As IG gathered in the Baron pit, the atmosphere became tense instantly.

Everyone knew that EDG would never give up the Baron.

"Although Kaisa was killed by Vampire first, and Titan's condition was not very good, Gangplank developed very well. If Weiwu teleported to the front, there was still a chance to stop IG from hitting the Baron."

Miller analyzed quickly.

If it were someone else, he would never say such a thing, but Shen Lang had proved his strength in the previous game.

He definitely has the ability to turn the tide!

Even if Kaisa was killed first, IG was not sure to take the Baron.

In fact, IG players also thought so. They were also very nervous and did not think that killing the opponent's ADC Baron was theirs.

The surrounding vision was quickly cleared, and Ning Wang still warned in the voice:

"Be careful of Gangplank, its damage is very explosive!"

"Remember to stand back, policewoman, don't get hit by the explosive barrel."

"I might open it when Gangplank appears, then you just stop and make up for the damage, as long as you can kill Gangplank, you can take the dragon at will."


Seeing the IG people disappear from the field of vision, Shen Lang quickly handed over the teleport to the soldiers in the middle lane.

He didn't expect such a change to happen, but his strong psychological quality allowed him to remain calm.

"Don't worry, take your time, the opponent's speed in killing the dragon is not very fast."

While controlling Gangplank to move up, Shen Lang comforted his teammates in the voice.

Except for Kaisa who was killed in seconds, the other EDG players quickly gathered in the upper river.

But it was raining cats and dogs, and the Titan at the front stepped on the clamp that the policewoman had placed in the grass in advance when entering the river grass.

Not far away, Jackeylove quickly changed his target.

Fortunately, Meiko activated his W skill in time, so he was not killed by the policewoman's headshot.

However, even so, the low-health Titan was no different from a dead person. It would die if it was hit a little bit, and it would be too late to wait for it to return to the city to replenish its status.

"The support should return to the city to replenish its status first."

Shen Lang calmly commanded: "Be careful of Zac, the opponent's jungler may start a team fight, Taliyah and I will try to consume the opponent's health first. If it doesn't work, Zhao Xin will enter the field to fight for punishment..."

Meiko retreated back to the city, which meant that there were only three people left in the front of EDG.

Fortunately, they were not going to join the team fight with IG, but just to prevent them from fighting the big dragon, and delay until Kaisa was resurrected and Titan replenished his status and came to the front.

Shen Lang arranged explosive barrels forward, and the junior brother also controlled Taliyah to follow up and use the Q skill to consume blood.

When the EDG team entered the river, Ning Wang stopped attacking the dragon and charged his E skill in the shadow of the dragon pit.

He was still not sure that he could ignore the three EDG players and kill the dragon, so he was still thinking about killing the captain first and then turning to attack the dragon.

The main reason was that the dragon pit was very narrow, the captain's ultimate move was still in his hand, and the explosive barrel was also very easy to deal damage, so they could not ignore the captain's explosion damage.

Seeing the captain coming forward, Ning Wang immediately released the charged E skill.

Zac suddenly jumped out of the shadow of the vision, but although Shen Lang did not have his vision, he predicted Ning Wang's move in advance.

"Focus on Zac first!"

Shen Lang shouted in the voice. He did not give up the flash to avoid Zac's skills, but watched himself being knocked away by Zac's E skill.

With Shen Lang's reminder, the factory manager had already thought about what to do.

The E skill was released towards the vampire who rushed over first, and then the ultimate skill was directly released.

Zhao Xin swung his spear and directly repelled the other members of IG.

Taking advantage of this gap, Shen Lang and Xiaoxuedi quickly poured their damage on Zac.

Ning Wang originally thought that he could wait for his teammates to catch up with the damage after entering the field, but when the damage from Captain and Taliyah came, he suddenly realized that he was thinking too much.

At the moment when he was knocked up by Zac's E skill, Shen Lang hurriedly handed over his W skill.

Although Captain's W skill cannot remove the control effect of knocking up, it can allow it to release skills and general attacks while being knocked up.

Shen Lang first attacked Zac, and then quickly released his Q skill to ignite the explosive barrel that was arranged in advance.


Just taking the damage from the explosive barrel and the passive fire knife, Zac, who was almost full of blood, was instantly reduced to half blood.

A again to release the passive fire knife, and the Taliyah next to him also followed up with the damage at this time.

