Gangplank was already somewhat countered by Vampire in the early stage, and now The shy got the kill, so Shen Lang's next laning was not easy.

Fortunately, he didn't use flash just now, otherwise when Zac reached level 6 and came to the top lane, he would have a chance to kill Gangplank by crossing the tower with Vampire.

"There shouldn't be much chance in the top lane next, Zhao Xin should go to other lanes more."

Shen Lang said in the voice.

The main reason is that Gangplank is not a good hero to cooperate with teammates, especially in disadvantageous situations. As long as Vampire holds the blood pool in his hand, The shy will be aggressive and Gangplank will find it difficult to find opportunities.

There is no chance in the top lane, and Zhazhuang can only gank the bottom lane.

Relying on the "traditional skills" to block the vision, Zhao Xin quickly went around behind him, but before he could make a move, Zac soon appeared in the field of vision.

Ning Wang's thinking is very clear. The top lane Vampire has opened up the situation. Next, he doesn't need to do too much, just help the bottom lane to counter-camp.

In this game, IG's quick push system was quite effective. EDG's bottom lane defense tower had been half-depleted. At this rate, it was only a matter of time before the policewoman and her partner took down the first-blood tower bounty.

There was no chance for the bottom lane either, as for the middle lane.

The mid laners on both sides disappeared after clearing the lane and wandered around. Zhao Xin also had little chance of opening up the situation from the middle lane.

After thinking about it, the factory manager realized that he could only invade the jungle.

Zhao Xin might not be able to gank easily, but it was still easy to counter-jungle. If Zhao Xin met Zac in the jungle, he could fight him at will. Even if Ning Wang used his E skill first, he might have a chance to kill Zac alone.

So in the following time, the factory manager invaded the jungle crazily, with a sense of recklessness, which made Ning Wang miserable and kept complaining in the voice:

"I really shouldn't have chosen Zac in this game. Even if I am good at Lee Sin, the opponent dare not enter my jungle like this."

"Weak jungle is really not suitable for me!"

Listening to his complaints, his teammates had no choice. Their lineup was destined not to provide much help to the jungle. The policewoman in the bottom lane and the vampire in the top lane were the core of the tactics.

The bottom lane controlled the line, and Morgana could indeed support Zac, but in the absence of the auxiliary, the policewoman could not suppress like before, and the effect of the fast push system could not be played.

The situation was deadlocked until the game time reached 9 minutes.

Under the consumption of the policewoman, the health of the EDG bottom lane defense tower quickly became dangerous, but iboy and the others had no intention of giving up this defense tower, and their defensive attitude was very determined.

"The bottom lane tower is definitely undefendable. They should want to delay until the Rift Herald refreshes, so that they can at least use this tower to exchange for the Rift Herald."

Miller quickly analyzed.

With the increase in level, Kaisa's ability to clear the line has been greatly enhanced. Although the health of EDG's bottom lane defense tower is not much, the policewoman really can't get it in a short time.

"Why don't we just cross the tower!"

Ning Wang suddenly said in the voice chat.

Zhao Xin madly invaded his jungle area. Ning Wang was holding his breath and wanted to vent it out.

Jackeylove hesitated, but after thinking about it, he finally nodded and agreed.

Zac quickly came to the bottom lane.

Before that, Baolan and Jackeylove pushed the line in advance to clear the vision of the bottom lane, so EDG didn't know Zac's position.

The soldiers were pushed into the defense tower again. Ning Wang charged the E skill on the side. At the moment when Kaisa went forward to clear the line, he decisively released the E skill towards the EDG defense tower.

iboy reacted very quickly. As soon as the special effect shadow of Zac's E skill appeared under his feet, he controlled Kaisa to use flash in time to distance himself.

Meiko used Q skill on Zac in return.

But before that, Baolan first put a shield on Zac, and the control of Titan did not work.

"Kill the support!"

Seeing Kaisa distance himself, Ning Wang, whose flash was still on CD, could only shift his target to the Titan next to him.

He released the Q skill and then attacked the soldiers next to him. Morgana next to him immediately released the Q skill to connect the control. Zac charged his ultimate move and quickly brought Titan out of the range of the defense tower...

Under the chain control, Meiko had no chance to use flash at all.

The duration of the talent aftershock passed quickly, and Titan could no longer withstand the damage of IG's concentrated fire. His health was quickly emptied, and the head was taken by the policewoman.

"Nice, who am I? King Zac!"

Seeing his gank work, King Ning cheered proudly in the voice chat, completely different from the complaining look before.

Although only the auxiliary was killed,In front of the three IG players who were watching closely, Kaisa, who had no flash, naturally could not continue to defend the tower.

Using the soldiers under the tower, IG quickly took the bounty of the first blood tower.

"IG has a big advantage in this game!"

Miller said with emotion.

At this time, the Rift Herald had just refreshed, which meant that after taking the bottom lane defense tower, IG could completely move the bottom lane combination to the middle lane to continue to compete for the Rift Herald.

The top lane advantage, the bottom lane combination is also an advantage, and the Rift Herald can be said to be in their pocket.

"Hey, you can't say that, now it can only be said to be a small advantage at most."

PDD was afraid of an accident and hurriedly refuted.

Although it was not the "poison milk" Guan Zeyuan who said this, Miller and Guan Zeyuan had cooperated in commentary so many times, and he might have been stained with his poison milk attribute.

After the lesson of the last game, before the EDG crystal exploded, PDD did not dare to say that IG had a huge advantage.


Seeing him like this, Wawa next to him couldn't help laughing: "Brother Weiwu was suppressed in this game, and he wasn't playing a hero like Shen who had a strong ability to find opportunities, so it shouldn't be like this."

"To the point! Very to the point!"

PDD said anxiously.


After taking the bottom lane defense tower, IG's bottom lane combination quickly returned to the city to replenish equipment, and then went straight to the middle lane.

Ning Wang also controlled Zac to walk towards the upper jungle area. After taking the first blood tower, they still wanted to control the Rift Herald.

"Zac doesn't have a big move. I wonder if EDG will choose to join the team this time?"

In the commentary booth, Wawa began to look forward to it.

However, Miller next to him was very clear-headed: "What's the difference between fighting and giving up in this situation?"

"Only Xin Zhao is capable on EDG's side now. The others have no output at all. The chances of winning the team battle are very small. If it is an important map resource, it is not impossible to take a risk. The Rift Herald without the first blood tower is obviously not worth it."

After Zac arrived at the upper river, he directly attacked the Herald. The policewoman and Morgana just pushed the line of soldiers into the defensive tower. The two quickly supported them, and the vampire on the top lane also began to release skills to push the line...

"Give it to the opponent!"

Seeing this situation, Shen Lang was helpless.

This game is not easy to play!

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