The new situation is not good.

On the IG team side, Coach Mafa felt unusually relieved when he saw Ning Wang and Lu Hao debugging the equipment.

After all, Coach Mafa really couldn't imagine how they would lose to the AHQ team today!

Although the fact is indeed like this, Coach Mafa still has to say what he should say:

"Today, you don't need to put too much pressure on yourself when playing against AHQ team."

"But I hope you will never underestimate the enemy because of this!"

"Be careful, arrogant soldiers will be defeated!"

"Even if it is against AHQ team, I hope you can go all out to win!"

After hearing this, Jackylove immediately leaned close to Lu Hao's ear and whispered:

"Brother Hao, why do I feel that our coach Mafa seems to have become a little fussy after playing against DWG?"

"And then again, it seems that hiding our strength has nothing to do with us at all!"

Although Jackylove's voice was indeed very low, he forgot one thing.

That is, the headphones they wore can actually hear each other's voices!

After Lu Hao silently pointed to his headphones, Jackylove finally realized this!

But it was too late!

Everything Jackylove said just now was heard by Coach Mafa without missing a word!

Jackylove looked back with a stiff expression, and then found that Coach Mafa was staring at him with a bad face!

Seeing this, Jackylove immediately said with a desire to survive:

"That, Coach Mafa!"

"I was just talking nonsense!"

"In fact, I think Coach Mafa is right!"

"I can only say that it sounds good, and I have to listen to it if I like it!"

Fortunately, Coach Mafa did not care about this matter, but reminded them again not to underestimate the AHQ team, and then told the referee that they were ready.

At the same time, the AHQ team had also debugged the equipment.

So, this game between IG and AHQ officially entered the BP stage!

Since AHQ has the right to choose sides, after AHQ team chooses the blue side, Lu Hao and others have to be assigned to the red side.

When the AHQ team banned people, AHQ banned Thresh in seconds under the command of their coach!

After seeing AHQ ban Thresh, Miller laughed and joked:

"It seems that AHQ has really studied the game between IG and DWG!"

"Ban Thresh immediately without any hesitation!"

"I can only say that the suppression power that Unfair brings to AHQ is still a bit scary."

Seeing that it was IG's turn to ban people, Wawa also said with a smile:

"Compared to AHQ banning Thresh, I actually like to watch IG's BP more!"

Hearing this, Miller asked with a puzzled look:

"IG's BP?"

"What's so good about that?"

"Especially IG's first three rounds of BP, I think I can recite them by heart now!"

"It's nothing more than banning three heroes, Cat, Wheel Mother and Morgana!"

Before Miller finished speaking, IG had already banned the hero Morgana!

Seeing this, Miller smiled and spread his hands and said:


Wawa heard this and continued to ask with a smile:

"Don't you think it's fun for IG to ban people like this?"

"Anyway, I feel that it's very cool for IG to ban people like this!"

"Responding to changes with constancy, this is the breath of the strong!"

As soon as Wawa finished speaking, IG had already banned their second hero: Wheel Mother!

Listening to the conversation between Wawa and Miller, the audience in the official live broadcast room were already laughing!

"Hahahaha, it feels like everyone knows what IG will ban in the first three hands now!"

"Cat Wheel Mother Morgana, anyway, just these few back and forth bans!"

"I have to say, as long as Brother Hao is on the court, the coach of the IG team will be so relaxed!"

"Indeed, I'm really good at this kind of BP!"


When it was AHQ's turn to ban people again, AHQ's battle

The coach of the team was in a dilemma.

"What should I ban now?"

"Target Theshy? But what's the use of targeting Theshy? My top laner still can't beat Theshy!"

"Target the mid laner or jungler?"

"It's still useless!"

"No matter how I target, I don't think my jungler and mid laner can beat the opponent's Rookie and Ning!"

"As for targeting the bottom lane? Isn't that even more unrealistic?"

"Didn't you see that DWG's bottom lane has no power to fight back?"

At this moment, the coach of the AHQ team deeply realized what it means to be a good cook without rice!

Just when the coach of the AHQ team was in a dilemma, the members of the AHQ team were very relaxed!

For them, they can't beat IG anyway, so why bother?

It's better to relax and look forward to the miracle!

In fact, the coach of the AHQ team also knows what kind of mentality his players have.

But he is too lazy to correct the mentality of his players!

After struggling for a while, the expression on the face of the coach of the AHQ team also relaxed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Forget it, just ban a few OP heroes in the version."

"Anyway, our team is now 0-3, even if we lose another game, I don't think it will have much impact."

So, the coach of the AHQ team commanded the players to ban Akali and Angel respectively!

Then, it was IG's turn to ban people!

In order to prevent the opponent from grabbing the cat, coach Mafa also commanded Rookie to ban the cat!

Next, it was the turn of the AHQ team to select people!

The coach of the AHQ team, who had been completely rotten, directly let his players lock the hero of the barrel without hesitation!

Seeing that AHQ locked the barrel in seconds, Ning Wang's fighting spirit instantly rose!

Ning Wang grinned and said:

"You dare to lock the barrel first, right?"

"In that case, I will teach you a lesson!"

"Coach Mafa, I will apply to use Olaf this time!"

Coach Mafa: "Okay, then let Ning lock Olaf first!"

Theshy heard it and immediately locked the hero Olaf!

After locking Olaf, Coach Mafa asked Ning to lock a swingable Jayce!

When it was AHQ's turn to select players again, the AHQ team locked Kaisa and Titan at a very fast speed!

Seeing the speed of AHQ's selection, Lu Hao couldn't help but question:

"So fast?"

"Good guy, I now seriously doubt whether the opponent is doing BP seriously!"

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