WEQ skills quickly poured on Zac, and Ning Wang was hit by the passive before he even had time to hand over his ultimate move.

“Death bombing!”

After using Zac's passive, Shen Lang quickly released his ultimate to the other IG members, and at the same time released his E skill towards the middle of Zac's passive.

When the explosive barrel decayed to the last layer, he released his E skill again and attacked the A barrel.


Zac's passive health bar disappeared instantly. Not only that, Gangplank's explosive barrel also successfully hit Zhao Xin's Ryze.

Using the acceleration effect to move forward quickly, and then directly used the flash to close the distance, the Q skill was released, and Ryze was shot directly, and the remaining health was instantly emptied.

Double Kill!

The system prompt sounded, and PDD couldn't help but touch his head.

The dead memory began to attack him.

The scene of Zac being blown to death looked more and more familiar, except that the opponent's hero changed from Jayce to Gangplank.

"The jungler and the mid laner were killed by Gangplank. This wave of IG can't continue to fight the big dragon! "

Miller explained loudly.

To be honest, before this, he really thought that Shen Lang could turn the tide when the ADC was killed and the support was consumed and sent home. However, when the imagined scene was actually presented in front of him, Miller still couldn't help but feel amazed.

This is Shen Lang, the miracle walker!

"I can only say that the previous jungle was not in vain."

Wawa also smiled and sighed.

This wave of Captain made a great contribution. If it wasn't for the crazy economic consumption in the previous stage, it would not be able to deal such explosive damage now. After IG killed Kaisa and forced Titan back, it was no problem to take down the big dragon.

"Brother Lang is awesome! "

Seeing the IG players retreat, iboy shouted loudly in the voice chat.

He really thought Shen Lang was awesome!

After being killed instantly by the vampire just now, iboy didn't say anything, but he was already thinking about how to be scolded.

If IG really gets the big dragon, he, the ADC, will undoubtedly be fully responsible.

So although he was waiting for resurrection, iboy was more nervous than anyone else. He didn't even dare to apologize for fear of affecting his teammates' operations.

Fortunately, the final result was good. The captain got a double kill and successfully forced everyone back.

"Take over, we can take over! ”

Although the opponent has retreated, Shen Lang did not relax at all.

The opponent lacks junglers and mid laners. EDG's Kaisa has been resurrected and Titan is about to come to the front.

Although it is risky to take over the dragon at this time, in Shen Lang's opinion, the benefits are large enough, and this risk can be taken.

Listening to Shen Lang's words, the factory manager quickly started scanning, and the vision that IG had arranged in advance in the dragon pit was immediately detected.

The junior brother controlled Taliyah to enter the opposite jungle area and placed a true eye in the bush behind the red buff.

After clearing the opponent's vision, several people decisively attacked the dragon.

Seeing that the vision around the dragon pit was quickly cleared, how could the IG people not know that the opponent wanted to take over and kill the dragon.

Jackeylove and others He turned around and walked towards the dragon pit.

The situation changed, and the situation changed again. The offense and defense changed. Now it was IG's turn to be nervous.

The policewoman and several others quickly entered the river. The vision arranged by Rock Bird saw everyone's figures in advance.

Shen Lang signaled his teammates to continue to fight the dragon, and he placed explosive barrels under his feet.

Waiting for the opponent to approach, he quickly placed explosive barrels in the direction of the opponent, and then ignited the explosive barrels in advance, and placed the third explosive barrel under the feet of the policewoman at the moment of the explosion.


Due to the lack of vision, Jackeylove had no time to react.

The policewoman was instantly left with low health after taking the damage from the captain's explosive barrel, and Jackeylove was so scared that he quickly gave up the E skill to move away.

"Fuck, what kind of damage is this? "

He exclaimed.

The three consecutive barrels of the captain directly shattered the remaining hope of the IG people. The policewoman was at low health, and it was obviously impossible to fight for the big dragon. Although Jackeylove and others felt helpless, they could only choose to give up the big dragon.

On the commentary seat, PDD shook his head:

"The most worried thing has happened. The captain has developed very well. Brother Weiwu seems to be a little helpless now. No one on the IG side can withstand the damage of the captain. As long as the squishy is bombed, they must return to the city to replenish their status."

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had already recognized the reality at this time. In the last game, IG still did not change the fate of being overturned. The captain was already very unsolvable, and now EDG got the big dragon. This game will be very difficult to play next.

