The more you play, the more you play.

When Coach Mafa was watching the video, he put himself in the other side's perspective.

As a result, he found that he had no way to solve the problem of Thresh's hook being too accurate in the video!

Just like a shot in this video, anyone who has a little bit of awareness will subconsciously stand in front of his own minions to prevent himself from being hooked during the laning phase as long as he sees the opponent's Thresh hooking.

However, this trick is almost useless for the Thresh in the video!

Because the Thresh in the video can always find a way to hook the person standing behind the minions!

This makes Coach Mafa, who put himself in the other side's perspective, feel a burst of palpitations!

"This Thresh is really a bit exaggerated. He seems to be more than just limited to understanding the opponent's thoughts!"

"He even gave me a feeling that he was playing with the judgment mechanism of the game system!"

"It's terrible, really terrible!"

"I can only say that no matter who is on the line with this kind of Thresh, they will be beaten to a sweat, right?" This is the conclusion drawn by Coach Mafa after carefully analyzing the video.

Until the second video was played, Coach Mafa's mind was still immersed in the oppression brought by Thresh or Pike.

When Coach Mafa came back to his senses, there was only one thought in his mind:

"This Thresh may be the biggest savior of the IG team!"

Although Coach Mafa knew that the "Haozi Thresh" in this video must have never played a game.

But what does it matter?

In his opinion, a person who can play Thresh and Pike to such a level, once he can really adapt to the rhythm and atmosphere of the game, he will definitely become a trump card of the IG team!

A trump card that can decide the final direction of the game!

So, Coach Mafa didn't even care about washing up, and immediately clicked on the avatar of the video publisher to find contact information.

Unfortunately, Coach Mafa flipped back and forth several times, but couldn't find any contact information from the publisher of the video!

Seeing this, Coach Mafa was dumbfounded!

"No, it's okay for you to let the interested team contact you."

"But don't you have to leave us a specific contact information?"

"Okay now, I'm interested, but where can I contact you?"

"Do you want me to run to your house to contact you?"

"Then at least tell us your residential address!"

At this moment, Coach Mafa collapsed!

Who wouldn't be excited when they found a life-saving straw?

But who wouldn't collapse when they found that this life-saving straw was simply out of reach?

Coach Mafa was in this state at this time.

At this moment, Coach Mafa suddenly discovered something!

"If I remember correctly, Ning's ID seems to appear many times in this video?"

"Could it be..."

"Could it be that Ning and this so-called "Haozi Thresh" played in a double row?"

After thinking of this, Coach Mafa immediately got dressed and walked out of his dormitory, running straight to Ning Wang's dormitory!

About half an hour later, the sleepy Ning Wang and Coach Mafa were already sitting in Coach Mafa's office.

"No, Coach Mafa."

"Why did you wake me up at this time?"

"Aren't I not participating in the training match today?"

"Does it mean that even if I don't participate in the training match, I still have to watch the training match!" Ning Wang complained while rubbing his eyes full of dark circles.

Coach Mafa didn't say anything about Ning Wang's complaint, because he understood the feeling of being suddenly woken up in the middle of sleep.

After Ning Wang finished complaining, Coach Mafa asked with a serious face:

"Do you know Haozi Thresh?"

When Ning Wang heard this, he was immediately confused.

"Haozi Thresh?"

"What Haozi Thresh, what are you talking about, Coach Mafa?"

After hearing Ning Wang's answer, Coach Mafa was instantly disappointed.

"Is that so? It turns out that you don't know Haozi Thresh."

When Ning Wang heard this, he was even more confused:


"Coach Mafa, what are you talking about?"

"Although I know every word you said separately, I can't understand it at all when I put them all together!"

Looking at Ning Wang's expression that didn't seem fake, Coach Mafa was silent for a while, then took out his mobile phone and played the video he saw in the morning to Ning Wang.

Ning Wang watched the video played by Coach Mafa in a daze.

When he saw the content of the video, he immediately remembered the name of the live broadcast room of the person who double-rowed with him yesterday, which seemed to be called Haozi Thresh!

Ning Wang suddenly realized:

"Oh, I know who you are talking about!"

"You're right, Coach Mafa, you asked the right person!"

"I really know this Haozi Thresh you are talking about!"

Coach Mafa was stunned when he heard this:


"You really know this Haozi Thresh?"

"Then why did you tell me you didn't know him?"

Ning Wang scratched the back of his head awkwardly and said:

"Although I know him, I don't remember the name of his live broadcast room."

"I haven't even told you yet, you directly Say a word to me about Haozi Thresh, and make me stupid!"

Mafa heard this, and excitedly pulled Ning Wang's hand and asked:

"Quick, quick, if you really know this Haozi Thresh, help me contact him!"

Ning Wang heard this, first let go of Mafa's hand with a look of disgust, and then asked with a puzzled face:

"Okay, okay, I'll help you contact him."

"By the way, Mafa coach, why do you suddenly want me to help you..."

Halfway through the words, Ning Wang suddenly stopped.

Because he thought of the current state of the IG team!

"Did you want to?"

Before he finished speaking, Coach Mafa replied with a smile:

"Yes, that's what you think!"

Hearing Coach Mafa's answer, Ning Wang also became extremely excited:

"Fuck, Coach Mafa!"

"You really have a good eye for people!"

"Let me tell you, this Haozi Thresh you like is really a pervert!"

"Wait a minute, I'll help you contact him now!"

After saying that, Ning Wang ran out of Coach Mafa's office with excitement, even forgetting to close the door of the office.

Of course, Coach Mafa was not much better, because he also noticed the clues from Ning Wang's expression!

Coach Mafa naturally followed Ning Wang out of his office!

"I have a hunch that I'm afraid I'm going to do something big that will change the current state of IG!"

This is a true portrayal of Coach Mafa's heart at this time.

On the other side, Lu Hao slowly opened his eyes.

Lu Hao has woken up!

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