The jungler didn't help, Noxus didn't flash, and before the game started, Nofe specifically asked Shen Lang to use the summoner skill to teleport...

With so many factors combined, it was not realistic for Noxus to kill Fiora alone at this time.

Then control the line!

Shen Lang could only try to limit Fiora's development as much as possible.

However, his own jungler didn't come to the top lane, but the opponent's jungler appeared in the vision of the grass in the river on the top lane.


The signal sounded in my ears.

"Be careful on the top lane, don't let the opponent cross the tower."

Zichang reminded.

He gave up catching the top lane and went to the bottom lane, but because the opponent was more alert, he didn't find a suitable opportunity, so he controlled Sejuani to go to the middle lane.

First catching the bottom, then the middle, and then going to the top lane became a verbal reminder.

The top laner is worthy of being raised by a stepmother.

"It seems that I can only rely on myself!"

Shen Lang thought to himself.

In this game, Ning Wang chose the Prince as his jungle hero. As long as he could control the opponent first, it would be easy to kill Noxus with the help of Fiora.

However, since the troops were in front of the blue tower, the Prince did not have a particularly good chance to attack.

Seeing this, The shy controlled Fiora to go forward and kill.

"Hmph, poor acting."

Shen Lang was disdainful.

Not to mention that he had vision of the Prince at this time, even if he did not see the Prince, Fiora dared to go forward and kill with this amount of health, which was obviously problematic.

The opponent did not know that he had vision in the bushes in advance, and wanted Fiora to lure him forward and create an opportunity for the Prince to attack.

Looking at Fiora with little health, Shen Lang had an idea.

This might be an opportunity!

Shen Lang pretended not to see the Prince in the bushes and controlled Noxus to walk towards Fiora.


The shy directly released the Q skill forward.

Just as Fiora approached, Shen Lang immediately used his Q skill, and [Kill All Around] hit again.

"I've been fooled!"

At the IG base, seeing Noxus's move, The shy showed a triumphant smile on his face.

After being hit by Noxus's outer circle Q, Fiora's health dropped again, but he did not panic, just controlled Fiora to retreat.

As expected, under the "temptation of residual health", Noxus chased up.

"Get ready to move..."

Before The shy could finish his words, Noxus suddenly released his E skill.

Fortunately, The shy reacted quickly and quickly used his W skill to block. [Laurent Heart Eye Knife] successfully blocked Noxus's E skill and stabbed it.

However, Noxus seemed to have predicted Fiora's move in advance, and moved to the side before Fiora's W skill stabbed, and used his ultimate move at the moment when the skill time passed.

Noxus Guillotine!

Noxus's ultimate has a small displacement. Although he didn't kill Fiora directly, he successfully approached Fiora and continued the bleeding effect. Just as he approached, Shen Lang quickly surrendered his normal attack.

Ning Wang's Prince had also walked out of the bush, but at this time, Noxus's talent [Phase Rush] had been triggered.

"What are you doing?"

When the factory manager was squatting in the bush in the middle lane, he casually switched the screen to the top lane to see the movements of the opponent's jungler, but he didn't expect to see a shocking scene.

With the vision of the opponent's jungler in the bush in the top lane in advance, his own top laner dared to take action.

Isn't this giving away?



A quick signal sounded, indicating Shen Lang to retreat.

Shen Lang completely ignored the surrounding sounds. After the normal attack, he quickly connected the W skill to slow down Fiora, and stared at the approaching Prince.

At this time, Ning Wang was already in a state of flanking. If he approached first and then released the skill, Noxus would definitely die.

But the current situation is that Sword Princess's health can't hold up until he gets close.

There is no way, he can only release the EQ skill towards Noxus's position.

Right now!

At the moment when the Prince's skill was launched, Shen Lang suddenly controlled Noxus to retreat, and his S+ level reaction speed was fully utilized at this moment.

Using the acceleration effect of [Phase Rush], Noxus successfully twisted the Prince's EQ combo.

King Ning's reaction was also very fast. The moment the Q skill was launched, he knew that his skill would be empty, so he decisively connected and flashed.

The Prince's EQ flash successfully knocked Noxus away.


EQ flash has no damage.

Sword Princess just handed over the Q skill to pull away. Although she had a big move in her hand, she couldn't make up for the damage in the first time. As for the Prince, it was only level 4 at this time. After the EQ skill was launched, there was no damage at all.

Noxus landed quickly, and Shen Lang ignored the Prince next to him. While the acceleration effect of [Phase Rush] was still there, he continued to rush towards Sword Princess.

Looking at the rushing Noxus, The shy knewKnowing that things were not going well, he could only struggle to counterattack with his ultimate.

However, at this time, Noxus had already triggered the blood rage effect, and even the damage of the general attack was very explosive. The Q skill and flash of Fiora were both on CD, and there was no way to instantly play the blood recovery array, and he soon fell under Noxus's giant axe.

First Blood!

The system prompt sounded soon, and Noxus successfully took the first blood.

The signal sound of the pig girl stopped abruptly.


The factory manager widened his eyes, a little bit unable to believe what he saw.

This wave of Noxus not only survived, but also successfully killed Fiora, no... not just Fiora!

After killing Fiora, Noxus had little blood left.

Seeing this, King Ning gritted his teeth and approached, wanting to take away the remaining blood.

However, at this time, Noxus's Q skill had already turned good.

"Kill all around!"

Excited, Shen Lang shouted unconsciously.

The outer circle Q hit the prince accurately. Under the effect of blood rage, the blood recovery of the Q skill was very exaggerated, and it took away a lot of the prince's blood.

Looking at his blood volume, King Ning finally panicked.

But at this time, his flash and E skills were still on CD, and he was far away from the defense tower, so it was impossible to escape.

Double Kill!

When the system prompt sounded, the EDG training room immediately fell into silence.

"Fuck, awesome!"

After a long time, iboy's exclamation broke the silence, and the others reacted and cheered "Nice".

Even the factory manager couldn't help but sigh: "You are really awesome!"

Knowing that the opponent's jungler was right next to him, his own blood volume was not very healthy, and the key was that he hadn't flashed yet...

In this case, Shen Lang not only did not hide under the defense tower, but chose to actively counterattack.

The most outrageous thing is that he succeeded.

One against two, got a double kill.

"IG seems to be just like that."

Shen Lang said pretentiously while clearing the soldiers on the top lane.


The others were speechless.

On the other side, at the IG base.

Looking at their dim screens, Ning Wang and The shy stared at each other in disbelief.

"Ah - this Noxus... awesome!"

The shy said in Chinese that he was not very familiar with.

Ning Wang frowned: "The other side seems to be the EDG team. Is this Noxus Ray?"

EDG players are very familiar with IG's style, and IG players are also very familiar with EDG's style. In fact, everyone knew each other's identity not long after the start of the game.

Hearing this, The shy shook his head and said, "No, it's not Ray!"

Based on his understanding of Ray, Ray would not choose to take action from the beginning, but would decisively retreat back to the defense tower.

"If it's not Ray, then who could it be?"

The IG people were confused.

The general was so brave, whose subordinate was he?

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