The old man was very angry, but he was still very angry.

Seeing that Jide was like this, Wawa, who was unwilling to fall behind, naturally followed suit!

"This is the IG team!"

"0 for 3!"

"AHQ dared to let the IG team's bottom lane gain an advantage, so this game can be said to be over!"

Although Wawa was not out of breath like Jide, after Wawa shouted this sentence, his breathing became visibly disordered!

After seeing Wawa and Jide working so hard, Miller muttered in confusion:

"Why did these two people suddenly roll up?"


At the same time, in the IG team's lounge.

After seeing that Lu Hao and others were already four kills ahead of the AHQ team, Coach Mafa stopped paying attention to the game and started calculating the scores of other teams.

That's right!

At this time, Coach Mafa has already started studying their opponents in the quarterfinals!

In the AHQ team's lounge, facing the players who were already at a disadvantage, the coach of the AHQ team sighed with a wry smile:

"Although I know that there must be a huge gap between our team and IG."

"But when I really saw IG crushing our team, I still felt a little uncomfortable."

"Forget it, I'll study TL!"

"After all, our team should win a game anyway."

"Otherwise, going home with a 0-6 is really a bit too unreasonable."

After sighing, the coach of the AHQ team no longer paid attention to this game, but began to study the game data of the TL team.

On the IG team side, since the opponent's bottom lane and jungler were already dead, Lu Hao and others pushed the bottom lane soldiers to the next tower of the opponent, and they also ate a layer of plating together.

After all these things were done, Lu Hao and others chose to return to the city!

When Lu Hao and the other two returned to the city, Rookie suddenly noticed that Theshy had already suppressed the health of the captain very low!

So, Rookie decisively gave up a wave of soldiers and went to the top lane for a circle!

Since Rookie's mana was not much, AHQ team's Victor did not report Miss when he saw that the clockwork was gone.

By the time AHQ team's Victor realized that something was wrong, Rookie's clockwork had already come behind the captain!

For Rookie's double teaming, Victor, who had two skills with sprint and flash, could only say sorry to his own top laner, and then there was no more.

As the top lane soldiers entered the tower, Rookie's Clockwork and Theshy's Jayce easily crossed the tower and killed the severely disabled Captain!

As for the Captain's head, it was also taken by Rookie's Clockwork!

Clockwork Mage killed Ocean Scourge!

At this point, the head ratio of the two teams has reached 5 to 0!

IG's side is 5, and AHQ's side is 0!

Seeing that IG's mid and top players had gained an advantage again, Miller immediately commented with a smile:

"Behind Theshy, there are always two strong backers!"

"Either Rookie or Ning!"

"Anyway, one of these two people will always stay behind Theshy like a ghost!"

"It's fair to say that ZIV's Captain lost!"

After hearing this, Wawa, who had calmed down, also smiled and said:

"By the way, have you noticed that IG has never lost a game since Unfair joined?"

Hearing this, Miller smiled and replied:

"I'm sure you've found out!"

"IG's strength was already very scary, and now IG has a perverted brain."

"To be honest, I think only SKT from the LCK and Fpx from our region are capable of competing with IG right now, right?"

Jide heard this and interrupted:

"What about G2?"

"I feel that G2 is also very strong now. If IG is not careful, they might lose to G2."

However, when Jide said this, he was refuted by Wawa and Miller.

Wawa: "G2 is not good. They are far behind."


Miller: "As for the current IG team, it is impossible for them to lose to G2 even if they underestimate the enemy."

"Anyway, I can't think of how IG can underestimate the enemy to lose to G2."

At this point, Miller suddenly felt something was wrong, so he added:

"Of course, I mean when Ning Wang and Unfair are on the court."


At the same time, Lu Hao and Jackylove have also updated their equipment and returned to the bottom lane.

Since Lu Hao got two heads and two assists, Lu Hao's Ashe also made an attack speed shoe directly.

When Wako of the AHQ team saw that Ashe had made an attack speed shoe, he felt his scalp tingling!

After all, the pulling ability of Ashe with attack speed shoes and Ashe without attack speed shoes has changed dramatically!

As for himself?

He doesn't even have a pair of straw shoes now!

Wako saw this and said with a look of discomfort as if he was constipated:

"The equipment of the opponent's bottom lane is a bit good, let's develop for a while."

Ysear nodded and replied:

"It's a bit uncomfortable, let's develop for a while."

But just when the two were about to develop, Alex, who had already cleared part of the jungle area, suddenly said:

"Wait for me in the bottom lane, I will continue to go down later!"

"I still don't believe that our team can't even kill an Ashe without flash?"

At this time, ZIV, who had already used TP to return to the line, heard the words and immediately gave feedback:

"You can catch the bottom lane, I can Use your ultimate to support us!"

However, this time, Wako, who had been stubborn before, hesitated:

"Why don't we just forget it?"

"I'm afraid Olaf is still in the bottom lane!"

"If our bottom lane explodes again, we won't be able to play at all!"

Unexpectedly, when Alex heard what Wako said, he replied disapprovingly:

"It doesn't matter. If Olaf is still hiding, then we will just die!"

"Anyway, we have lost three games in a row and are doomed to miss the quarterfinals."

"Since it's already like this, we might as well let it go!"

"Anyway, there is no worse outcome for us!"

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