Although Vincent did let Lu Hao play jungle, and he still remembered that Lu Hao was once the Canyon Ghost. But Vincent was not panicked at this time! Because their top laner is Theshy, and he and Hai Dafu are also the main bottom laners. So in Vincent's opinion, let alone that they only have Lu Hao as the Canyon Ghost today, with the strength of their lineup today, even if there is another Canyon Ghost, Vincent thinks that he, Theshy and Hai Dafu can lead! At this moment, Vincent suddenly noticed that Hai Dafu had not said a word since entering the game room! So, Vincent said jokingly:

"Hai... Hai Dafu, why are you so silent today?"

"Why, are you too excited to speak after seeing your brother Hao and Theshy?"

Although Vincent was joking, he was actually right!

Let alone Lu Hao is Hai Dafu's idol, in fact, even Theshy is also very popular with Hai Dafu!

This led to Hai Dafu wanting to greet Lu Hao and Theshy, but because of nervousness, he couldn't organize his own language for greeting for a while!

At the same time, after hearing Vincent's suggestion, Lu Hao suddenly felt itchy.

Because since Lu Hao switched to support, he really hasn't played his old profession for a long time!

So, Lu Hao, who was a little excited, asked Chu Xinyuan:

"What do you think, Miss Chu?"

"While Shy and Te are here today, let's play a mid-jungle combination?"

Although Chu Xinyuan didn't care much about winning or losing, she didn't want to let her teammates down.

So, Chu Xinyuan said with some concern:

"It's possible, but can we really play mid-jungle?"

"After all, I don't play mid lane at all, maybe only LeBron and Lux ​​can be used for a while."

"If you add your terrible jungle, I even doubt that even if Te and Shy lead us together, I'm afraid we can't win!"

After hearing what Chu Xinyuan said, Vincent's smile froze!

Because Chu Xinyuan hadn't spoken before, he didn't know until now that Lu Hao's other friend was actually a girl who didn't play mid lane!

At this moment, Vincent suddenly had a bad premonition!

"Oh no, it seems that our game is not as simple as two Canyon Ghosts!"

If it is matched with an ordinary game, Vincent is not afraid of not winning.

But the fear is that if they match a very strong game, then whether they can win with the strength of their lineup is really another matter.

After all, it is possible to match opponents of any level!

However, he had already said it just now, and there was no reason to take it back.

"It's okay, you two can just play mid and jungle!"

"I don't believe that we can't win with this lineup!"

Hearing Vincent say this, Chu Xinyuan thought about it carefully and felt that what Vincent said made sense.

If Vincent and Theshy can't carry her and Lu Hao, it is indeed a bit exaggerated.

"Okay, then Brother Hao and I will play mid and jungle."

"If the mid lane is missing, I will report Miss immediately!"

Seeing that Chu Xinyuan had no objection, Lu Hao smiled and said:

"Since everyone's positions have been divided, I will start directly!"

After that, Lu Hao clicked the button to start matching!

The next second, Lu Hao and others appeared in the acceptance interface!

When Lu Hao and others entered the hero selection interface, Theshy locked Kalista at the speed of light!

Vincent and Hai Dafu did not hesitate and locked Draven and Thresh respectively!

Now, only Lu Hao and Chu Xinyuan have not chosen heroes.

At this moment, Chu Xinyuan asked Lu Hao:

"Brother Hao, what should I play this time?"

"Should I play Lux or LeBlanc?"

After a brief thought, Lu Hao replied:

"You play LeBlanc, and I will come to the middle lane to help you catch the enemy. You just need to use the E skill to trap the enemy."

As soon as Lu Hao finished speaking, Chu Xinyuan

He decisively locked on the Evil Mage!

Now, only Lu Hao hadn't chosen a hero!

While drinking the big glass of juice given to them by the waiter, Lu Hao thought:

"According to my current consciousness, I only need to play a jungler like Sejuani that doesn't require operation, at least it is enough for the match."

"But this is too boring, wouldn't it be a waste of the two big thighs of Te and Shy?"

With this thought, Lu Hao locked on the jungle hero he once liked the most but never dared to choose: Lee Sin without hesitation!

"Although my Lee Sin's operation is a bit lame, if combined with my consciousness, I think it shouldn't be a big deal?"

This is what Lu Hao really thought after locking on Lee Sin.

Just after everyone had chosen their heroes, Hai Dafu finally spoke!

Hai Dafu stuttered even more than Vincent:


"Hao...Hao brother and Shy...Shy brother, hello, I'm Xiao...Xiao Xiao Xiao Hai!"

Hearing Xiao Hai stuttering like this, Lu Hao almost spit out the juice he had just drunk!

As for Vincent, he was already laughing the moment Xiao Hai spoke!


"No...not Hai Dafu, how come you suddenly become a stutterer!"

Hearing this, Xiao Hai said a little embarrassedly:

"Well...a little excited, a little excited, let everyone laugh!"

Although Xiao Hai didn't stutter when he said this, it made Vincent laugh even more exaggeratedly!

Seeing this, Lu Hao also smiled and said:

"Brother Te, I mean you shouldn't laugh so hard, right!"

"That Hai Dafu, right? You don't have to be nervous when playing with us!"

In this way, Lu Hao and others spent the last time of selecting players in a burst of laughter.

But when the game entered the loading interface, Lu Hao was surprised to find that there were three people on the opposite side with the King frame!

Not only that, the other two people on the opposite side were not weak either, one was Diamond 1 and the other was a Master!

After seeing the rank of the opponent, Lu Hao's expression suddenly became a little solemn:

"We have just started the first match, and we are directly given the strength?"

And Chu Xinyuan immediately panicked after seeing that she was going to line up against the King!

"Brother Hao, how come I'm the king of the lane!"

"What should I do? I feel like I can't even lane this time!"

Even Vincent put away his chuckle after seeing the opponent's rank, and said seriously:

"Oh, is the opponent's rank so high?"

"Hai Dafu, it seems we need to be more serious this time!"

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