"It's over, it's completely over!"

PDD was frustrated on the commentary stand.

Even if EDG got the Baron, he still believed that IG had the possibility of a comeback, but he never expected that IG would collapse before the Baron buff lasted.

After the bottom lane high ground was destroyed, the next game would be very difficult to play.

"EDG's decision was too decisive. First, Shen killed Sion, and then Taliyah appeared and quickly crossed the tower to kill. It felt that the development of the game was completely within their expectations, and I don't know who was in charge."

Miller sighed.

He still had some understanding of EDG. The team's commander was the auxiliary Meiko, but judging from the decision in this game, it didn't seem like Meiko's work.

"Those who have watched EDG's previous games know that their decisions on the field are often very hesitant, but in recent games, their decisions seem to be very decisive, and they are completely different from before."

Wawa added.

PDD suddenly thought of a possibility: "Could it be that Weiwu is in command? He has full suppression power in the laning phase, has a big heart in the game, and can make perfect commands now. He is going to heaven!"

"Impossible, he is a rookie, even Faker is not so evil!"

Wawa shook his head and rejected it.


On the field.

During the remaining duration of the big dragon buff, EDG did not destroy IG's defense tower again.

But in Shen Lang's view, it was perfect to be able to take the opponent's bottom lane high ground, not to mention that they can also control the little dragon after the duration of the big dragon buff ends.

"You continue to invade the vision to put pressure, and wait for me to look for opportunities."

Shen Lang said in the voice.

The teammates heard it, but did not say anything, but just followed his words and began to arrange the vision to the opposite jungle.

Unconsciously, Shen Lang's voice power in the team is getting bigger and bigger.

When he left the fountain again, Qing Gangying had synthesized Death Dance and even had extra money to buy a stopwatch.

It's not just Qing Gangying. Everyone on EDG has a watch. They don't give IG any chance. They have finally fought from the disadvantage at the beginning to the current situation. Naturally, they will not give the opponent a chance to fight back.

In the blink of an eye, the two jungles of IG quickly became dark. Now they can only hide in the high ground and wait for the EDG people to push the line.

Shen Lang controlled Qing Gangying to take the bottom lane to the high ground first. Just when Ning Wang and Duke wanted to defend, the middle lane was also brought over by other EDG people.

This is the difficulty of Qing Gangying. After this hero develops, Sion alone cannot defend it and advance. If you want to catch it, it is not enough to rely on junglers alone. As long as you hold the E skill, you can move away at any time.

And if too many people go to catch it, the other people on the opposite side can take the opportunity to advance.

It can be said to be unsolvable!

The EDG people are not in a hurry, just slowly grinding the health of IG's defense tower.

With the pressure from the Qinggangying in the bottom lane, the others quickly reduced the health of the highland tower in the middle lane.

The highlands in the middle and bottom lanes were broken, and even the most optimistic fans did not think that IG could win this game. PDD on the commentary seat even began to discuss with Miller how IG should BP in the next game.

In this situation, EDG was still very stable.

They did not force to end the game quickly, but turned to the upper jungle area to fight the dragon after the dragon refreshed.

The pressure on the soldiers on IG's side was very high, and coupled with the lack of vision in the jungle, they had no qualifications to compete for the dragon.

The wailing of the dragon baron soon sounded, and EDG took the dragon again without any pressure.

With the help of the dragon buff, EDG began to make the final push.

The soldiers were quickly brought to the high ground, and IG could only rely on the front tower for the final defense.

At the moment when the soldiers entered the defense tower, Shen Lang took action decisively.

E skill enters the field, and then quickly connects with the ultimate skill to limit Kaisa, and Galio not far away follows up with [Hero Appearance]...

Jackeylove didn't have time to do anything, and the screen instantly became dark.

Just when others wanted to focus on killing Qing Gangying, Shen Lang handed over the stopwatch in time to avoid damage. The stopwatch lasted for a short time, but it was enough for others to quickly catch up with the damage.

Under the huge economic gap, IG was defeated at the beginning of the team battle.


The system prompt sounded soon, and EDG successfully wiped out IG without losing a single person.


"Nice brothers!!"

In the voice, EDG cheered wildly, only they knew how difficult it was to turn the game around from a shattering start.

"IG still failed to hold the last line of defense after all. With the team wiped out, this game lost suspense. We can congratulate EDG in advance for winning this game and taking the match point first. However, IG players should not be discouraged. The Bo5 game is not over yet, and they still have hope..."

Miller's voice sounded in the venue.

Along with the commentary, EDG quickly destroyed IG's main crystal base.

The score came to 2:1.

In the live broadcast room of the event, the barrage began to roll wildly.

Many die-hard fans did not expect EDG to win this game. Originally, they did not expect EDG to win the summer championship, but as the game progressed, the hope seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

"EDG is awesome!"

"Tell me loudly, what is a dark horse?"

"You said EDG could beat the shit eaters in this game, it's time for you to perform."

"Gui Gui, EDG seems to really win the championship."

"It's mainly because Weiwu is awesome, and the facts prove that Duke is really not good, so hurry up and bring your father Shy up in the next game."


In the IG lounge.

Seeing the defeat in the key game, the disappointment on the face of coach Jin Jingzhu was hard to hide.

In this game, he can be said to have used the last trick, thinking that after winning the third game, he would have two match points in hand, put pressure on the opponent, and always win the next game, so as to win the final.

To his surprise, the start was indeed very good, but the final result was not satisfactory.

Now EDG has two match points, and they are the ones feeling the pressure, while Jin Jingzhu has used all his tricks, and the tricks in the last game can only be used once. He really can't think of how to win the next two games.

"Who would have thought that it was EDG that pushed us to this point."

He sighed and sighed.

The analyst next to him comforted him immediately: "This is only the summer season, we still have time to adjust, and the one who can laugh at the world championship is the ultimate winner. Besides, today's game is not over yet, we have to believe in our players..."

Kim Jeong-soo heard this and shook his head with a wry smile: "I hope so, next game, I'll let you play!"


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