The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were very busy.

When Ning Wang collapsed on the chair, Jackylove came over and said with a gloating look:

"I really love you, Ning."

"I never thought that a meeting that has nothing to do with you would call you over for so long."

"Are you feeling particularly speechless now?"


Hearing this, Ning Wang snorted coldly:

"Normal, I guessed it had nothing to do with me."

"But the 193 coach still called me over specifically. I don't understand what the meaning of his doing this is."

"I'm really impressed."

Rookie also walked up to Ning Wang at this time , with an old brother-like appearance, smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Coach 193 must have his own reasons for calling you over."

"That should be the case, right..."

After hearing what Rookie said, Jackylove immediately complained:

"Old Song, you are too bad at comforting people."

"Besides, does Ning look like someone whose mentality is easily broken?"

"I think you should spend your time caring about Ning instead of...that person and that person." Jackylove pouted at Baolan, who looked gloomy, and Leyan, who looked depressed.

Of course, when Jackylove talked about that person and that person, he spoke in a voice that only the three of them could hear, so Baolan and Leyan didn't hear it.

Rookie followed Jackylove's gaze, then quickly looked back, looking helpless:

"It's not a question of comforting them now."

"The most important thing for them now is to get back to their normal state, otherwise, no matter who comforts them, it will be useless."

While the three were chatting in a low voice, Theshy also came over silently, and then said in extremely poor Chinese:

"Qi Cheese Nest thinks (actually I think) Ning Shangchang should be stronger than Le Yan (Ning should be stronger than Le Yan when he is on the court)."

Although Ning's words were indeed very poor and difficult to understand, Ning Wang and the other two, who had been working together for a year, understood what Theshy had just said.

Ning Wang said very annoyedly:

"I want to play, but the coach won't give me a chance to play!"

"Not giving me a chance to play is fine, but he doesn't even let me play in the training game!"

"What's the excuse for saying that I'm not in good shape?"

"Haha, I'm dying of laughter."

"When I played before, he gave me the whole Sejuani, the whole Zac, the whole weak jungler, and he wanted me to play with advantage?"

"I just can't figure it out, am I weaker than the opponent's jungler?"


Hearing Ning Wang complain Jackylove quickly covered Ning Wang's mouth and said:

"Okay, okay, okay brother."

"Let's not say these words here, otherwise if Coach 193 doesn't hear it, you will be even less likely to play."

As soon as Jackylove finished speaking, Rookie made a shushing gesture to everyone, and then whispered:


"Listen carefully outside and see what you can hear?"

After hearing what Rookie said, everyone immediately quieted down.

Then, everyone heard a burst of quarrels outside the training room!

So, Rookie and others looked at each other.

Finally, it was akylove who broke the deadlock:

"It seems that Coach Mafa and Coach 193 are arguing again."

Hearing this, Ning Wang said with some disdain:

"Of course, with Coach 193's coaching level, I really don't understand how he can be the head coach."

"I think the top management of our team should kick 193 out as soon as possible and let Coach Mafa coach."

"To be honest, if the top management of our team had done this earlier, we would not be on the edge of the S game like now, and we should have been sent to the S game long ago!"

"Bad luck!"

As soon as Ning Wang finished speaking, everyone heard that the quarrel outside the door had ended, and there were bursts of footsteps coming from far to near.


Seeing this, ylove hurriedly whispered to Ning Wang:

"Okay, okay, don't say anything for now."

"If you have anything to say, wait until we get back to the house and then talk slowly."

"At least you should have some superficial respect for Coach 193."

Although Ning Wang was still very unhappy, he chose to listen to Jackylove's words and stopped complaining.

Not long after, the footsteps outside the door disappeared.

As the footsteps disappeared, the door of the training room was also pushed open.

And the person who pushed the door open was Mafa, the current deputy coach of the IG team!

Seeing Coach Mafa walk into the training room with a tired face, Ning Wang was about to say something when he saw Coach 193 followed him in.

Seeing this, Ning Wang immediately stopped getting up and collapsed on the chair again.

As for Theshy, Rookie and Jackylove, they still stood silently beside Ning Wang.

When Coach 193 came in, he looked around and found that everyone was there, then announced:

"Everyone's performance today was actually pretty good, except for LeYan and Baolan."

"Everyone else should keep up the good work, everyone must work hard!"

"No matter what, we must at least get the tickets for the S game first!"

"Okay, let me talk about tomorrow's training game next."

"Our opponent in tomorrow's training game is RNG, and LeYan will continue to play jungle, and Duke will try to play top."

At this time, Duke, who had been eating potato chips in the corner of the training room, looked at Coach 193 with a confused look on his face.

Because he didn't expect that he would play in tomorrow's training game!

Hearing that Theshy was going to be replaced, King Ning couldn't sit still for a moment:

"No, why did you want to replace Brother Shy?"

"Can't you see what the problem is with our team now?"

"Our team keeps losing, is it the problem of the top laner?"

"I want to ask you, Coach 193, what are you thinking about now?"

While talking, King Ning stood up and looked at Coach 193 fiercely.

Just when King Ning was about to continue to criticize Coach 193, Coach Mafa came over and stopped King Ning:

"Okay Ning, just say less."

Even though he was stopped by Coach Mafa, Ning still stared at Coach 193 fiercely and said:

"Humph, what the hell!"

After saying this, King Ning turned around and walked towards the door of the training room.

When Ning Wang walked to the door of the training room, he did not forget to turn back and add:

"Coach 193, I hope you can think more when making team arrangements, okay?"

"I hope you can live up to the word coach on your head!"

After saying that, Ning Wang opened the door of the training room and walked out, then slammed the door of the training room shut.

Seeing Ning Wang's reaction, Jackylove and Rookie looked at each other helplessly, and both understood each other's meaning from each other's eyes.

Coach 193 frowned as he watched Ning leave and said:

"Doesn't he still understand why I don't let him play?"

"With his temper when things happen, how can he play the jungle position, which requires calmness from the beginning?"

"Okay, it seems that Ning needs to stay on the bench for a while."

"At least we have to wait until Ning gets rid of this bad habit of getting angry when things happen before he can play again."

Coach 193 sorted out his thoughts and announced again:

"Tomorrow's training match with RNG will be based on what I arranged."

"Okay, everyone try to rest early and don't stay up too late."

After the announcement, Coach 193 left the IG team's training room.

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