The old man was very happy.

Coach Mafa smiled awkwardly and then said:

"This is not a special case, so it should be treated specially."

"Principal, this is the super strong support I told you about!"

Coach Mafa said while pushing Lu Hao forward a little.

Lu Hao also greeted Principal Wang at this time:

"Hello, Principal, I am Lu Hao."

Principal Wang heard this and pinched his chin with one hand and began to look at Lu Hao seriously.

"Is this the support you told me about?"

"Look at this guy's appearance, he does have some of the flavor of a master."

"How did he play in the training match today? I want to see if he is worth the quarrel between you and 193 today."

When Lu Hao heard this, he was also stunned for a moment:

"See if I am worth quarreling like this?"

"Could it be that in order to recruit me, Coach Mafa had a big quarrel with this so-called Coach 193, and even directly alarmed the boss of IG?"

"My goodness, Coach Mafa is so... courageous?" Lu Hao thought in shock.

After hearing what Principal Wang said, Coach Mafa immediately became excited:

"Principal, listen to me!"

"Aren't we playing a training match with RNG today?"

"Guess what happened?"

"As soon as this little brother came on the court, he cooperated with Jack to kill RNG's bottom lane three times in a row!"

"If I'm not mistaken, RNG is probably still in a state of autism now!"

Principal Wang was also a little surprised when he heard this:

"Kill RNG's bottom lane three times in a row?"

"Is it possible? Didn't RNG let UZI play? "

Coach Mafa smiled proudly:

"No, no, no, this is when UZI played and they killed them three times in a row."

"And it was the kind of killing that made UZI unable to fight back!"

Hearing this, Principal Wang couldn't help but complain:

"You killed them all, how do you expect them to fight back?"

However, when Principal Wang heard that Lu Hao and Jickylove actually killed UZI, he couldn't help but be surprised.

The reason is very simple, because RNG's bottom lane combination is recognized to be very strong!

And he is also a LOL player, so he also knows that RNG almost won the ticket to this year's S game with only UZI.

Although today is just a training game, it can also be said that today's trial is very valuable.

Especially for a support player!

Thinking of this, Principal Wang asked Coach Mafa with interest:

"Since this brother's support is so powerful, can I play in the bubble game?"

"Although my AD is not as strong as Jack, it is at least half Jack's level, right?"

After hearing what Principal Wang said, Coach Mafa even felt cold sweat on his forehead!

But on second thought, if Lu Hao really assisted Principal Wang, he could not kill through the bottom lane like Jackylove, but at least he would not explode too much, right?

"Principal, you're right."

"If Haozi really assisted you, I think you can really go on the court to show your skills!" Coach Mafa changed his face at the speed of light!

Upon hearing this, Principal Wang also laughed immediately.

At this moment, Coach 193 suddenly snorted coldly:

"Mafa, do you think you believe what you said?"

"Haha, you even said that the principal can go on the court to show off his skills. Do you really think the opponent is a rookie?"

"What's even funnier is that you actually came today and said that you found a rare assistant."

"I just want to ask you, if he is really a rare assistant, how can he not be famous until now?"

Hearing Coach 193 say this, Coach Mafa immediately retorted:

"Why, if you can't find such a player, it means that others can't find it either?"

"If you really don't believe it, why didn't you come to watch the training game just now?"

"Is it true that I have put all the facts in front of you, and you still pretend to be a blind man who can't see anything?"

After Coach Mafa said this, Coach 193 stood up angrily and pointed at Coach Mafa's nose

Zi asked:


"What do you mean by facts?"

"Well, even if he performed well in three consecutive training games today, what's the use?"

"Can you guarantee that he can perform as well as in the training games when he actually plays?"

"Besides, as the coach of the team, you must know what the upcoming bubble game means to our team, right?"

At this time, Coach Mafa also got angry and asked directly:

"Do you want me to be like you and protect the so-called team bottom line?"

"Spend a lot of effort to cultivate Le Yan whose ability is completely substandard?"

"What else do you want to do?"

"I don't understand. Since our team currently lacks a good support, why don't we dare to try out a newcomer?"

"You don't really think that our team can continue to maintain its current state and finish the bubble game safely, right?"


At this time, Coach 193 wanted to continue to refute, and didn't see that Principal Wang next to him had a dark face.

"I support LeYan, of course I have my reasons for supporting him!"

"Why should Ning Wang, a completely disobedient and not calm jungler, play in the game?"

"If he plays, can our IG easily win the game?"

"Not to mention letting a new support who has never played a game play."

"You are probably living in..."

Coach 193 didn't finish his words, and was interrupted by Principal Wang:

"Stop, stop, stop, shut up first, I can't listen anymore."

"I don't know when our IG team became a conservative team."

"I think I understand, you are afraid of taking the blame, right?"

"It seems that you 193 are not suitable to be the head coach, at least not suitable to be the head coach of the IG team."

After interrupting Coach 193, Principal Wang looked at Mafa Coach, and then continued:

"From today on, you, Mafa, will be the head coach of the IG team."

"As for 193?"

"From today on, 193 will be the deputy coach of the IG team, that's it."

Coach 193 didn't expect that Principal Wang would let Mafa be the head coach, and he immediately became anxious:

"Wait a minute, Principal, listen to me first."

"Mafa's approach is absolutely unacceptable..."

Coach 193 was interrupted by Principal Wang with an impatient look on his face when he was halfway through his words:

"Can you shut up? Don't you understand what I'm saying?"

"If you really can't shut up, that's fine."

"The door of our IG team is right in front of you. If you are not satisfied with my arrangement, you can just leave." Principal Wang said, while pointing to the door of Coach Mafa's office.

Just this one sentence instantly blocked Coach 193 and didn't know what to say.

At this moment, Lu Hao really didn't expect that his coming would make the relationship between the two coaches of the IG team so tense.

Just when Lu Hao wanted to say something, Principal Wang suddenly said to him:

"Brother, if I remember correctly, your name seems to be Lu Hao?"

"Sorry, I made you laugh just now, just pretend you didn't hear it."

"Now let's talk about you."

After hearing this, Lu Hao nodded to Principal Wang and said:

"Okay, Principal."

Seeing this, Principal Wang asked Coach Mafa to go out and move two stools in for Lu Hao and Chu Xinyuan to sit on.

After Lu Hao and Chu Xinyuan sat down, Principal Wang said directly:

"First of all, it's your annual salary. I have two options for you to choose from."

"As for the first option, I plan to give you an annual salary of two million. I wonder what you think?"

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