skill to approach him, Qiuqiu just pressed the W skill to push Qiyana away, and he saw Qiyana's big move pushed him to the wall behind him, and then a set of unexplained combos directly melted him!

At this moment, Qiuqiu also shouted in confusion:

"What the hell!"

"Qiana also has a big move!"

The Queen of Elements killed the Minotaur Chieftain!

Qing Gangying killed the Fury of the North!


Qing Gangying is rampaging!


At the moment when Team Tes was wiped out, an EZ ultimate shot from the middle lane all the way to Team Tes' fountain!

From beginning to end, Jackylove's EZ didn't even get an assist!

At this moment, the head ratio between the two sides has reached 18 to 4!

Seeing this, the commentator Wawa roared loudly:


"Several people on the TES side didn't even cross the river before they were wiped out by the IG team!"

"The game is over!"

At this time, Miller sighed:

"After Ning Wang's Olaf used his ultimate, he was like a mad dog. No one on the TES side could limit him."

"And Theshy's E flash E is also very handsome!"

"Just like the line of Qing Gangying: Elegance, never out of date!"

After a short while, Wawa suddenly felt a little Unhappy:

"Why don't you mention Unfair and Rookie?"

"The details of their wave are already full!"

"Whether it is Unfair's Q and R skills with tricky angles, or Rookie's hand speed that is so fast that even Minotaur can't use his ultimate skill, they are all amazing!"

Hearing this, Miller smiled and replied:

"Yes, yes, you are right!"

"Unfair and Rookie's operations are also amazing!"

As for Jackylove?

Because Jackylove's presence in this game is too low!

Therefore, Miller and Wawa have accidentally forgotten Jackylove at this time!

After the five people on Tes' side were wiped out, Lu Hao and others easily pushed down the middle highland defense tower of Tes team and the crystal on the middle highland!

Afterwards, Lu Hao and his team completely cleared the upper and lower jungles of the Tes team, and then chose to return to the city!

After a while, the third dragon was refreshed.

The people on the Tes side wanted to use the advantage of their ultimates to take on a wave of dragons.

However, because Ning Wang's Olaf was too fat!

This made Lucian, the only one with kills on the Tes side, have no output space at all!

In addition, when they took on this wave of dragons, Lu Hao and his team's ultimates were all restored to CD!

Therefore, the Tes team was beaten 0 for 5 by Lu Hao and his team in this wave of dragons!

At the end of this wave of dragons, because there was a line of soldiers in the middle lane.

Lu Hao and his team naturally did not go to brush the third dragon, but went directly to the middle lane to push the base of the Tes team!

So far, the game time finally stopped at 17 minutes and 23 seconds!

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