Miller nodded and analyzed: "Under normal circumstances, if it is just the captain who has developed well, it is not impossible to deal with it. As long as you are careful, it is not easy to be blown up by the explosive barrel, but the problem now is, after taking the Baron, EDG can quickly control the vision advantage. "

"A captain with explosive damage is not scary, but a captain who controls the vision advantage and has very explosive damage will make IG very uncomfortable."

As he spoke, the wailing of the Baron soon sounded.

EDG successfully took the Baron.

He returned to the city to replenish his status. When he walked out of the fountain again, the captain had already synthesized the armor-piercing bow.

"Don't worry, take your time, time is on our side now. ”

Even though they have a huge advantage now, Shen Lang still reminds his teammates to stay alert.

There is no way. In his impression, IG is also a team that is very good at creating miracles. In their games, it is definitely not uncommon to see them turn the tables when they are at a disadvantage.

EDG is just the opposite. In Shen Lang's memory, it is also not uncommon for them to be turned around when they have an advantage.

Using the Baron buff, EDG began to advance.

Under Shen Lang's command, they were not in a hurry to go to the high ground. After destroying the opponent's middle lane inner tower, they quickly turned to the top lane and soon destroyed the IG top lane inner tower. Then they arranged the vision.

As Miller analyzed, the captain who has the advantage of vision is very terrifying.

Ning Wang originally wanted to take the auxiliary to the jungle to arrange the vision. However, as soon as Zac and Morgana came down from the high ground, they were greeted by the captain's explosive barrel.

Shen Lang played the "old cunt" attribute to the fullest. The captain released skills through the wall blocking the vision, and Ning Wang There was no room for him and Baolan to react. When they came to their senses, their health had dropped a lot.

Zac was fine. Because he was a pure tank, the damage from Gangplank's explosive barrel only suppressed his health to half. In comparison, Morgana next to him was undoubtedly more miserable. She was directly beaten to a low health after only taking the damage from the explosive barrel.

It was very difficult for IG to even get down the high ground, so they naturally couldn't compete with EDG for map resources.

The little dragon refreshed and was quickly taken by EDG.

After the little dragon died, the next one to refresh was the ancient dragon, and the big dragon was about to refresh. If EDG got the two dragons, IG's people would not be able to defend the high ground, let alone the main crystal base.

In the voice chat, IG fell into silence.

Faced with such a situation, even the most experienced Ning Wang didn't know what to do.

After a long time, Rookie sighed and said, "Let's not leave any regrets. ”

The meaning is very clear, he doesn't want to be killed by EDG's operations, and wants to have one last team fight.

"Fight, fight, let Weiwu brother die at least once. ”

Jackeylove, apart from anything else, has a very good mentality. This year is his first professional season. The summer season is not his end, nor is this season.

Listening to the two, the other three IG players quickly adjusted.

The summer season is not their end this season, and there is no need for them to be timid. Even if they really lose to EDG today, they can fight back in the world championship.

As time passed, by the time the Baron and the Ancient Dragon were refreshed, EDG's economic advantage had reached 7,000.

Although this number does not seem particularly exaggerated, you should know that a few minutes ago, their economy was on par with IG's.

For IG, the only good news is that they finally slowly set up their vision.

The upper and lower rivers are still dark, but at least there is still some vision in the jungle, so they will not be blown to a low health by the Captain as soon as they walk down the high ground.

"Let's take the Baron first. "

Shen Lang was still commanding in an orderly manner.

The championship was in front of them, and the other EDG players were somewhat excited. Even the veteran factory manager was excited beyond words, but Shen Lang was very calm.

In comparison, the Baron was more important than the Ancient Dragon.

The EDG players quickly walked towards the upper river.

However, just as Shen Lang and others were about to fight the Baron, the IG players suddenly appeared in the lower river.

Although they wanted to have a final team fight with EDG, they would not mindlessly rush up and fight. Compared to going to the upper river to compete with EDG for the Baron, it would be better to go to the lower river to pretend to move the Ancient Dragon and force EDG players to come and fight with them, so that at least the disadvantage in vision would not be too great.

EDG had a huge advantage at this time, and would definitely not choose to give them the Ancient Dragon and take the Baron.

Sure enough, when Shen Lang saw the IG players appear in the lower river, he immediately commanded his teammates to give up fighting the Baron, and the EDG players quickly rushed to the lower river.

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