After resurrection, The shy directly handed over the teleport to the top lane.

Just like before, Shen Lang did not hand over TP, but controlled the Sword Demon to go to the top lane.

"The top laner did not hand over TP, you guys be careful."

The shy immediately reminded in the voice.

Hearing this, Jackeylove's scalp tingled, and he didn't even dare to think about what he would face next.

Taliyah and Galio can use their ultimates to gank, and the Sword Demon in the top lane can hand over the teleport support, that is, if EDG wants to catch the bottom lane, the five of them can gather in the bottom lane in an instant.

If this is the case, Tam alone can't save him.

"You guys come to the bottom lane more, I feel that the opponent will cross me."

Jackeylove hurriedly reminded his teammates.

"It may also be the top lane. The opponent likes to feint the most. Sword Princess's flash is on CD, and it is also possible to be crossed by the tower."

Rookie followed.

Both lanes may be targeted, and they can only make a choice.

Listening to his teammates, Ning Wang immediately felt embarrassed. After a short psychological struggle, he finally chose to go to the top lane to counter-camp.

Taliyah and Galio reached level 6 one after another.

The atmosphere in the Summoner's Rift became tense in an instant. Originally, The shy would fight with Shen Lang to exchange blood, but now he suddenly became wretched, holding the W skill tightly in his hand. Even if the Sword Demon actively released the QE skill to consume blood, he just controlled the Sword Lady to retreat.

Not long after, Taliyah's figure appeared in the field of vision in the grass of the upper river.

Ning Wang smiled when he saw this.

"Sure enough, they wanted to target the top lane, fortunately they guessed it right!"

He thought to himself, and then controlled Kayn to come to the grass behind the defensive tower.

With The shy's intention, the top lane soldiers were quickly pushed into the defensive tower.

However, just when Ning Wang thought that EDG was about to cross the tower, Taliyah suddenly disappeared from the field of vision, and then the Sword Demon also retreated and disappeared from the field of vision, which made Ning Wang feel confused.

This doesn't look like they are going to cross the tower.

It wasn't until Fiora cleared the line of soldiers in the defensive tower that Ning Wang confirmed that EDG really had no intention of crossing the tower to kill Fiora. Then he controlled Kayn to turn around and go back to the jungle to brush the jungle.

However, just as he walked into the bushes next to the red buff, the sound effect of Taliyah's ultimate suddenly sounded.


Then he saw the wall curtain spread to his side.

"Ah? Coming at me!"

How could Ning Wang not know at this time that Taliyah was going to enter the jungle to catch him.

When Taliyah released his ultimate, Shen Lang also controlled Aatrox to enter the upper jungle of IG, and the middle laner directly used his ultimate on Taliyah.

Galio hero appeared.

In the blink of an eye, Kayn was trapped in the double team of EDG's top, mid and jungle.

After the ultimate landed, Zz1tiao quickly connected with the Q skill.

[Stone Piercing] hit Kayn and began to harvest its health. Seeing that the special effect of Galio's ultimate skill was lit up under his feet, Ning Wang decisively gave up Flash and released the E skill to speed up and increase the distance.

When Galio's ultimate skill landed, Xiaodi was very decisive. He released the E skill forward and decisively gave up Flash, successfully closing the distance, and then connected the W skill to charge and taunt.

Kayn fell from the wall and was quickly released by Galio's W skill.

"Kill slowly, get me an assist!"

Shen Lang shouted anxiously in the voice.

Kayn's flash and E skills were both on cooldown, and he couldn't increase the distance at all. It was already a dead end.

The factory manager came forward to make up for the damage and quickly suppressed Kayn's health.

Ryze and Fiora were also approaching the jungle, but Shen Lang and his friends didn't worry that the two could save Kayn.

If they really had to fight in a team, they would win easily!

Taliyah and Galio were entangled with Kayn, and the Sword Demon quickly closed the distance.

[Death Sword Qi] connected with the Q skill, and the remaining health of Kayn was directly taken away, and the Sword Demon successfully took the head.

"You are a human, how can I say that this is called an assist?"

Seeing the head in hand being Ked by the Sword Demon, the factory manager instantly turned red. He had never seen such a despicable person.


Shen Lang pretended to be stupid and explained: "I was too nervous, my hands were a little shaking. With our relationship, it won't break up just because of a head, right?"

"You are so nervous!"

The factory manager cursed.

The shyheRookie and the others quickly came to the jungle, but the jungler Kayn had been killed. They were no match for normal team battles, not to mention that they were outnumbered now. The two could only watch Taliyah and the others clear the jungle, and then YangLong gone.

"I didn't expect EDG to target the jungler first."

Miller was very surprised by this result: "Normally, Rock Sparrow and Galio should target the side lanes after they have their ultimates, but they chose to target the jungler. In this case, Ning Wang is a little bit broken!"

Rock Sparrow got a kill at the beginning, and now got an assist, and the number of jungle clearing is also ahead of Kayn, and at this time Kayn has not even transformed yet, the gap between the two is very obvious.

"It's really surprising. I thought it was strange that EDG chose Rock Sparrow as the jungler in this game, but I didn't expect them to still use Rock Sparrow as the core in the early stage. You know, Qijiang used to play the role of a tool man in EDG."

Wawa also followed the commentary.

After killing Kayn and clearing the opposite jungle, the factory manager directly controlled Rock Sparrow to the lower river.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Kayn being killed, they can control the little dragon.

Although it's just a water dragon, it's better to have it than not.

Not only that, right after killing the little dragon, the factory manager continued to control Taliyah to enter the lower jungle area of ​​IG, and went straight to the bushes behind the defensive tower.

"Will we really be safe if we do this?"

He asked a little anxiously in the voice chat.

Just now when he was fighting the little dragon, Shen Lang suggested in the voice chat to continue to attack the bottom lane.

Although the ultimate is on CD, Taliyah is in very good condition, and the TP of the Sword Demon is still in hand. The most important thing is that Galio and Taliyah have just released their ultimates, and this is definitely the time when the IG players are most relaxed.

"Ryze is in the middle lane, and Kayn should have just left the fountain. As long as we move quickly enough, nothing will happen."

Shen Lang said in the voice chat while clearing the soldiers in the top lane.

On the commentary seat.

Taliyah's unusual behavior quickly alerted PDD: "What does he want to do? He won't go over the bottom lane tower again?"

"It should be. Kaisa and Braum are pushing the line. The most important thing is that Aatrox's teleport is still in hand. IG's bottom lane combination will never expect EDG to go over the bottom lane tower right after they just attacked Kayn."

Miller's eyes gradually lit up.

IG side.

Just as Shen Lang guessed, Jackeylove was unaware. He even comforted Ning Wang in the voice chat:

"Your death is valuable. The opponent's mid and jungle don't have a big move. Shy and I can play more aggressively in the next laning. It's just a kill and a water dragon. The impact is not big. When I develop, Taliyah can kill it casually..."

Before he finished speaking, the soldiers entered the tower, and Taliyah appeared behind the defense tower, and a teleportation beam lit up under the defense tower.

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