Akali killed Ashe with extreme operation and successfully prevented IG from hitting the dragon.

The operation looked really exciting, but it actually didn't have much impact on the situation.

The initiative was still in IG's hands.

There was really no way to hit the dragon when the ADC died, but waiting for Ashe to revive, IG could still use its own advantages to force the dragon.

EDG could only cope with it.

Relying on Akali with very luxurious equipment, the opponent didn't get the dragon in a short time, but IG used the dragon operation to rapidly expand the economic gap between the two sides.

When the game time reached 36 minutes, the economic gap between the two sides had reached 8,000. All the outer towers of EDG's three lanes were destroyed, and the disadvantage in vision was also very obvious. The jungle was full of the opponent's vision, but it was difficult to arrange its own vision.

In this case, IG used the dragon to force a group again.

When the EDG people rushed over, the Baron was only half-blood. This time IG's attitude was very determined, and they wanted to use this wave of dragon rhythm to directly decide the outcome with EDG.

As time went by, the equipment of EDG's two Cs gradually took shape, and with the addition of a very fat Akali, they might be able to turn the tables if they continued to delay.

It was precisely because of this that IG was so anxious.

The vision of the dragon pit lit up, and Shen Lang quickly noticed something unusual: "Zhao Xin is not in the dragon pit, be careful."

At this critical moment, the jungler was not in the front, and everyone knew Ning Wang's Sima Zhao's intention.

It's just that EDG's vision disadvantage is too great, even if they know that Zhao Xin wants to sneak up on people, they can't lock its specific position.

Scout began to release skills to interfere with the opponent.

Zoe's hypnotic bubble hit the Sword Demon, and then released the Q skill to connect the ultimate move to consume blood.

However, just as it returned to the position before releasing the ultimate move, Zhao Xin's figure suddenly appeared behind it.

Ning Wang squatted in the grass on the side of the middle road from the beginning, waiting for the opportunity for EDG's two Cs to be exposed.

Directly hand over the flash and quickly connect the E skill.

The junior brother hurriedly used his flash to distance himself, but at the moment Zoe moved out, Ashe's ultimate skill followed.


Seeing himself being stunned on the spot, the junior brother shouted loudly in the voice chat: "Look at me, look at me, save me!"

Xin Zhao soon came to his side, and the EDG team hurriedly turned around, trying to focus on killing Xin Zhao.

However, just as everyone approached, Xin Zhao released his ultimate skill.

After using the Q skill, Zoe's health was simply unbearable. When the EDG team approached again, Lulu, who was approaching, released her ultimate skill on Xin Zhao, and Baolan also used her flash to come to Xin Zhao, releasing her W skill to eat him.

Zoe was quickly killed.

Seeing this, Shen Lang ignored Xin Zhao and released his ultimate skill directly towards Ashe.

"Come again?"

Jackeylove's face was full of worry.

Akali's equipment was too luxurious, and killing him was as easy as eating and drinking water.

Ashe was suppressed to half health after taking only the damage from RQ skills, and Jackeylove hurriedly used the stopwatch to delay time.

Shen Lang sighed inwardly.

Before he took action, he noticed that Ashe had a stopwatch on her body, and he did not expect to kill her instantly before taking action.

He released the E skill to the side, [Falcon Dance] hit Lulu, and then connected the second stage of the E skill to close the distance, attacked A with a basic attack, and then connected the Q skill...

Rookie hurriedly handed over the sheep transformation to Akali, but at the moment when the skill was fired, Shen Lang followed with the W skill.

Akali disappeared in the smoke bomb, successfully avoiding being killed by the opponent's concentrated fire.

However, at this time, Zhao Xin and Jian Mo had already set their sights on Kaisa. Both of them had very luxurious equipment. Even with the ultimate and flash on him, iboy still did not last long, and even the nurse next to him was killed.


The duration of Lulu's transformation into a sheep passed quickly. Shen Lang released the Q skill again, and then directly released the ultimate skill, successfully taking away her remaining health, and used displacement to get to Ashe's side...

"Akali killed Lulu first, and used displacement to get close to Ashe. Her damage was very exaggerated. Ashe didn't hold on for too long, but at the same time, Zhao Xin and Jian Mo also killed the other EDG members."

"Ning Wang and The shy are like gods of war. The equipment gap between the two sides is too big. Even if Akali killed the IG double C in seconds, it didn't turn the defeat around. Brother Weiwu tried his best!"

The commentary sounded quickly.

In the blink of an eye, only Shen Lang's Akali survived on the EDG side.

There are still three opponents, and their ultimate skills are on CD. Zhao Xin and Jian Mo are bothThe person's condition is still very good. In this case, Shen Lang can only control Akali to turn around and leave.

"Brother Weiwu really tried his best!"

Even PDD couldn't help but sigh: "He has done everything he can, but League of Legends is a game for five people after all. The economic gap between the two sides is too large. The teammates can't even support Akali to kill the double kill in one second."

First, he used teleport to support the bottom lane, then killed the ADC when the opponent was about to take the big dragon to turn the tide, and now he killed the double C in a crucial team battle. It is definitely not an exaggeration to say "try your best".

In the live broadcast room of the event, the barrage quickly rolled up.

"I can only say that EDG lost this game, not Weiwu."

"It's impossible to win if your teammates are not human. Who would have thought that Weiwu would be the dean at such a young age."

"It's mainly because of the difference in jungle. The opponent picked Zhao Xin, and you chose Sejuani. The opponent invaded the jungle like crazy. How do you play?"

"It's time to recite the Bible [Xiao Xiong spread his hands.jpg]"

"This game is over. The rest of EDG should kowtow to Weiwu, and the coach should kowtow with them."


The wailing of the dragon soon sounded.

The remaining three IG players successfully killed the dragon, and the economic gap widened again.

At this stage of the game, with such a huge economic gap, the possibility of EDG's comeback is very small.

After resurrection, Jackeylove directly synthesized the resurrection armor. He no longer wants to survive Akali's hands. He just hopes to delay a little more time and create opportunities for his teammates.

The resurrection armor lasts for 2.5 seconds, which is equivalent to controlling Akali for 2.5 seconds.

The troops soon entered the middle high ground. Just when iboy wanted to go forward to clear the line, Jackeylove decisively released his ultimate to start a team fight.

Just like the dragon team fight, Akali cut the back row, and Xin Zhao and Aatrox also chose to cut the back row.

With the protection of Tam and Lulu, Xin Zhao, who had very luxurious equipment, was like a man in the empty space. With the help of Aatrox, the two of them took the damage from the defense tower and killed the EDG double C and support.

After clearing the back row of the opponent, Shen Lang controlled Akali to turn around, but IG had more people and Rookie even held the sheep in his hand at this time. Facing the concentrated fire of IG, Shen Lang still did not operate.


The system prompt sounded.

In the first game, EDG ended in failure.

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