After IG banned Morgana, it was JDG's turn to ban players.

At this time, JDG's head coach Homme saw IG's banned player and couldn't help but fall into deep thought:

"It is said that the new Unfair on the opposite side is very strong, so I must target him."

"But I can't use their best skills on the opponent's mid and top, otherwise Zoom and Yagao will definitely not be able to withstand the pressure."

"Then what should I do?"

After struggling for about ten seconds, Homme finally decided to ban one mid, top and support each in the first three rounds of banning players!

As for what to ban in the support position?

Homme had already carefully studied Lu Hao's hero pool in the ranking match before today's game started!

"ZOOM, Kanavi, you two ban a Thresh and a Qiyana respectively!" Homme commanded.

Then, JDG chose to ban the two heroes Thresh and Qiyana!

At the same time, the commentator Ze Yuan in the official live broadcast room couldn't help but exclaimed after seeing the two heroes banned by JDGB:

"It seems that the JDG team also attaches great importance to the player Unfair. As soon as he came on the court, he banned one of Unfair's famous heroes: Soul Warden!"

Rita also sighed:

"Unfair is worthy of being a player who has been famous since his debut!"

"He hasn't even played a game yet, and he has won the respect of the JDG team!"


When it was IG's turn to ban people again, coach Mafa shifted the focus of BP to the bottom lane as he said.

Coach Mafa chose to ban Lvmao's Doomsday, who played well in the last game, and the ADC with good life-saving ability: Goddess of War!

After the results of IG's first three bans came out, JDG's coach Homme suddenly panicked!

Because now, IG's BP in this game is almost a clear card!

IG is clearly going to attack JDG's bottom lane!

This made Coach Homme, who originally wanted to ban a mid, top and support respectively, fall into entanglement again.

"Imp's strength is definitely not weak, and Lvmao's support is also quite spiritual."

"In theory, I shouldn't worry too much about the bottom lane, but I don't know why I am so panicked?"

After repeated entanglements, JDG's coach Homme changed his original idea and chose to ban another famous hero of Lu Hao: Blood Harbor Ghost!

After JDG's first three bans came out, Vincent, who was sitting in the audience, was a little bit nervous:

"Fuck, is JDG crazy?"

"Two of the first three bans were given to Lu Hao, who has no experience in major competitions?"

"Damn, I really don't understand this!"

The Northeast Quail, who was sitting next to Vincent and eating popcorn, heard this and showed an expression of "as expected":

"Two of the three bans were given to Lu Hao?"

"It's normal, after all, Lu Hao has already made a great reputation in the training game."

"So it's reasonable for JDG to target Lu Hao like this."

Hearing this, Vincent looked at Lu Hao on the field with some concern and said:

"I hope it's okay, after all, Lu Hao's hero pool is still a little too shallow..."

At this time, on the field.

Coach Mafa was actually very surprised when he saw JDG actually chose to ban two supports.

However, Coach Mafa was more surprised than surprised!

Because IG was on the blue side, JDG could not ban all the heroes that Lu Hao was good at anyway!

The result of JDG's doing this was not only that Lu Hao's performance was not restricted, but also that their two BAN positions were wasted!

After the surprise, Coach Mafa asked Lu Hao:

"Haozi, I want to give you a robot this time. I want you to take on the responsibility of starting the game. Do you have any objections?"

Hearing this, Lu Hao smiled confidently and said:

"What's the problem?"

"It's just a team fight, isn't it? Jane

Keep it simple, okay!"

Coach Mafa was afraid that Lu Hao didn't understand what he meant, so he added:

"I mean, I plan to let you take the forced opening hero this time, that's what I mean."

"Of course, because today is also your first time to play, you may not be able to adapt to the atmosphere of the game."

"If you are really under pressure, then I will adjust our lineup."

Hearing what Coach Mafa said, Ning Wang was the first to jump out:

"Coach Mafa, I think you are really worried that my brother is under pressure. "

"I can only say, you can rest assured!"

"I feel that even if anyone in our team has psychological problems, this person can't be my brother!"

"Because his psychological endurance is really exaggerated!"

After hearing what Ning Wang said, Lu Hao couldn't help rolling his eyes at Ning Wang:

"You are the one who talks too much!"

After talking about Ning Wang, Lu Hao smiled and said to Coach Mafa:

"It's okay, Coach Mafa. ”

“Just follow the BP effect you want most. I will cover it no matter what the situation is!”

After getting Lu Hao’s answer, Coach Mafa naturally stopped hesitating:

“Theshy, grab the robot for Lu Hao!”

So, IG locked the hero Steam Robot in the first pick.

After seeing IG grab the robot, Vincent couldn’t help but spray all the Coke he had just drunk on the Northeast Quail next to him!

Looking at the resentful eyes of the Northeast Quail, Vincent hurriedly apologized and took out a tissue from his pocket to wipe the Northeast Quail.

“What’s wrong with you, Brother Te?”

“Why did you suddenly spray?”

“It can’t be because IG grabbed the robot?”

Hearing this, Vincent asked with a puzzled look:

“Haven’t you seen Lu Hao’s robot? ”

Northeastern Quail replied in confusion:

“I haven’t seen it, what’s wrong with his robot?”

Vincent was silent for a while, then replied:

“Although I haven’t seen Lu Hao’s robot, the robot hero is definitely not one of Lu Hao’s hero pool!”

“Because I asked him how he played his robot, but he only gave me two words: no.”

Hearing Vincent’s explanation, Northeastern Quail replied helplessly:

“That’s it?”

“What’s the matter, maybe he has trained a robot during his time at IG. ”


At the same time, some viewers who had watched Lu Hao’s live broadcast had come to the official live broadcast room one after another.

And when these viewers saw IG shoot the robot, they were instantly blown up!

Because these viewers who had watched Lu Hao’s live broadcast had seen how “powerful” Lu Hao’s robot was!

“Fuck, IG’s coach is really crazy, dare to give Brother Hao the robot?”

“This is G, family! Brother Hao got the robot, then even if A Shui comes, AD can’t carry it!”

“It’s over, it’s over, I was originally going to come to the live broadcast room to see how Brother Hao performed in the professional arena, but I didn’t expect that after such a long time, I would come to watch the live broadcast again to eat!”

“What steam robot, everyone read it with me: steamed rice robot!”


Of course, Lu Hao didn’t know anything about this, otherwise he would definitely say:

“After three days of separation, I look at you with new eyes, why are you so late in seeing things, brother? ”

Then, it was JDG's turn to select players.

Because IG already had a support, JDG chose to have a swingable fan mother and a Lucian!

When it was IG's turn to select players, coach Mafa did not hesitate to let Rookie and Ning Wang lock in Jayce and Kindred respectively!

When JDG selected players, JDG also locked in an Olaf!

So far, the first round of BP between the two sides has ended!

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