The situation is very complicated.

"What's going on?"

"Didn't the bottom lane have an advantage just now? How come it suddenly became a disadvantage?" Xiongxiong said in a stunned manner.

Although Xiongxiong didn't see what happened in the bottom lane just now, Miller and Wawa saw it clearly!

Just now, Qiuqiu's Thresh once again tried to hook Lu Hao's Xerath.

However, at the moment when Thresh hooked, Lu Hao's Xerath suddenly did not retreat but advanced!

When Loken's Xia threw the Q skill at Lu Hao's Xerath, Lu Hao's Xerath directly ignored the Thresh who was hooking on the side, and then used the E skill to stun Xia on the spot!

After stunning Xayah, Lu Hao's Xerath used a W skill and a short-range Q skill again!

With the damage of Kaisa's QA, Loken's Xayah's health instantly reached about a quarter!

As for the hook that Thresh just used?

When Lu Hao's Xerath released the W skill and Q skill, Thresh's hook had already brushed the position behind Xerath and hooked it!

Thresh's hook missed!

Qiuqiu saw that his hook missed, so he immediately controlled Thresh to move forward and wanted to use the E skill to push Kaisa and Xerath back.

However, just as Qiuqiu's Thresh moved forward to use the E skill, Lu Hao's Xerath suddenly turned to the left very cleverly and walked out of the range of Thresh's E skill!

After twisting off Thresh's E skill, Lu Hao's Xerath immediately gave Xayah an ignite, and then wanted to chase Xayah and attack!

Loken, who didn't know if Lu Hao had dodged, saw this, how could he dare to use skills?

So, Loken directly and decisively used the DF combo, a purification to remove Lu Hao's ignite, and another flash to pull away from Lu Hao!

Miller, who watched the whole bottom lane fight, couldn't help but sigh:

"Unfair is really a player with a big heart!"

"Why can he not panic at all when the opponent Thresh hooks out?"

Wawa also sighed at this time:

"This is more than not panicking!"

"He even counterattacked Loken's Xia set of skills during the stiff period of Thresh's hook!"

"To be honest, Unfair was a little too confident in this wave!"

"If he was really hooked by Thresh this wave, I'm afraid he would be a corpse now!"


At this time, on the IG team side.

When Jackylove saw Loken's Xia gave up Purification and Flash, he immediately shouted:

"Xia has no double, Xia has no double!"

"King Ning, you can come to the bottom lane next time!"

However, after hearing what Jackylove said, King Ning had no intention of coming to the bottom lane to gank, but just replied casually:

"Xia has no double?"

"Okay, I know."

"Come on, Jackylove."

Jackylove was stunned when he heard this:

"What do you mean?"

"Aren't you going to come to the bottom?"

King Ning replied speechlessly when he heard this:

"Jack, just play your lane peacefully, okay?"

"If you really need me to gank the bottom lane, Haozi will definitely call me."

Jackylove was choked by King Ning's words when he heard this.

Seeing this, Lu Hao smiled and said:

"It's okay, Jack, let's just play normally in the bottom lane."


After this wave of confrontation, Loken's Xayah and Qiuqiu's Thresh no longer pushed the line as casually as they did at the beginning, but began to stay near the back of the line of soldiers and became "stable".

However, once Loken and Qiuqiu chose "stable", it meant that their good days would be over!

After Lu Hao's several skills were on CD, Lu Hao shouted to Jackylove:

"Jack, get ready!"

After hearing this, Jackylove immediately pressed the E skill to enter the acceleration state, and then rushed towards Xayah and Thresh!

At the same time, Lu Hao also controlled Xerath to chase in the direction of Xayah!

Because Loken's Xayah's condition was really bad, Qiuqiu and Loken naturally began to retreat.

However, how could Loken's Xayah run past the accelerated Kakashi?

Where's Sha?

Seeing that Jackylove's Kaisa was about to catch up with Xayah, Qiuqiu controlled Thresh to use the E skill to push Kaisa back, and then hooked!

In response, Jackylove also chose to use flash to deal with it!

With a flash of golden light, Jackylove's Kaisa flashed forward and successfully hit a QA on Xayah!

