After hearing what Vincent said, Lu Hao immediately rolled his eyes, because Vincent was just being ungrateful! "Okay, okay, it's okay, Brother Te."

"It's just a cannon, I'll let you treat Kaisa as a cannon later!"

Hearing this, Vincent went right on the same page and said:

"That...that's great, brother!"

Seeing Vincent being so shameless, the audience in Vincent's live studio couldn't sit still:

"Brother Te, can you please stop being so ungrateful? Which is more valuable, Kaisa's flash or your cannon!"

"Yeah, Kaisa gave up her flash this time, and let Pike drive to Kaisa in the next wave, wouldn't you get 300 yuan in your account?"

"Brother Te is too much, have you forgotten how you disliked him when you chose the hero just now?"

"Brother Te, please be a human being!"

Seeing that the audience's reaction seemed a bit exaggerated, Vincent tilted his head and asked innocently:

"But...but I don't care about Kaisa's I want both the flash and the low-health cannon."

"I think there should be no problem, right?"

On the other side, Right Hand saw that he had not only given himself a kill because of his misjudgment, but also let Smile's flash out, so he hurriedly took the blame and said:

"My, my, this wave is mine."

"I shouldn't have hooked it at all."

Smile heard it and shook his head and said:

"It's okay, just a small problem."

"Besides, I also had a problem this wave. If my positioning could be better, I could save this flash."

"It's okay, let's play slowly."

"Even if we have a small disadvantage in the early stage, it doesn't matter. When you reach level 6 and cooperate with my burst, we should be able to kill Draven in seconds."


Although Lu Hao and Vincent made a lot of money, Ning Wang felt a little uncomfortable!

Because Ning Wang had already brushed the stone man at this time, and there was nowhere to go!

"Fuck, are Draven and Pike so strong?"

"Killing the enemy at level 2, they are really good."

"I can only say that Vincent's Draven is still trustworthy."

"But there is another problem. There is no chance in the bottom lane now. Where should I go?"

After thinking it over and over again, Ning Wang chose to go to the river crab that had just been refreshed to provide some vision for his bottom lane, and then go to clean up his upper jungle.

As the support Titan had died, Kaisa on the opposite side could only stay under the tower and wait for the soldiers to enter the tower, or for his support Titan to come back online.

Lu Hao and Vincent also took this opportunity to quickly push the bottom lane soldiers, because the soldiers at this time were advancing towards the opposite side!

Just after Lu Hao and Vincent pushed the bottom lane soldiers to the next tower on the opposite side, Brother Ba on Lu Hao's side "performed stably" again! ”

The Master of Weapons killed the Lava Monster!

Lu Hao looked at the stone man who died again, and suddenly felt a little confused:

"Do I have any buff?"

"Why is it that every time I encounter a game with a live streamer, our top laner always dies so quickly?"

After Lu Hao said this, the audience in Lu Hao's live broadcast room also discussed:

"It seems to be true. When our brother Hao first met brother Quail, the top lane was also blown up very quickly."

"Although it is reasonable for brother Ba to be killed in the line, it seems that brother Ba usually doesn't die so quickly, right?"

"Could it be that brother Hao really has a buff that as long as he encounters a live streamer, his top laner will be stably threaded."

"Hahahaha, I feel sorry for brother Hao for three seconds! ”


When Lu Hao and Vincent came to a safe location and started to return to the city, Lu Hao's mid laner Mango Fish stood up!

The Void Walker killed the Clockwork!

Seeing the kill in the middle lane, Lu Hao couldn't help but sigh:

"Not bad, at least our mid lane is still very powerful this time."

"Kassadin can kill Clockwork in the early stage."

After hearing what Lu Hao said, Vincent was completely confused!

Because he couldn't understand why Lu Hao said these words!

"What's going on?"

"Is this brother so miserable?"

"Does he automatically get blown up every time he meets a top laner?"

"Will such a fantastic thing really happen?"

Lu Hao was stunned at first, then he realized that Vincent had selectively filtered out the words "games with anchors".

"That's not the case, but when I first met Brother Quail, our top laner and Brother Ba were blown up at about the same speed, so I was a little emotional."

"Brother Te, just pretend you didn't hear it."

After returning to the fountain, although Lu Hao didn't get a kill, he still had an assist and a salary, so he still had 682 gold coins on him.

Seeing that he was only 18 gold coins away from 700 gold coins, Lu Hao waited in the fountain for a while, and when the gold coins rose to 700, he bought a pair of straw sandals, a long sword and a bottle of blood potion before going out.

On Vincent's side, due to Draven's passive, when he killed Kaisa, the money on him had reached 1300!

So, Draven took out a Storm Sword and rushed to the bottom lane.

On the way to the line, Lu Hao opened the record panel and took a look because he had nothing to do, and then he was dumbfounded.

"What the hell?"

"26 knives plus a head, and a Storm Sword was directly made?"

"And this head is not the first blood..."

"Draven is a hero, as long as he gets the advantage, it's really a bit unreasonable..."

Thinking that Kaisa will use Doran's Blade and Long Sword to fight Draven's Storm Sword and Doran's Blade, Lu Hao couldn't help but mourn for Kaisa in his heart for three seconds.

"Storm Sword vs Long Sword, I don't know if Kaisa will feel numb after seeing Draven's equipment..."

When Lu Hao and Vincent went online, Xiao Wei, who had just replenished an attack speed short sword after returning to the city, and was rushing to the bottom lane, really felt a little numb.

"No, I have to ban Draven in the future."

"Once this hero gets the advantage, it's too difficult to play on the line." Smile said helplessly.

As soon as Lu Hao and Vincent returned to the line, they immediately began to control the line.

In addition, the line of soldiers in the bottom lane was pushing towards Lu Hao, so Titan could only stand at a considerable distance from the line of soldiers in the bottom lane, and did not dare to go forward to gain experience, which was extremely difficult.

Just when the opposite Kaisa just came online, Lu Hao's top laner once again sent "good news!"

The Master of Arms killed the Lava Behemoth!

Killing Spree!

The Master of Arms is killing people!

Seeing this, Lu Hao and Vincent even said in unison:


"Brother Ba was killed again?"

Before the two could continue to say anything, they saw Brother Ba typing in the chat bar:

"Where's the jungler? Where's the jungler? Come and save the top lane!"

"The top lane is almost unplayable!"

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