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While waiting expectantly, Ning Wang finally received a disappointing message:

"Brother, I am not playing solo, I am playing with AD."

Seeing this, Ning Wang said with great regret :

"Alas, although I have long guessed that a support as powerful as Pike would not have an AD to duo with him."

"But I still want to try my luck, what if they just don't have an AD to duo with him?" "What a pity, otherwise I could have a jungler-support collaboration with this Pike and get a big score."

There was no other way, since the other party already had a duo teammate, Ning Wang had to reply:

"Okay brother, Next time we have a chance to play together and get a big score! "

Although Lu Hao was somewhat happy about Ning Wang's invitation, he was also a little speechless.

Because he was now certain that Ning Wang had absolutely no attention on them. There is no way to double-queue at this level!

After replying to Ning Wang with "OK, we will definitely meet next time if we have a chance," Lu Hao closed the chat interface between him and Ning Wang.

At this moment, Lu Hao noticed that the other six people who had just added him had already left. Matchmaking begins!

Seeing this, Lu Hao said with some amusement:

"The audience still says that I am a slave to points, but what is the difference between these anchors and me?"

"So the reason you add me as a friend is because You really want to ban my hero when it's my turn, right? "

In fact, among the eight people who just added Lu Hao, there is one person who has not started the queue match at this moment, but has been waiting for Lu Hao's consent His friend request!

This person is none other than Brother Ba, who was infinitely killed by Tiger God's weapon in the previous game!

Unfortunately, Brother Ba is destined not to wait for Lu Hao to agree to his friend request, because Brother Ba was infinitely killed by the weapon in the previous game. The stone man that was killed really scared Lu Hao.

On the other side, Vincent had finished chatting with the audience in his live broadcast room.

Moreover, Vincent also learned from his live broadcast room that Lu Hao was also a live broadcaster!

Thinking of the 10,000 yuan salary he promised Lu Hao yesterday, Vincent went directly to Lu Hao's live broadcast room and sent out five super Rockets!

Here, Lu Hao was watching a short video on his phone when he heard the sound of rockets through his headphones!

Lu Hao looked up and found that "Vincent" had sent him five super rockets in a row! Lu Hao was stunned!

"Thank you, Brother Te, for sending me five super rockets!"

"Thank you, Brother Te, you are so generous!" Lu Hao hurriedly thanked him.

After thanking him, Lu Hao suddenly remembered that the Northeastern quail from yesterday was also I sent him five super rockets just because we didn’t agree!

"Do all big anchors like to fire five super rockets when they meet?"

"Actually, I can understand giving gifts, after all, it's fun to have fun."

"But why do they not only have the same gifts, but also the same quantity?" Lu Hao Muttered to himself.

Just then, Vincent sent a VX message:

"Brother, these five super rockets are a gift for meeting you."

After that, a transfer message popped up in the VX chat box: Vincent has made a transfer to you, and the amount of this transfer is exactly 10,000 yuan!

If it was yesterday, Lu Hao would definitely accept the 10,000 yuan without hesitation.

But if it was today, Lu Hao hesitated instead!

"This 10,000 yuan is the salary that Brother Te gave me, which means that as long as I receive this 10,000 yuan, I need to play duo with Brother Te every day."

"Actually, this is not bad. I think as long as I If I help Tege play the main character to rush the points, Tege should also rush with me. ”

“But the problem is, yesterday I felt that it would take at least a month for me to try out for a professional team.”

“But I Now that I have initially solved the problem of my hero pool, I am afraid that I will have to try out for a professional team in less than a month. "

"So should I take the 10,000 yuan or not?" Lu Hao fell into deep thought. .

After repeated consideration, Lu Hao chose to reluctantly return the 10,000 yuan transfer.

Because he felt that he might not be able to finish the game in this month!

Seeing Lu Hao return the 10,000 yuan transfer, Vincent I was stunned!

"What's going on?"

"Didn't we agree yesterday that I would pay him 10,000 yuan a month? Why did he refuse today?"

Thinking of the five super rockets he had just given Lu Hao, Vincent suddenly " Enlightenment


"Brother, the five super rockets just now are extra gifts."

"The ten thousand yuan just now is your monthly salary."

"And the gifts you receive in the live broadcast room have nothing to do with me. How much you can receive is up to you. I can't share it with you."

After sending this message, Vincent transferred another ten thousand yuan.

However, Vincent still saw the message that Lu Hao returned the transfer!

Just when Vincent was puzzled, Lu Hao explained:

"Brother Te, I really can't accept your 10,000 yuan."

"It's not that I don't want to play duo with you, but because I feel today that I'm afraid I can't play duo with you for even a month."

Seeing Lu Hao's message, Vincent suddenly had a bad premonition!

"Is this brother in trouble?"

Thinking of this, Vincent suddenly said seriously to the audience in his live broadcast room:

"Brothers, I suddenly have something here, so I need to turn off the broadcast for a while."

"I'll start the broadcast after I deal with my things here."

"As for the time required, it's to be determined, but I guess it won't take too long."

After that, Vincent went off the broadcast without waiting for the audience in the live broadcast room to react!

When Lu Hao was still thinking about how to continue talking to Vincent, he saw a VX call from Vincent!

Seeing this call, Lu Hao thought that maybe it would be better to talk over the phone, so he answered the phone directly.

Then, Vincent's slightly hoarse but anxious voice came from the other end of the phone:

"Hello? Brother...Brother."

"I saw you suddenly said that you couldn't play duo with me for a month. What's the situation?"

"Did you encounter something very troublesome?"

When Lu Hao heard it, a bunch of question marks suddenly floated in his mind!

Because he couldn't figure out why Vincent suddenly said this!

Soon, Lu Hao realized that Vincent had misunderstood him.

So, Lu Hao smiled and explained:

"No, no, brother Te, you misunderstood."

"I didn't encounter any trouble here."

"The reason why I feel that I can't play with you for a month is because I feel that I may have to do other things within this month."

"Of course, it is also possible that I can play with you for a month."

"It's just that this matter is difficult to judge. I can't be sure when I will do that thing."

"That's why I refused to transfer the money."

Hearing Lu Hao's somewhat convoluted explanation, Vincent was relieved.

In summary, everything is normal on Lu Hao's side!

"No... It's okay, it's okay!"

"It really scared me. I thought you were in trouble, so I called you to ask."

"Of course, I was afraid that some of your things would not be convenient for too many people to know. I even turned off the live broadcast before calling!"

Hearing Vincent's answer, Lu Hao's heart suddenly warmed!

The reason was simple, because he and Vincent had not known each other for long, and at most he was just a little better than a teammate who played a game in a duo.

The fact that Vincent could call him was enough to show that Vincent was a good guy!

At least it showed that Vincent really wanted to help him if he really encountered any difficulties!

Just as Lu Hao was about to say something, Vincent's curious voice came from the other end of the phone:

"By the way, brother, can you tell me what the matter you are talking about is?"

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