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After hearing this, Lu Hao asked in surprise:

"The voice during the game?"

"Does it mean that every time we finish a game, what we said during the game will be released?"

Before Coach Mafa could speak, Jackylove He replied calmly:

"Brother Hao, I know what you want to ask."

"Don't worry!"

"Our team has a special person in charge to see what words should be said and what should not be said. "

After hearing Jackylove's answer, Lu Hao suddenly said:

"Oh, so that's how it is."

"No wonder Jack dared to say so many dirty words in the game after knowing that the voice would be released. "

To be honest, after hearing what Jackylove said, Lu Hao immediately lost interest in listening to his voice during the game.

Although Lu Hao lost interest, the fans of the IG team were very interested in the voice during the game!

When IG fans started listening to the voice recording of the second game between IG and JDG, which was also the first game that Lu Hao played, they were shocked to find that Lu Hao was the team commander of IG!

"Fuck, Is this true? IG's team leader is actually Unfair? "

"It's too much, Hao can take away Shuizi's leadership in his first game?"

"It turns out that the blind vision in the dragon pit is The whole process of the hook was directed by Unafair, isn't his awareness too strong? "


Just when everyone was still immersed in Lu Hao's magical blind hook in the first level group, they were even more I was shocked to discover another thing!

And this thing is that the reason why Ning Wang's Kindred bypassed JDG's vision in the early stage of the second game and jumped up from the dragon pit to catch ZOOM's Iron Man was actually Because Lu Hao said the position of the eyes made by JDG in a very affirmative tone!

Although the video released by the official Weibo of the IG team only had the voice and image of the players, it did not release the pictures of the game at that time.

But because someone from the IG team at that time pointed out the ward positions made by the JDG team on the minimap in great detail, the fans of the IG team were quite impressed by this incident.

At this moment, the IG team The fans were immediately blown away!

"Damn! Brother Hao can actually accurately predict where JDG will place their wards?"

"No, this is really a bit fake! How can a normal person accurately judge where the opponent's vision is placed? Huh? "

"I suddenly understand why JDG was defeated by IG three times in a row in today's game..."

"Too exaggerated! Isn't this equivalent to JDG playing against IG in the open? " "JDG: Open card! Super double!"


After this voice message was played, everyone suddenly heard Lu Hao say:

"The opportunity has come, get ready!"

Just as everyone was about to see When they were wondering how outrageous Lu Hao could be, they suddenly heard Jackylove shouting loudly:

"Good hook!"

"Brother Hao, you are my god!"

"You are the only true god of Yu Wenbo!"

Here In an instant, everyone burst out laughing!

"Wow, is Brother Shuizi so real?"

"He's calling Brother Hao his god? OK, OK, this is really Brother Shuizi!"

"Hahaha, Brother Shuizi! I really I want to ask, when you shouted this sentence, were you really not embarrassed? "

"Since Brother Hao came on the court, it seems that Brother Shuizi has let himself go!"

"Baolan: Ah Shui, I understand. I don’t deserve it, I’ll just walk away by myself!”


Later, when everyone heard the referee lady stop Lu Hao from speaking, everyone burst into laughter again!

"It turns out that when the game was suspended, Hao was confused himself!"

"Referee: Brother, please stop talking! You are making it very difficult for me!"

"JDG: I thought we were the most confused I didn't expect that the person involved was even more confused than us!"


After that, when everyone heard Ning Wang ask if he could cross the top lane, and Theshy answered that he could cross the top lane, many people had a feeling. The feeling of tears welling up in my eyes:

“Ning Wang really understands Theshy!

“Theshy: Ning, the top lane is Kuo Yiyue!”

“To be honest, even if Ning Wang is a little bit worse now, he is not better than LeYan?”

“That’s right, I’m writing a letter in blood to ask IG team not to replace Ning Wang again!”

“Ten thousand people are writing a letter in blood to ask IG to keep Ning Wang!”

“I suggest IG to keep Ning Wang in the game, after all, Ning Wang is the only man in LPL who has Theshy’s instruction manual! ”

At this point, the voice chat of the second game between IG and JDG has ended.

To be honest, most people felt that they were not satisfied after listening to the voice chat of the players in this game.

So, most people immediately listened to the voice chat of the players in the next game, which was the voice chat of the second game that Lu Hao played.

When everyone heard that Lu Hao and Jackylove were very confident in picking Draven and Thresh, they couldn't help but sigh at the confidence of the two.

When everyone heard Lu Hao say that he could start a team fight in the next game, even though everyone had already gone through the foreshadowing of the voice chat in the last game, the fans of the IG team still had some feelings:

"I understand now, no wonder Mafa dared to let IG only pick one hero to start a team fight in the last game!"

"Just kidding, if I were Mafa, I would make the same choice!"

"Unfair is really a bit too strong, can he really start a team fight? So you just say what you mean, right? ”

“The brother in front is still calling Unfair? Hurry up and call Brother Hao!”

“Brother Hao, you are also our god!”


Later, when everyone heard Lu Hao, Jackylove and Ning Wang constantly changing positions to ambush Green Hair’s Scarecrow and Imp’s Kaisa, everyone laughed again!

Because everyone heard Jackylove saying something there:

“Hurry up, hurry up, Brother Hao, where should we change?”

“If we don’t hurry up, I’m afraid we won’t be able to catch up with the Scarecrow’s refresh!”

“Brother Hao, Brother Hao, let’s change positions quickly!”

“If I calculated the time correctly, Kaisa will be refreshed soon! "


Afterwards, IG fans admired Lu Hao's perfect command for a while.

Soon, the voice of Lu Hao's second game ended.

Just when everyone was excited to listen to the voice of the next game, they were shocked to find that it was gone!

After this video, IG's official Weibo also gave an explanation:

"Because the first and last games were too overwhelming, the players' voices were not released. ”

Everyone was immediately unhappy after seeing this explanation from the official Weibo of the IG team!

After listening to the voice recordings of the players in these two games, everyone in the comment section asked the IG team to release the voice recordings of the remaining two games!

There was no other way, because everyone even felt that the players’ voice recordings were more interesting than the games themselves!

In particular, everyone felt that the former commander of the IG team, Jackylove, was even more suitable to be a comedian!

Because Jackylove even contracted all the laughs!

At this time, Jackylove, who was packing up in the IG team lounge and preparing to leave, didn’t know that he had completely changed his image in the hearts of the fans of the IG team!

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