After hearing Ning Wang's explanation, Rookie was about to tell Ning Wang about the benefits of catching the middle lane.

Suddenly, Rookie's mind flashed!

"Since Ning Wang doesn't want to come to the middle, why don't I follow Ning Wang to catch the bottom lane?"


Not long after, Ning Wang's prince successfully arrived near his next tower.

"Brother, is there an eye in the grass in the river in the bottom lane?"

After hearing this, Lu Hao immediately placed a true eye in the grass on the line closest to his own defense tower, and replied:

"Brother, don't go around."

"Because the bottom lane hasn't come yet, come and squat in this grass."

After hearing this, King Ning took a look at the situation of the bottom lane soldiers.

Then, he found that the position of the bottom lane soldiers at this time was just a very subtle place!

A position where he just couldn't see him passing by!

Seeing this, King Ning no longer hesitated and directly controlled the prince to enter the grass where Lu Hao placed the true eye.

Seeing that King Ning was already in place, Lu Hao controlled the wind girl to come to the left side of the soldier line and charged a wind!

At the same time, on the RNG side.

When Ming saw the wind girl charging the wind openly, his palms couldn't help but sweat again!

"Damn it, the wind girl is charging the wind again!"

Although Ming took two bottles of blood medicine immediately after being consumed in the last wave.

But even so, Ming Thresh's health was barely raised to about two-thirds!

"Can I dodge this wind?" Ming once again fell into self-doubt.

Just when this wind was about to finish charging, Ming was shocked!

"No, I can't dodge it at all!"

Thinking of this, Ming's Thresh immediately began to retreat!

At this time, Lu Hao's Q skill was already charged!

And the direction the wind blew was exactly the direction Thresh ran away!

The next second, Thresh, who was halfway through the run, was once again knocked up by the wind!

At the same time, Ning's prince also moved!

I saw the prince took two steps towards Thresh, and then an EQ two connected with a flat attack, and Thresh's health instantly evaporated by more than one-third!

Jackylove had just placed a clamp under Thresh's feet when he saw that Thresh's health bar was almost empty.

So, he immediately released his Q skill on Thresh!

Ning Wang saw that he was about to kill Thresh, and a Q skill of the policewoman suddenly passed through Thresh's body!

The policewoman of Piltover killed the Soullock Warden!

Seeing that the kill of Thresh was not his, Ning Wang shouted:

"Good K!"

Upon hearing this, Jackylove said innocently:

"I can't help it. I can't even ask for assists, right?"

As soon as Jackylove finished speaking, he saw a flash of lightning on the soldier in front of him!

With a "swoosh", a cannon cart in front of him was punished to death!

And the culprit of all this was Ning Wang!

"I helped you get a kill, so it's reasonable to charge a toll, right?"

The cannon cart has been punished, what can Jackylove say?

"It's okay, you take the cannon!" Although Jackylove felt very uncomfortable, he pretended to be very generous on the surface.

When Ning Wang heard this, he smiled proudly and asked:

"Brother, are we going to pass this wheel mother?"

After killing Thresh, Lu Hao and Jackylove's levels have reached level 5, and Ning Wang's prince is also level 5.

So, Lu Hao replied very decisively:


"Even if he has two skills and E in this wave, he will die!"

So, Lu Hao and the other two quickly pushed the soldiers in the bottom lane together.

UZI, who was waiting for the soldiers to come in under the tower, also immediately noticed the thoughts of Lu Hao and the other two.

Although he noticed it, UZI did not think about leaving the bottom lane tower at this time, but continued to stay here.

"I have two skills and E, I don't believe that a prince plus a wind girl and a policewoman can cross the tower of my wheel mother!"

"If you have the ability, come and watch!"

"Just watch me operate or not, and you're done!" UZI said with a grim face.

At this time, Xiao Ming, who was waiting for resurrection at the fountain, also heard UZI's remarks, but he did not think that UZI's behavior was inappropriate at all.

