The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

While pushing forward in the middle lane, Theshy's Akali and Ning Wang's Kindred were also frantically eating the plating of the previous tower.

At the same time, on the JDG side.

Because the deterrent power of the Rift Herald was too great, Green Hair's Diana and Imp's Lucian rushed to the middle lane together.

When the Rift Herald was charging and preparing to hit JDG's middle tower, Green Hair and Imp had already rushed to the vicinity of their three wolves.

Seeing that the Rift Herald had begun to charge, Rookie shouted to Lu Hao:

"It's okay, let's retreat!"

However, Lu Hao did not intend to retreat at this time, because he found that there was a problem with the position of Fan Zi Ma!

Because if Fanzi Ma didn't adjust her position, she would be hit by the Rift Herald when it hit the Middle Second Tower along with the Middle Second Tower!

"Wait a minute, it can still be killed!" Lu Hao shouted hurriedly.

Rookie stopped immediately after hearing this, waiting for Lu Hao's next move.

And Lu Hao's next move was to flash directly to the upper left and hook to the left side of JDG's Middle Second Tower when the Rift Herald hit JDG's Middle Second Tower!

So, Rookie watched the Rift Herald hit JDG's Middle Second Tower and hit Fanzi Ma onto the robot's hook!

After hooking Fanzi Ma over, Lu Hao used the E skill to knock Fanzi Ma up!

Rookie also hit Fanzi Ma with a booster cannon at the same time, and then switched to hammer form and directly hammered with the Q skill!

Just when Rookie thought he was going to get another kill, a piece of colored electric net appeared next to the robot!

The steam robot killed the Apocalypse!


"Brother Hao, you actually killed my head!" Rookie shouted.

However, at this time, Lu Hao only shouted "Run" to Rookie, and immediately activated the W skill and ran towards the upper jungle area of ​​the opposite side.

Rookie was stunned for a moment when he saw Lu Hao's smooth operation.

However, Rookie came back to his senses the next second!

Because the ultimate move of the goddess appeared under his feet!

It turned out that the goddess flashed over and threw the ultimate move at Jayce!

Unfortunately, Rookie had no time to move at this time, so he had to dodge the ultimate move of the goddess.

After dodging the Diana's ultimate, Rookie was about to say something when he heard Lu Hao ask him:

"Brother Rouji, didn't I say run?"

"Why are you still standing there?"

Hearing Lu Hao say this, Rookie couldn't hold back:

"Hey, hey, hey, big brother!"

"You just said run, how could I react immediately!"


On the other side, Green Hair was also a little confused when he saw Jayce still had flash:


"Jayce killed all your mid and jungle players, and he still had flash?"

But when Green Hair said this, he found that Toothpaste didn't reply.

So, Green Hair looked at Toothpaste and found that Toothpaste was looking at his own computer screen in a daze.

Seeing this, Green Hair's heart suddenly skipped a beat!

"Oh no, I hope Toothpaste has become autistic!"

Green Hair hurriedly persuaded:

"It's okay, it's okay, Brother Paste is fine."

"Even if we can't win this game, the score is only one to one."

"Play slowly, we can fight back in the next game."

However, Green Hair's persuasion did not work.

Toothpaste still stared at his computer screen with a lost look on his face.

At the same time, in the JDG team's lounge.

JDG coach Homme also found that Toothpaste's condition was wrong through the player's camera.

"It doesn't matter if we lose this game, but Toothpaste, you can't be autistic!"

"If you are autistic now, then today's game can be said to be over!"

Homme muttered anxiously.

If they can choose to surrender in the game, Homme even wants Green Hair and his team to surrender this time!

At least surrendering doesn't affect the players' condition for the next game too much!

Unfortunately, surrender is not allowed in LOL games now.


Lu Hao's robot and Rookie's Jayce quickly arrived at a safe place

They started to return to the city, and Theshy and Ning Wang in the top lane successfully pushed down JDG's top tower!

Guan Zeyuan, the commentator in the official live broadcast room, saw this and shouted loudly:

"JDG's top tower has been completely destroyed by IG!"

"The next rhythm point of the whole game is the little dragon!"

"It should be said that JDG is also very unlucky this time."

"Because this second little dragon is a fire dragon!"

Rita also said at this time:

"Yes, it seems that the weather in this second game is really a bit hot."

"So far, all the fire dragons have been spawned!"