But that was the end, because the next second, Jackylove's Kaisa was hooked by Qiuqiu's Thresh's Q skill!

When Kaisa was hooked by Thresh, Xayah also released a Q skill on Kaisa, and then made up a flat attack!

At this point, there were already three feathers of Xayah behind Kaisa!

In order to prevent Kaisa from continuing to chase, Xayah also used the E skill!

As the three feathers passed through Kaisa's body, Jackylove's Kaisa was controlled in place again by Xayah's hook!

Although Kaisa had lost the qualification to continue chasing Xia, Lu Hao's goal had been achieved at this time!

Because of the output of Kaisa, Xia had entered the range of Xerath's W skill at this time!

Then, the blue circle of Xerath's W skill appeared under Xia's feet!

Xia, who had no time to move, was naturally hit by Xerath's W skill!

Moreover, because Xia was hit in the center, Xia entered the deceleration state!

Since Thresh had no skills and Xia had no double skills.

Lu Hao controlled Xerath to move forward and make up for it with a basic attack, and then released his Q skill!

Because of the deceleration, Xia naturally couldn't twist this Q skill at this time.

As the blue laser passed through Xia's body, Xia's health bar was completely emptied!

The Ancient Witch Spirit killed Niyu!

After taking Xia's head, Lu Hao controlled Xerath to turn around and attack Thresh with a basic attack!

At this time, Jackylove's Kaisa had also resumed action!

With Kaisa's basic attack and a W skill hitting Thresh, Thresh's health dropped rapidly!

Knowing that he could not beat both Xerath and Kaisa, Qiuqiu immediately controlled Thresh to run towards his next tower.

At this moment, Lu Hao finally released the E skill that he had been holding in his hand!

Qiuqiu knew that Xerath still had the E skill in his hand!

At the moment when Lu Hao's Xerath raised his hand, Qiuqiu also chose to use flash!

However, what Qiuqiu didn't know was that the position of the E skill released by Lu Hao was exactly the position after Qiuqiu flashed!

From a third-party perspective, it seemed that Qiuqiu's Thresh flashed onto Xerath's E!

Qiuqiu's Thresh was fixed in place!

While Thresh was being controlled, Jackylove's Kaisa outputted Thresh again and again.

Of course, during this time, Lu Hao's Xerath was not idle either, and he was also attacking Thresh as much as possible.

Under the two people's attack, Thresh's health was also decreasing at a visible speed.

However, because the control time of Xerath's E skill was too short.

Before Lu Hao and Jackylove had attacked a few times, Qiuqiu's Thresh resumed his action again!

So, Qiuqiu's Thresh continued to run towards his own tower!

Fortunately, Qiuqiu's Thresh was not far from his next tower.

So, Qiuqiu's Thresh finally ran to his next tower with more than 100 points of health!

Just when Qiuqiu was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Qiuqiu was shocked to find that Lu Hao's Xerath was actually standing outside the attack range of his defense tower and began to charge his Q skill!

Knowing that it was too late to run to a place outside the range of Xerath's Q skill, Qiuqiu controlled Thresh and began to twist left and right.

While Thresh was twisting left and right, Lu Hao also controlled Xerath to turn in a "circle" on the spot!

After the Q skill was fully charged, Lu Hao's Xerath suddenly released the Q skill towards the lower right of Thresh!

Just when Xerath's Q skill was launched, Qiuqiu's Thresh also "cooperated" and twisted towards his lower right!

Because of this twist, Qiuqiu's Thresh's health was also cleared!

The Ancient Witch Spirit killed the Soul Chain Warden!

Double Kill!

The Ancient Witch Spirit completed a double kill!

After Lu Hao used the Q skill to take down Thresh, Jackylove, who had been standing on the edge of the opposite defense tower "watching the show", immediately shouted:

"Nice, Brother Hao!"

"Good Q!"


At this time, in the barrage of the official live broadcast room, the audience saw Lu Hao's Xerath

Si got a double kill, and they all started typing:

"What a confident Xerath, what a powerful Xerath, the misunderstanding is resolved!"

"I finally understand why IG dared to choose Xerath when the opponent had Nightmare!"

