In this game, Shen Lang chose the summoner skills of Flash and Sprint.

It was also thanks to not choosing Flash to teleport, otherwise, even if Ornn gave him a chance, it would be difficult for Noxus to kill him.

At this time, both Ornn and Noxus were level 5, but because Shen Lang successfully suppressed him in the early laning phase, Noxus' experience was ahead of Ornn.

Ornn still had half a tube of experience to reach level 6, but Noxus was about to reach level 6.

"This seems to be a chance, but Noxus is only level 5!"

Guan Zeyuan explained loudly.

Noxus soon appeared in the field of vision. Looking at the aggressive Noxus, Licorice instantly became nervous.

The top laner on the opposite side directly started sprinting, and the purpose was naturally self-evident.

He hurriedly controlled Ornn to turn around and walked straight to the defense tower. However, Noxus was already in a position behind him at this time. If he wanted to get back to the defense tower, he had to pass Noxus.

The distance was shortened, Noxus started with a general attack, and then quickly connected with the W skill to slow down.

Licorice hurriedly used his E skill, trying to distance himself with the help of displacement, and released his W skill forward at the moment of displacement, predicting that Noxus would use his E skill to pull him back.

It must be said that this C9 top laner is quite thoughtful.

Unfortunately, Shen Lang was not fooled.

Noxus did not use his E skill directly, but first released his Q skill, and used the acceleration effect of sprint to approach Ornn.


[Kill All] accurately hit Ornn, and the number of bleeding layers became three.

What made Licorice even more desperate was that Noxus's Q skill successfully hit him after all, and also scraped the soldier line next to him.

Two melee soldiers died, and Noxus's body lit up.

"Noxus has reached level 6!"

Ji Ji was instantly excited: "This should be planned by Weiwu brother in advance. The timing is perfect. After upgrading his ultimate, Noxus will definitely have a chance to kill Ornn alone."

If Noxus reaches level 6 in advance, Licorice will definitely not push forward, and Noxus without the ultimate cannot kill Ornn. Otherwise, why would I say that Shen Lang found the perfect timing.

Facing Noxus at level 6, Ornn, who is only level 5, is already a fish on the chopping board.

Licorice turned back to release the Q skill, trying to slow down Noxus, but at the moment Ornn attacked, Shen Lang surrendered the E skill, [Ruthless Iron Hand] pulled Ornn to his side, and connected with the basic attack again.

Two basic attacks were launched, and a dull sound rang out. Noxus's eyes turned red, the blood rage effect was triggered, and the attack power increased significantly.

Licorice couldn't bear it anymore and hurriedly surrendered the flash.

But just as Ornn moved out, Shen Lang immediately flashed and continued to attack...

Ornn's health quickly reached the kill line, and he released his ultimate skill directly.

Noxus Guillotine!

Noxus held the axe in both hands, jumped into the air and chopped Ornn's head, quickly taking away his remaining health.

First Blood.

The system prompt sounded soon.

"Nice, Nice!!"

Remember to cheer excitedly.

Before the game started, they discussed that the key to winning or losing this game was whether Noxus in the top lane could play a big enough advantage during the laning phase.

And now, Noxus killed Ornn alone.

Even if Licorice wanted to develop in a sneaky way, it would not be that easy.

In the C9 lounge.

When Ornn was killed by Noxus, everyone in the lounge couldn't help but raise their hands and hug their heads, and wailed at the same time.


The C9 coach felt very uncomfortable.

He himself knew very well that if they wanted to defeat EDG in this game, they had to stabilize the top lane in the early stage, wait for Jensen to gain an advantage and drag the game to the late stage, then they would have a chance to win.

But now Jensen's advantage in the middle lane is minimal, and Ornn in the top lane has been killed by Noxus.

"I hope Licorice can stabilize it. Fortunately, Noxus chose the summoner skill of sprinting instead of teleporting. Even if Wave gains an advantage, there is no way to quickly radiate to other lanes..."

The analyst next to him comforted him.

After being killed, Ornn's disadvantage was obvious, but it was not to the point where he could not play. All they could do now was to pray that Licorice could stabilize the situation and not be snowballed by Noxus.

Back to the game.

After killing Ornn, Shen Lang felt much more comfortable.

"It turns out that hiding under the defensive tower is not a good idea. I will never tolerate cowardice!"

He began to act pretentiously in the voice chat.

The teammates laughed when they heard this. iboy said confidently in the voice chat: "Advantage in the top lane, advantage in the bottom lane, balance in the middle lane, I don't know how to lose this game!"? "

His Kaisa is also in a big advantage now. Although he didn't get the opponent's head, his last hit lead has reached double digits. Varus and Tam are no match for him now.

However, just as the voice fell, something strange happened.

The figure of Widowmaker appeared behind him.

This version of Widowmaker has been reworked. The passive skill can only provide invisibility after reaching level 6, so choosing this hero as a jungler needs to be like Nightmare, and quickly reach level 6 at the beginning.

Before level 6, Widowmaker's ganking ability is indeed not good, but EDG's bottom lane combination can't resist pushing the line too deep.