"I wonder how JDG will choose when facing the next fire dragon?"


On the JDG team side, Green Hair looked at the head ratio of 11 to 0, and gritted his teeth and made a decision:

"We can't let go of this fire dragon!"

"Because our lineup doesn't have a late game, even if we are at a disadvantage, we have to fight the opponent to the end!"

ZOOM heard this and said pessimistically:

"But, you have already used your ultimate and flash just now."

"Do we still have a chance to win this dragon fight?"

Lvmao heard this and sighed helplessly, then said:

"Besides fighting the dragon, do we have any other options?"

"We only have one way to fight the dragon now, and only fighting the dragon can give us a glimmer of hope."

"Fight it, even if we lose, it doesn't matter."

"It's just the next game."

So, after Toothpaste's fan mother was resurrected, JDG came to the dragon pit with a group.

When JDG and others arrived, Lu Hao and others had even started fighting the dragon!

Just as Toothpaste was about to E up to start a team fight, Rookie's Jayce fired another extremely fast cannon at Imp's Lucian and Toothpaste's Fan Ma!

With just one shot, Lucian's health bar was melted by nearly two-thirds!

Even Fan Ma, who had resurrected with a little bit of meat, was hit by this shot and lost about half of her health!

Green Hair saw that the back row was already seriously injured before the team fight started, and immediately lost the idea of ​​fighting.

"Let's go, let's go, we really can't take it."

"No, let's wait for the big dragon to spawn before taking another wave."

When the JDG people heard Green Hair say this, they all began to retreat from the blue buff.

Seeing this, Lu Hao was immediately unhappy!

"Come when you want, leave when you want?"

"That won't work!"

Lu Hao whispered while activating the W skill and rushed directly towards the JDG people!

Since Green Hair's Diana was at the front at the beginning, she was at the back at this time.

Lu Hao also knew that Green Hair's Diana didn't dodge, so he chose to hook Diana directly!

Green Hair saw the robot hooking, so he turned to the right.

However, the direction of Lu Hao's hook was exactly the direction that Green Hair turned!

Green Hair's Diana was hooked!

After hooking Diana, Jackylove's Xia, Rookie's Jayce, and Ning Wang's Kindred also turned around to attack Diana.

While Lu Hao and others were attacking Diana, the other four members of JDG ran away without looking back.

JDG chose to sell Diana!

In the end, Diana's head was taken by Ning Wang's Kindred.

The Eternal Hunter Twins killed the Dawn Goddess!

Ning Wang finally got his first head in the whole game until now!

"Oh my goodness, I finally got my first kill!"

"To be honest, I played Kindred too badly."

"If I can't get a kill again, I might as well play Zac."

"At least I don't feel so bad when I don't get a kill as Zac..." Ning Wang complained miserably.

As Ning Wang said this, Lu Hao and others immediately burst into laughter!

At the same time, Guan Zeyuan, the commentator in the official live broadcast room, couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

However, due to his duty, Guan Zeyuan still suppressed his laughter and explained:

"Rookie's shot was really fierce!"

"This shot directly ended JDG's determination to snatch the little dragon!"

"And Unfair's hook was too accurate!"

"Unfair's precise hook finally helped Ning Wang get his first kill of the game!"


At this time, the audience in the official live broadcast room were also amused by this scene:

"Hahaha! The five JDG players are so aggressive

"JDG: I'm here! Hey, I'm leaving again!" "Green Hair: Don't leave so quickly, I haven't even gotten on the bus yet!" "Hahahaha!" "..." In the IG team's lounge, Coach Mafa saw this and started preparing for the next BP. Because now, there is no suspense in this game! As Coach Mafa predicted, in the following time, the two teams entered a short garbage time. When the dragon refreshed, Lu Hao directly commanded everyone to force the dragon! Seeing this, the JDG people naturally couldn't let go of the dragon. Because this dragon is really their last chance! Although the determination is good, and J DG did not flee this time.

Unfortunately, the economic gap between the two sides was too big!

In this desperate fight for the Baron, JDG was directly beaten 0 for 5 by IG, and also lost the Baron!

Naturally, the JDG team, which had no resistance, had no way to deal with the offensive of the IG team after losing the Baron.

After Lu Hao and others updated a wave of equipment, Lu Hao and others used the Baron Buff to directly push the JDG team in the middle and hit a Linglong Tower (Zero Dragon Tower) for the JDG team!

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