Because he also felt that UZI could really do something with this wave!

Just when Lu Hao and the other two were about to push the soldiers in the bottom lane to the tower, Rookie's Ice Girl actually came to the bottom lane!

Seeing this, Lu Hao asked in surprise:


"Brother Rouji, why are you in the bottom lane too?"

"Are you not going to take the soldiers in the middle lane?"

Rookie heard this and replied indifferently:

"No, I don't get many soldiers when I go online normally anyway."

"Instead of this, I might as well follow you to the bottom lane to share a piece of the pie."

When Lu Hao heard this, he moved his perspective to the middle lane and took a look.

After seeing that the middle lane was still a wave of opponents pushing back, Lu Hao felt sorry for Rookie...

As the soldiers in the bottom lane entered the tower, UZI also entered a state of concentration.

At this moment, Lu Hao's Janna charged a Q skill on the spot, then walked towards Annie and released a W skill on her, and finally directly hung up Ignite!

Jackylove saw that Lu Hao had attracted the hatred of the defensive tower, so he started to output Annie with a flat attack, and placed a clamp under Annie's feet, trying to limit Annie's movement.

Even in this situation, UZI was very calm, and did not use E to block Janna's W skill, but played an AWA on Janna.

Of course, Lu Hao did not think that he could trick UZI's E with just a W skill, so he walked out of the tower while releasing the Q skill in advance!

When the Q skill of the Wind Girl blew towards the Wheel Mother, the Wheel Mother retreated instead of advancing, and continued to chase Lu Hao's Wind Girl with a flat attack.

The moment the wind blew to the Wheel Mother, a blue light lit up on the Wheel Mother's body!

The Wheel Mother blocked the Q skill of the Wind Girl with E!

Seeing this, King Ning released the EQ combo at the Wheel Mother without hesitation!

When seeing the Prince coming towards him with the EQ combo, UZI did not give up his flash immediately, but waited until the middle of the Prince's EQ combo before giving up his flash to the upper left!

Because the reaction time left for King Ning was too short, even though Ning had flashed immediately when he saw the Wheel Mother flash, he still did not pick up the Wheel Mother!

There was no way, the Prince, who had no skills, could only use the W skill to slow down the Wheel Mother, and then chase the Wheel Mother with a hard attack.

After dodging the Prince's EQ flash, UZI threw a Q skill at the Wind Girl who was standing at the edge of the defense tower and taking damage from the defense tower, and then started to attack the Prince next to him.

After Lu Hao estimated the damage of the wheel mother and the defense tower, he put a shield on himself, and then took the Q skill of the wheel mother and the damage of the defense tower.

Afterwards, Lu Hao's Wind Girl's health reached an extremely low level!

Because he could no longer resist the damage of the defense tower, Lu Hao controlled the Wind Girl to evacuate the attack range of the opposite defense tower.

At this moment, UZI suddenly noticed a small blue iceberg on the wall on his left!

Immediately afterwards, an ice girl suddenly appeared on the left side of the wheel mother, and a W skill controlled the wheel mother to the original place!

After controlling the wheel mother, the ice girl quickly released a Q skill and a basic attack to trigger the thunder!

It was at this time that the policewoman released the EQ combo at the wheel mother!

With the headshot of the policewoman, Annie died under her own defense tower!

The Piltover policewoman killed the goddess of war!

Killing Spree!

The Piltover policewoman is killing people!

When the Ice Girl controlled Annie, Ning Wang immediately controlled the prince to walk out of the tower.

Even during this period, Ning Wang's prince had already suffered a considerable amount of damage from Annie and the damage from the defense tower, but still escaped from the attack range of the defense tower with about one-sixth of his health!

UZI saw that he had already pulled out all the operations, but still failed to kill anyone, and immediately punched his keyboard!


"Why did you miss the Ice Girl and didn't say a word!"

"Why!" UZI roared with a flushed face.

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