Alliance of Beauty Men and Heavenly Masters

Vol 6 Chapter 10: unlucky prince

Seeing his second brother suddenly blushing, Fu Minghui laughed badly: "Second brother, what bad things are you thinking about? Are you blushing so much?"

Fu Mingrui turned away immediately: "No, it's nothing."

Fu Minghui's smile became brighter and brighter: "It must be, your face is so red. Could it be that you are sick?" Fu Minghui pretended to be nervous, and reached out to touch Fu Mingrui's forehead.

Fu Mingrui hurried away: "Stop making trouble, you can go in quickly."

Fu Mingrui noticed that there were more and more people around, and someone had already seen them and wanted to come forward to greet them. Fu Mingrui frowned slightly, he didn't like making false greetings with people he didn't know before, that's why he didn't want to come here.

"Isn't this the Master Fu of the Eight Gates! Be polite!" A group of young masters brought their blushing younger sisters forward, and it seemed that their stubbornness must have been forced by their own younger sisters.

Fu Mingrui regained his composure, and had no choice but to exchange greetings: "Everyone is polite." He dragged Fu Minghui out without hesitation, as if using him as a shield, "This is my third brother Fu Minghui, who just came back from the military camp. Please take care of me tonight."

"Oh! Third Young Master Fu! Disrespect, disrespect!" Everyone surrounded Fu Minghui one after another. The second son of the Fu family, the master of the eight gates took the initiative to speak, why don't they hurry up and seize the opportunity?

Here, the two sons of the Fu family have not yet entered the Lantern Festival, and they are already very popular.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Liu, and it's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Wu..." After a while, Fu Minghui got acquainted with these young masters who surrounded him. Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure from a distance. A thriving young lady. His eyes brightened immediately, and a smile couldn't help overflowing from the corners of his mouth. It was as if that girl instantly lit up his whole world.

He subconsciously wanted to go forward, but suddenly, there was a trace of hesitation in his eyes, and his eyes flickered for a while, but he raised a smile and looked at the young masters around him: "Why are we stuck here? Come in quickly, everyone." Don't make the girls inside wait for a long time, that's really rude." After finishing speaking, his smile became sly.

The son and his buddies all laughed wickedly, and immediately surrounded Fu Minghui onto the exquisite magpie bridge.

On the left side of the fork, there is actually a stream running across the mountainside, so a thick old wooden bridge was built on the stream. The railings of the wooden bridge are naturally entwined with old vines, and lifelike magpie bridges are carved on them, which can be described as the good intentions of the royal family this time.

Fu Mingrui was greatly relieved to see his younger brother leading them away. When he raised his face, he happened to see Yunyao jumping towards under the eyes of the young masters. Not far behind her, the laughter was like a silver bell, a series of The young girl came after her.

Fu Mingrui saw Yunyao's heartbeat speeding up. This speeding up was not because of seeing Yunyao, but because of the Nine Gates represented by Yunyao. It means that the people from Jiumen are here, so where is Miss Lian?

He couldn't help but meet Yunyao, but his eyes jumped over Yunyao and looked back, with an expectation in his heart that he knew clearly but didn't want to admit.

It was also when Yun Yao jumped up that she saw Fu Mingrui for the first time. Seeing him looking behind her, she was smart and knew who Fu Mingrui was looking for.

"Fu Mingrui, you are looking for Sister Youyou." Yun Yao's bright eyes were shining, her fox eyes were sly, and the corners of her mouth were crooked. She greeted Fu Mingrui proactively, and showed acquaintance, envious of those rich and noble men who were fascinated by her.

Yuchi Qian'er and the others also chased after them. When they caught sight of Fu Mingrui, their faces were like peach blossoms. Even if they were the sons of political enemies, they couldn't help but take a second look at such beautiful young men in the capital. Moreover, Yun Yao said a word, you don't have to choose, but you don't say that you can't see it.

Fu Mingrui's face couldn't help turning red, and the hairpin box hidden in his sleeve was clenched tightly: "Lian, where's Miss Lian?"

Yun Yao also felt that Fu Mingrui and herself felt a little sympathetic, and she showed sympathy: "Don't wait, sister Yoyo won't come, she is with brother Lin. Hey..." After Yun Yao finished speaking, she sighed and shook her head. Shaking her head, she patted Fu Mingrui's chest, "You, let's go and play with the prince." After Yun Yao finished speaking, she waved to Yuchi Qian'er and the others, just like a flock of larks, chirping and buzzing from Fu Mingrui Pass by.

Fu Mingrui stood there dumbfounded, and suddenly became dazed, only Yun Yao's words remained in his mind: She is with brother Lin...

When he came back to his senses, he had unknowingly stood on the ancient magpie bridge, and in his hand was the hairpin box that Yi Jilan gave him...

The lanterns in front of my eyes are blurred, and the figures are in pairs.

Standing alone on the magpie bridge, he suddenly felt that he was so out of place with this place. He shouldn't have come, he remembered that in the eight doors, it seemed that a corpse had just been delivered, he should go back to handle the case, why is he standing here?

Yes, he should go back to handle the case, go back now!

He immediately turned around and got off the Magpie Bridge, with only two words in his mind: go back!

"Ming Rui!" Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind him, and he still kept walking, but accelerated his pace more and more as if fleeing.

"Fu Mingrui!" The person behind almost yelled, grabbing his arm, "Why are you running!"

Fu Mingrui calmed down, turned around, and in front of him was his unscrupulous friend: Prince Duanmu Qingchen.

"Go back and handle the case." Fu Mingrui said calmly.

Duanmu Qingchen raised his eyebrows and looked around. There were few people around. He pulled Fu Mingrui to the side under a pine tree. Figures of Duanmu Qingchen and Fu Mingrui.

"Stop talking nonsense." Duanmu Qingchen saw through it at a glance, "I saw it just now when I was hiding there, and I heard Yunyao say that you won't come." Duanmu Qingchen pointed to a huge stone on the side of the road, on which was written Marriage stone three characters.

Fu Mingrui looked at the stone, and then turned to look at Duanmu Qingchen: "What are you doing hiding there?! You are a prince, don't be sneaky all day long." Fu Mingrui couldn't bear Duanmu Qingchen's sneaky behavior the most.

Duanmu Qingchen's peachy eyes rolled, and Fu Mingrui gave Fu Mingrui a blank look: "It's because I'm the prince that I hide. Did I say you, Fu Mingrui, are stupid in handling cases? You really don't know how to deal with the world." I understand! What do you think is the purpose of today's Mid-Autumn Festival banquet?"

Fu Mingrui looked at him angrily, he was no longer in the mood to entertain, and he didn't bother to show Duanmu Qingchen any courtesies, so he said directly: "Your father will find you a wife."

"That's right!" Duanmu Qingchen spread his hands, "Tell me, my father will not interfere with what kind of wife I'm looking for? In his heart, someone has already chosen him, either from Yuchi's family or from the right minister. Their family chooses. The Yuchi family is all my cousins, and my mother is also from the Yuchi family. From the perspective of balancing power in the court, I will not marry a girl from the Yuchi family..."

When Duanmu Qingchen said this, Fu Mingrui looked at him with admiration, it seemed that this dude prince was quite clear-headed.

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