"With a Xerath who can release skills so accurately like Unfair, I can only say that Loken will go to jail!"

"The electric knife and the endless are not... Sorry, I went to the wrong set!"


At the same time, on the TES team side.

After being killed, Qiuqiu immediately cried out in pain:


"I'm really disgusted by this Xerath's play!"

"Why can't I get rid of his skills at all!"

Xiongxiong, who had already finished clearing the jungle and was returning to the city, heard this and comforted him:

"It's okay, it's just a Xerath, it's not a big deal."

"Wait for you to revive, and I'll catch you in a wave!"

"I don't believe that the three of us can't kill a Xerath!"

Loken heard this and said weakly:

"Well, how about we Let's kill Kaisa?"

"After all, Kaisa doesn't have flash, but Xerath still has flash!"

Xiongxiong was stunned when he heard what Loken said:


"Xerath has already killed you two in one round, and he still has flash?"

"Does he not even need to use flash to kill you two?"


On the IG side, Lu Hao's Xerath and Jackylove's Kaisa pushed the bottom lane soldiers to the next tower on the opposite side, and then retreated to the second bush on the bottom lane and started to return to the city.

When returning to the city, Jackylove suddenly sighed:

"Brother Hao, your skills of this Xerath are too accurate, right?"

"I feel that after today's game, your Xerath will probably be banned, right?"

After hearing this, Lu Hao smiled and replied:

"I don't think so."

"Because if you use Xerath as a support, there are actually many limitations."

After hearing this, Jackylove asked with a puzzled look:


"In addition to the development speed not being as fast as the mid laner, what other limitations does Xerath have as a support?"

After hearing this, Lu Hao was about to answer Jackylove's question when he found that his mid laner was killed!

The Heroic Bombardier killed Taliyah!

Seeing this, Lu Hao couldn't help but wonder:


"What's going on, Broiler?"

"How did you get killed by a single airplane?"

Rookie scratched his head awkwardly, then said:

"Well... there's nothing I can do about it."

"It was mainly because of a small accident just now, so I got killed by a single airplane by accident."

Lu Hao smiled and asked:

"A small accident?"

"What small accident?"

After saying that, Lu Hao suddenly remembered the scene where Rookie flashed into the wall during the training match!

"Could it be that Broiler flashed into the wall again?"

Rookie didn't answer Lu Hao's question directly, but laughed awkwardly twice.

Lu Hao: "..."

At the same time, at Wawa and Miller.

When Rookie was fighting with Zuoshou, the director just moved the view to the middle lane.

Therefore, Miller and Wawa happened to see that Rookie's Taliyah did not lift Knight's Corki after releasing the EW combo, and then immediately tried to flash away but hit the wall!

Wawa saw this and laughed:

"Song Yi Jin is indeed the best player in the league to flash and hit the wall!"

"Good guy, you can hit the wall even though the river is so narrow, no one else can do that!"

At this time, Miller also smiled and took over Wawa's words and said:

"You can always trust Song Yi Jin, unless he is at the wall!"

Wawa and Miller had just finished teasing Rookie, and IG's top laner had another good news!

That's right!

Ning Wang, who had always lived in the top lane, once again cooperated with Theshy's Aatrox to cross the tower and kill 369's Kennen!

The Biotic Demon killed the Heart of Rage!

However, after Theshy and Ning Wang crossed the tower and killed Kennen, Ning Wang's Zac failed to withdraw from the attack range of the opponent's defense tower in time, and was directly beaten into four small Ning Wangs by the opponent's top lane tower!

When Zac's four small organizations were about to be destroyed by the defense tower of Team Tes, a light suddenly lit up on one of Zac's organizations.


Outside the attack range of Tes's upper tower, Theshy's Sword Demon was also TPing on the spot!

Obviously, the TP on Zac came from Theshy's Sword Demon's TP!

Thanks to the protection of TP, Ning Wang's Zac was finally resurrected!

After resurrection, Ning Wang's Zac immediately walked out of the attack range of the upper tower on the opposite side!

At this point, Theshy and Ning Wang cooperated with each other to complete a relatively perfect tower crossing!

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