"Brother Weiwu actually dared to look back!"

On the commentary booth, PDD couldn't help but widen his eyes, but after being surprised, he quickly reacted. Even if Qing Gangying was killed in this wave, as long as the EDG team could get the Baron, they would not lose anything.

"It is obvious that Brother Weiwu wanted to sacrifice himself to let his teammates get the Baron. The IG brothers were really a little bit too much. Knowing that they were discovered by Qing Gangying in advance, they shouldn't forcefully kill it..."

Miller also analyzed it.

The person in charge is confused, but the bystander is clear. From the perspective of God, the commentator can naturally make the most correct judgment.

But in the arena, the opportunity is fleeting, and the time left for the players to think is very short. In many cases, the players cannot make the most accurate decision.

Seeing his teleport interrupted, Rookie couldn't help but get nervous.

He hurriedly handed over the W skill on the spot, used the acceleration effect to pull away, and loudly asked his teammates for help in the voice chat.

Ning Wang's face suddenly became ugly.

His ultimate was on CD, and Clockwork's teleport was interrupted. Sion had TP, but it didn't make much sense for the top laner to support him at this time, because Qing Gangying also had teleport.

Sion TPed over, and he and Clockwork were not enough to kill Qing Gangying. Shen Lang could have teleported to the front after pulling away. At that time, they still couldn't defend the dragon, and they couldn't even get Qing Gangying's head.

It was with this in mind that Ning Wang quickly made a decision:

"Give the dragon to the opponent and kill Qing Gangying!"

After saying that, he controlled Taliyah to move forward and quickly released the Q skill towards Qing Gangying.

Duke naturally chose to trust his teammates at this time, and also controlled Sion to walk towards Qing Gangying.

Seeing this, Shen Lang smiled immediately: "If you want my head, I'll give it to you."

Qing Gangying's flash and ultimate were on cooldown. Even if his equipment was very good at this time, it was almost impossible to operate it under the concentrated fire of the three opponents. Shen Lang could only output as much as possible to deal more damage to himself.


The Baron's wailing soon sounded, and thunderous cheers suddenly rang out from the audience.

After killing the dragon, EDG's advantage in this game has been very obvious, and the initiative of the next game will be completely in their hands.

"I can only say that Brother Weiwu's awareness is really good. I guess the IG players didn't expect that Qing Gangying would turn around and interrupt the teleport of Clockwork."

Wawa shook his head and sighed.

Shen Lang was targeted very badly in this game, but until now, he still played his role, and this wave helped EDG to win.

Even PDD, who supports IG, couldn't help but sigh: "There are many players with awesome operations on the field, but there are very few players with good awareness and flexibility. I really want to open Brother Weiwu's head and see what's inside. Why is he so awesome?"

On the field.

With the combined efforts of the three IG players, Qing Gangying's health quickly bottomed out, and the head was taken by Clockwork.

In the live broadcast room of the event, IG fans have exploded.

"Such a big advantage in the early stage can be reversed, what are you guys doing?"

"Duke is really bad, he started at level 4 and played against level 1, and he was able to let Shen develop, let's switch to The shy."

"EDG is really lucky, if it weren't for Brother Weiwu, this game would have ended long ago!"

"Is there really no one who can deal with Brother Weiwu?"

"Wang Sicong, can you use your money to buy Brother Weiwu?"


In the teahouse.

Wang Sicong's expression is very ugly.

At the beginning of this game, he didn't show off in front of Ed Zhu, but he didn't expect that such a big difference in the start could still lead to a reversal.

"I suddenly remembered that I have something to do at home..."

Without waiting for Ed Zhu to start mocking, Wang Sicong said in advance.

But before he finished speaking, Aide Zhu immediately interrupted with a smile: "Oh, don't be like this, it's just a reversal, it's not like we haven't encountered this kind of thing before."

After hearing that Aide Zhu didn't mock him back, Wang Sicong, who had stood up, sat down again.

But just as he picked up the teacup and wanted to drink tea to cover up his embarrassment, Aide Zhu's tone suddenly changed:

"Just ask if your face hurts, and do you like to open champagne at halftime?"

"You don't really think IG can win the summer championship, with Brother Weiwu here, what can you do to win?"

"You liked to talk about it before, why are you silent now?"

"Why don't you laugh, because you don't like to laugh?"


It has to be said that Aide Zhu's league level is indeed not bad, and he knows to control people first and then output.

Killing the big dragonAfter that, EDG quickly returned to the city to replenish equipment and status, and then began to advance.

The resurrected Qing Gangying still led the bottom lane, and the others pushed forward from the middle lane.

"Although EDG got the dragon, IG can still play this game. The 3C system has a very strong ability to clear the line. Even with the dragon buff, it is still difficult for EDG to go to the high ground."

Adjusting his emotions, PDD began to analyze.

Theoretically speaking, PDD's analysis is correct. Clockwork, Kai'Sa, and Taliyah are all very strong in clearing the line, and at this time EDG's economic advantage is not enough to force a team fight over the high ground tower. This means that IG only needs to rely on the defense tower and clean up the soldiers to delay the duration of the dragon buff.

However, many times the development of the game does not go according to theory.

With the help of the dragon buff, IG's middle lane inner tower was quickly destroyed, and with the help of teammates to put pressure, Shen Lang also quickly destroyed the bottom lane inner tower.

The soldiers of the upper and lower lines entered the high ground tower.

Just as PDD guessed, although the mid lane soldiers were strengthened by the Baron buff, the IG three Cs quickly cleared them after entering the tower.

As for the bottom lane, there was no Baron buff on Qing Gangying, and Sion's QW skills could clear the soldiers, so the pressure was not great.

In this way, IG seemed to have successfully stabilized the situation.

But just as the next wave of soldiers entered the tower, Shen Lang in the bottom lane began to try to take action.

Just as Sion charged his Q skill to clear the line, Qing Gangying suddenly released his E skill towards the side wall and kicked Sion directly in the face.

Coincidentally, when Qing Gangying's skill hit, Sion's Q skill fell at the same time.

Sion was stunned, but Qing Gangying was also controlled by Sion's Q skill.

Duke hurriedly released his W skill, and backhanded his E skill to Qing Gangying, and then connected with a general attack.

Injured by Sion and the highland tower, Qing Gangying's health dropped rapidly.

Duke quickly released his ultimate to connect the control, trying to use the damage of the highland tower to kill Qing Gangying.

Qing Gangying's health soon became dangerous.

When the camera was given to the bottom lane, PDD on the commentary seat also became excited: "Brother Weiwu made a fatal mistake this time, Qing Gangying will be killed by Sion!"

When he walked out of the highland tower, Qing Gangying was already at low health.

Shen Lang "fled in panic", Duke saw this, unwilling to give up this opportunity, controlled Sion to chase him, as long as he added a little damage, he could successfully kill Qing Gangying, so that EDG would never dare to continue to advance, and the impact of losing the big dragon would be minimized.

However, watching Sion chase out of the defense tower, Shen Lang showed a mysterious smile on his face.

The fish is hooked!

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