The game was a big success, but the game was a big success.

Since Spider accidentally died once, the MVP of this game naturally went to Lu Hao, who had a luxurious record!

Looking at the three golden words MVP in the TGP record, Lu Hao was immediately filled with emotion.

Because the number of times he got MVP is really a few, especially after coming to the super zone of Canyon Peak, the number of MVPs is even pitiful!

"I can't remember the last time I got MVP..."

Out of curiosity, Lu Hao began to look through his record, wanting to see when he got MVP last time.

Just because of this flip, the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward!

Because Lu Hao flipped through ten pages of records in a row, but didn't even get an MVP!

Since ten pages won't work, then twenty pages!

As a result, Lu Hao kept turning the records to the twentieth page, but still didn't see a single MVP!

Lu Hao: "..."

Lu Hao was silent, but the audience in Lu Hao's live studio was really happy!

"It's so funny, the anchor wanted to see when he last got the MVP, but he couldn't see it at all, hahaha!"

"No, no, it's really too funny!"

"I can only say that the anchor really understands the program effect!"


What Lu Hao didn't notice was that there was a number 3 in his friend list, which meant that three people were applying to add Lu Hao as a game friend.

Among these three people, one of the friend applications was sent by Northeast Quail!

As soon as the game ended, Northeast Quail applied to add Lu Hao as a game friend, waiting for Lu Hao to agree and play double row with him.

However, as soon as Lu Hao finished the game, he was immersed in the action of "looking for MVP" and forgot about Northeast Quail for a while.

This made Northeast Quail wait for a full minute after applying for a game friend, but he didn't see Lu Hao agree to his friend request!

So, Northeast Quail was confused!

"What's going on? Why didn't he agree to my friend request?"

Northeast Quail, who didn't want to wait any longer, learned the ID of Lu Hao's live broadcast room through the barrage in his live broadcast room, and then entered Lu Hao's live broadcast room.

But when Northeast Quail entered Lu Hao's live broadcast room, he was even more confused!

Although Lu Hao didn't turn on the camera, the problem was that Northeast Quail saw Lu Hao flipping through the TGP record!


"I thought this brother was doing something, but I didn't expect him to be flipping through the record here?"

"But what's the use of flipping through this record?"

Northeast Quail continued to watch Lu Hao's live broadcast with doubts.

Seeing Lu Hao flip through more than a dozen pages of records, Northeast Quail was immediately stunned!

"So this guy is a jungler?"

"That's nothing, but the record... is really too miserable."

"If we only look at the record, it seems that it's okay for the audience to call him the Canyon Ghost?"

"It seems that the title of Canyon Ghost is indeed well-deserved..." Northeast Quail suddenly said.

The reason why Northeast Quail thought so was that the games that Lu Hao had won in the dozen pages of records were almost all easy wins!

Not only that, even among the games he lost, there were almost no games that were blamed, not to mention the so-called SVP and best efforts.

After reading these records of Lu Hao, Northeast Quail made a decision in an instant: Lu Hao must not be allowed to play jungle!

On the other hand, when Lu Hao turned to the 32nd page of the record, he finally saw the three big words MVP again!

Although he found the record of MVP, Lu Hao was not happy at all.

"What the hell, I'm not that good at jungle, but I'm not that bad, am I?"

"How come I only found an MVP after looking through so many pages of records!"

"I can only say that this is a problem with the system's rating. That's right, it's not my fault!"

Just then, a person with the ID Northeast Quail directly gave Lu Hao five super rockets!

Seeing someone send gifts, Lu Hao exited from his world.

"Thanks for the five super rockets from Northeast Quail!"


Halfway through his words of thanks, Lu Hao finally remembered what he had just said.

He agreed to Northeast Quail's request to play duo with him!

Lu Hao scratched his head awkwardly, and then said:

"It's over, I almost forgot to add you."

"Come on, Brother Quail, I'll add you now, let's play duo together!"

That's right, it was Northeast Quail who gave the gift just now!

Northeast Quail heard this and said with a helpless smile:

"How can you say you almost forgot? I feel like you just forgot."


Soon, Lu Hao found Northeast Quail's game ID from the list of friends who applied for it, and agreed to the game friend's application.

As for the other two people who added him, Lu Hao also judged who these two people were from the game ID. These two people were Spider and EZ from the last game!

However, Lu Hao did not agree to EZ and Spider's friend application.

It's not that Lu Hao has any opinion on these two people, but because he doesn't dare to add them!

There's no way, who let Lu Hao only have one Thresh now!

If he really added Ezreal and Elise, and matched with them, his Thresh would definitely be banned!

Once Thresh is gone, he will become the same canyon ghost again!

"It seems that I still need to improve my popularity as soon as possible and get the rewards of the next stage as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, it is a bit too passive to have only one Thresh."

After accepting the friend request, Lu Hao received an invitation from Northeast Quail.

After clicking to accept, Lu Hao entered the game room of Northeast Quail.

"Hello, brother, you are finally here!"

"I've been waiting for you for so long that the flowers are almost withered!"

Hearing this, Lu Hao smiled awkwardly and said:

"Sorry, Brother Quail."

"It's mainly because I just checked the results, so I was a little slow to add you."

In this regard, Northeastern Quail didn't really care:

"It's okay, it's all a small matter."

"Come on, brother, let's take it together!"

"I was hooked by your Thresh in the last game, so let me experience the feeling of having a top-level support this time!"

Hearing this, Lu Hao smiled and replied:

"It seems that Brother Quail has a special liking for my Thresh!"

"In that case, I will continue to play support!"

After that, Lu Hao chose the support position!

Northeastern Quail heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Lu Hao chose the support:

"Fortunately, this brother didn't choose the jungler. If this brother wanted to choose the jungler, I would really have to consider the issue of running away."

What Northeastern Quail didn't know was that Lu Hao also heaved a sigh of relief at this time:

"Fortunately, Quail doesn't know that my support can only play Thresh, otherwise he would definitely not come to me for a duo."

So, the two people with ulterior motives started a new round of matches.

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