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"Put the Thresh for Brother Hao, right? Let's disperse. This game is over before it even begins."

"There is a way to heaven but you don't take it. If there is no door to hell you just go to it. DWG, you really can't think about it!"

"Let's bet! I bet that DWG's bottom lane will die every minute!"


On the DWG side, Coach Jin was also a little confused at this time.

"Is IG crazy?"

"They actually didn't grab the powerful hero in the version, but grabbed a Thresh instead?"

"No wonder IG, which won the championship last year, is only the third seed in the LPL division this year. It seems that Mafa's coaching level is very good."

"In this case, we at DWG will accept this point!"

Thinking of this, Coach Jin even had a bright smile on his face!

Afterwards, Coach Jin directed Nuguri and Canyon to lock down the two heroes Kai’Sa and Rockbird respectively!

Next, it was IG’s turn to select heroes again.

When Coach Mafa saw that DWG didn't choose to play support first, the expression on his face instantly became weird.

"No support?"

"It seems that the opponent is planning to do something sexy in the auxiliary position!"

"But it's a pity that your opponent is Haozi!"

In Coach Mafa's opinion, no matter how aggressive DWG is in the auxiliary position, it will not be able to shake Lu Hao's oppressive status!

Since DWG wants to play like this, Coach Mafa will let it play like this.

"Ning, just take Olaf!"

"Rookie, lock Draven on Jack!"

As Coach Mafa finished speaking, King Ning suddenly laughed strangely!

"very good!"

"Let me use Olaf to blow your dog's head off!"

Even Rookie couldn't help laughing and said:

"I really got Draven and Thresh for Haozi and Jack. It seems that I will live in the bottom lane with this one too!"

After IG locked Olaf and Draven respectively, there was a huge cheer at the game!

Jackylove suddenly became proud when he heard the deafening cheers!

"Brothers, let me do this!"

At the same time, the man in charge of explaining the smile immediately laughed out loud:

"It's a pity. It would be nice if the dates Lu Mao and I were responsible for commenting could be exchanged."

"After all, I think there should be no one more qualified than Lu Mao to judge the Draven and Thresh selected by IG."

When Guan Zeyuan heard this, he also laughed and joked:

"Hahaha, that means Lu Mao really can't come today, otherwise Lu Mao will probably scold you a lot."

While Smile was chatting with Guan Zeyuan, DWG had also selected their third hero: Angel!

Just like that, the first round of BP between the two sides officially ended!

When it was the second round of BP, DWG chose to BAN and lost Sword Girl!

When IG was banning people, Coach Mafa directed Jackylove to ban Galio!

When it was DWG's turn to ban people again, DWG actually chose to ban Yasuo!

As soon as DWG's BAN position came out, there was an uproar at the competition site!

After all, the hero Yasuo still rarely appears in professional games!

Seeing DWG actually banning Yasuo, even Coach Mafa couldn't help but praise:

"Do you think Coach Jin's BP level is pretty good?"

"Otherwise, why would he think of banning Yasuo? After all, I can't see any intention of selecting Yasuo in my first three picks, right?"

"It's a pity, otherwise I would have wanted to let Theshy test the waters with Yasuo while Haozi was on the field."

Coach Mafa sighed with regret, and then asked Lu Hao to ban the last hero: the card!

That's right, Coach Mafa has only one purpose in this round of BP, and that is to try to prevent people in other positions on the opposite side from being able to support the bottom lane in time!

Next, it’s DWG’s turn to select heroes.

After a brief thought, Coach Jin chose to win Jess!

The reason why Coach Jin made this choice was because he wanted to steal instead of BAN!

After all, whether it’s Rookie or The on IG’s side,

Shy is a good player of Jayce, and IG is obviously going to use a lineup for early and mid-term fighting!

In fact, Coach Jin guessed correctly. Coach Mafa originally planned to give Rookie Jayce!

Although Coach Jin guessed two heroes in a row, Coach Mafa was not panicked at all!

Because DWG found the wrong focus today!

Coach Mafa said calmly:

"Jack, you give Theshy Akali!"

"Haozi, you give Rookie Lucian!"

Lu Hao and Jackylove heard the words and locked Akali and Lucian respectively!

When IG locked in these two heroes, DWG's coach Kim smiled brighter after seeing IG's somewhat abstract lineup:

"Akali and Lucian in the mid and top?"

"And Olaf is the jungler?"

"Except for Thresh who has unstable control, the other players in this lineup have no control at all?"

"Mafa can be selected in such an abstract lineup?"

"It seems that IG's luck is still a bit good this year. After all, in my opinion, this kind of BP is already a bit too much for IG to reach the third seed of LPL!"

Thinking of this, coach Kim said to Beryl very confidently:

"Beryl, just pick Poppy normally!"

After hearing what coach Kim said, Beryl also locked in Poppy with excitement!

So far, the BP phase of this game has completely ended!

After the players of both sides exchanged heroes, the final lineup has also come out.

IG's final lineup is: Akali on top, Olaf on jungle, Lucian in the middle, and Thresh and Draven on the bottom!

And DWG's lineup is: Jayce on top, Taliyah on jungle, Angel on the middle, and Kaisa and Poppy on the bottom!

After selecting the heroes, Coach Mafa told Ning Wang:

"Ning, go to the bottom lane more often and help Haozi and Jack defend against Taliyah's ganks."

Ning Wang smiled confidently and made a gesture:

"No problem!"

Seeing Ning Wang's silly look, Coach Mafa was immediately furious!

After instructing Ning, Coach Mafa also instructed Lu Hao:

"Haozi, once you have an advantage, play fast and don't let Angel find a chance to turn the tables."

Hearing this, Lu Hao also smiled and replied:

"Don't worry, I know what's going on!"

On the DWG side, Coach Jin also said to his team members with a smile:

"Although the opponent's lineup is very bad, don't take it too lightly."

"Look forward to your triumphant return!"

Afterwards, Coach Jin and Coach Mafa came to the intersection leaving the game site with the belief that they must win and shook hands.

After the handshake, Coach Kim said with a smile:

"We DWG will accept the victory in this game!"

Coach Mafa smiled confidently and said:

"Who will win and who will lose is already a foregone conclusion after the lineup is released."

"This time, we IG will win!"

Although both Coach Kim and Coach Mafa had smiles on their faces, the gunpowder smell in the air was self-evident!

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