The new game was a big success.

After seeing Lu Hao ranked against so many kings, even Chu Xinyuan, who already knew the result of the game, couldn't help but sweat for Lu Hao.

After all, until today, Lu Hao was just a diamond boy who had finally reached Diamond 3!

Especially, Lu Hao and Vincent's opponents were the long-famous Smile and Right Hand!

But what shocked Chu Xinyuan even more was yet to come. She originally thought that this would be a battle of dragons and tigers, but Lu Hao and Vincent actually won with a crushing advantage!

"Has Brother Hao become so strong now?" Chu Xinyuan was stunned after watching the first game, and even forgot that she had to edit the material.

Chu Xinyuan came back to her senses when the second game was about to start.

"If Brother Hao's previous strength was only 50% likely to be enough for professional play, then with the strength Brother Hao showed today, there is at least an 80% chance that he can be a professional player!"

"Because this is the King of the Canyon of Heroes, a thousand-point game!"

"And the bottom lane combination on the opposite side is not just any cat or dog, but Smile and Right Hand!" Chu Xinyuan was sincerely happy for Lu Hao!

Because at this time, Lu Hao really has the opportunity to get involved in the professional arena!

At least that's what she thinks.

"Besides helping Brother Hao edit the video, is there anything else I can do to help Brother Hao?" Chu Xinyuan didn't rush to edit the video, but began to think about this question.

Soon, Chu Xinyuan came up with an idea!

"By the way, I think I can add a sentence after each video I edit: If a professional team is interested in this support in the video, please contact the video author to discuss this sentence in detail?"

Thinking of this, Chu Xinyuan took out her mobile phone to check how many views the videos she posted on various platforms have now.

After Chu Xinyuan finished watching the videos she uploaded to various platforms, she found that the lowest number of views among these videos has reached 50,000!

Especially the videos she posted on a certain audio, the number of views has even reached 110,000!

After seeing this data, Chu Xinyuan was immediately delighted!

"It seems to be really good!"

"At least from the data of the video, the effect of the video I made is absolutely no problem!"

"If I buy some traffic for these videos specifically, maybe these videos can really enter the vision of the people who are responsible for poaching people in major professional teams!"

As soon as she said it, Chu Xinyuan immediately called one of her good girlfriends who was working in self-media.

After hearing Chu Xinyuan's request, her best friend felt bad!

"No way, Xinyuan?"

"Are you really going to use all your savings to buy traffic for this video?"

"You don't have a fever, are you?"

In response to her best friend's doubts, Chu Xinyuan said very affirmatively:

"It's true, just do what I say."

Hearing this, Chu Xinyuan's best friend still advised kindly:

"As your best friend, I still want to advise you not to spend so much money to buy traffic."

"After all, this is the 80,000 yuan you have saved since you were a child."

"And I To put it bluntly, even if you use this 80,000 yuan to buy traffic, it is still a drop in the bucket. "

"The result may not be able to meet your expectations, then this 80,000 yuan will really be a waste, Xinyuan!"

"Why don't you think about it again?"

However, Chu Xinyuan still said firmly in the face of her best friend's persuasion:

"Just do what I say, I have made up my mind."

Chu Xinyuan's best friend saw that she had said so much, but Chu Xinyuan was still unmoved.

There was no other way, so Chu Xinyuan's best friend had to reply:

"Ah, you, you."

"Sometimes I really don't know what to say to you. Why do you lose your mind every time you encounter something related to Lu Hao?"

"Forget it, let it be!"

"I don't care about your business!"

"But I promise that I will do my best to do the best for your business!"

Hearing this, Chu Xinyuan showed a spring breeze-like smile:

"I know, I believe in you the most!"

"Come on!"

Hearing Chu Xinyuan say this, the person on the other end of the phone replied impatiently:


No, no, no, who do you trust the most? It's obviously your little brother Lu Hao, okay! "

"You will fall into his hands sooner or later!"

"Just wait!"

Chu Xinyuan smiled noncommittally, and the two chatted about cosmetics for a while, and then ended their conversation.

After hanging up the phone, Chu Xinyuan smiled very satisfied, and then murmured to herself:

"Although I have saved this money since I was a child, the reason why I save money is not to use it one day?"

"And now, it's time for me to use it!"

"What about 80,000 yuan, what about all my savings?"

"What about getting nothing?"

"For me, I am happy to use this 80,000 yuan, all my savings, to bet on a possible future for Brother Hao! ”


On Lu Hao’s side, Lu Hao had already finished his first solo game.

In this game, Lu Hao chose a Pike who had a stronger personal carry ability!

Plus Lu Hao played the ADC well, so at the end of the game, Lu Hao also played a luxurious record of 11-1-4!

Of course, the MVP of this game was also won by Lu Hao’s Pike!

Just when Lu Hao was about to start the second round of solo, Lu Hao saw Ning Wang sent him a message again!

“Brother, I see your duo teammate Vincent has left.”

“So, are you coming to duo with me?”

When Lu Hao saw the message from Ning Wang, he was stunned:


“Why is it Ning Wang again?”

“No, why does Ning Wang know that Vincent has left?”

“Has he been paying attention to when Vincent will leave? ”

“Not really, right?”

“Which jungler would keep eyeing on a support and want to play duo with him?”

What Lu Hao didn’t know was that Ning Wang was actually playing solo and would occasionally go into Lu Hao’s live streaming room to take a look!

Look, Ning Wang finally got the chance when Vincent left, so he waited for Lu Hao after his game ended!

Since Ning Wang came to Lu Hao again, and he didn’t have a duo teammate at the moment.

So, Lu Hao replied to Ning Wang with a good word and invited Ning Wang to enter his game room.

As soon as Ning Wang came in, he said with emotion:

“Good brother, it’s really hard to play duo with you!”

“I’ve been playing solo for almost a day, and now I finally have the chance to play duo with you!”

After hearing this, Lu Hao smiled and replied:

“No way, brother, you’re flattering me a little bit! ”

“It’s not that I’m hard to make an appointment, it’s mainly because I agreed to play duo with Te yesterday.”

“I can’t just run away halfway through playing with Te and then play duo with you, right?”

After hearing this, Ning Wang joked:

“It’s not impossible, brother!”

“Okay, okay, I won’t talk nonsense with you anymore, let’s start!”

“I’m almost losing for the day, let me win a few games!”

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