Perhaps it is because they think that it is difficult to catch people before Widowmaker level 6, so iboy and Meiko will push the line recklessly.

At the moment when Widowmaker appeared, the auxiliary Zeyzal decisively flashed to Kaisa and quickly connected the Q skill.


Slow down.

Verus charged the Q skill and hit Kaisa accurately, taking away a lot of its health.

iboy and Meiko realized that something was wrong and hurriedly retreated to try Back to the defensive tower, but at this time Widowmaker is already close and has used her W skill on Kaisa.

Seeing Widowmaker approaching, Meiko can only use her WQ skill on her, trying to control Widowmaker and create a chance for Kaisa to distance herself.

The moment Minotaur attacked, C9 jungler Svenskeren quickly used his flash, dodged the skill and came to Kaisa, and quickly connected with his Q skill.


Kaisa was immediately charmed in place after the skill hit.

Widowmaker's level 1 W skill can Provides 1.25 seconds of charm time and reduces the target's magic resistance by 35%. iboy did not use the flash dodge skill in time. After being charmed, he had no chance to use flash again.

Tam and Varus continued to attack Kaisa. After the charm time was over, Tam had already licked Kaisa red. Zeyzal used the W skill, ate Kaisa into his stomach, and spit it directly on Varus' face.

Sneaky made up for the damage and quickly took away Kaisa's remaining health.

"Ah? ”

Looking at his dark screen, iboy was a little dumbfounded.

He just wanted to learn Shen Lang's equipment, but he didn't expect the opponent to hit him so quickly.

"I really like what EDG's famous ADC Xiao Zhao said: I don't know how to lose this game, haha——"

Shen Lang laughed and said something weird.

Although Kaisa in the bottom lane was found by the opponent, Shen Lang didn't feel too embarrassed, and even had the mood to tease iboy. The reason was very simple. After killing Ornn in the top lane, he felt that the advantage was obvious. As long as his teammates didn't give away heads crazily, the game would still be easy to win.

"Go away! ”

After being mocked by Shen Lang, iboy immediately became angry.

Back to the game.

Just after Kaisa was killed, the Minotaur next to him was not spared.

Meiko used his flash to force Varus' flash at the beginning, and he was not yet level 6 at this time. Before upgrading his ultimate, the Minotaur hero was not very tanky. After all, he still couldn't bear the damage of three C9 players back to the defense tower.

Double Kill!

The system prompt sounded, and Varus got a double kill.

This inevitably made Guan Zeyuan in the commentary seat worried:

"EDG's lineup in this game is indeed very good, but the game cannot only look at the lineup, the player's state is also very important. If Varus develops too comfortably in the early stage, it will be very difficult to deal with in the middle and late stages. ”

Verus, the hero, does not have displacement, but you have to know that C9’s support is Tam.

Even if Noxus can develop very well, he may not be able to kill Varus who is protected by Tam in a team fight.

“Brother Weiwu has a big advantage now, and the game can still be played.”

Rita was also worried, and could only say this to comfort the audience in the live broadcast room.

When they returned to the line again, Kaisa and Minotaur were no longer the opponents of Varus and Tam.

The situation in the bottom lane was reversed instantly, and now it was the turn of EDG’s bottom lane combination to be suppressed under the defensive tower.

“Play steadily in the bottom lane, just develop normally, and don’t force an advantage.”

Scout reminded.

“Don’t worry, I’m here, there’s no problem.”

Shen Lang was still very relaxed, and comforted iboy and the others in the voice chat without waiting for them to speak.

After coming out of the fountain, Shen Lang played more fiercely in the line, and Ornn was soon suppressed under the defensive tower.

“Come on, Qijiang! "

The troops entered the tower, and Shen Lang called for help in the voice chat.

At this time, Olaf had already reached level 6, and with Noxus, he had the ability to kill by crossing the tower.

However, Shen Lang asked the factory manager to come to the top lane not to cross the tower.The tower didn't kill Ornn, but the opponent's jungler Widowmaker.

Olaf reached level 6, so Widowmaker must have reached level 6 as well.

Kai'Sa and the two players in the bottom lane were suppressed under the defensive tower, and it was difficult for Widowmaker to find an opportunity to go to the bottom lane. Ryze, the junior in the middle lane, disappeared directly on the line after clearing the minion line, and it was also difficult to gank.

"I am 70% sure that the opponent's jungler will definitely gank!"

Shen Lang said very confidently in the voice chat.

The factory manager immediately asked back: "What about the remaining 30%?"

Shen Lang smiled and said nothing, just controlling Noxus to enter the opponent's defensive tower.

E skill started, A followed by W and then Q skills...

Noxus suddenly jumped up, which made Licorice completely unexpected, and naturally did not react in time, and Ornn took full damage directly.

But correspondingly, Noxus was also attacked by the defensive tower.

When Shen Lang finished the damage and pulled away, Noxus was only half-blood left, even more than Ornn.

"Then 30% is here."

Shen Lang's mouth corners slightly raised.

Widowmaker's ultimate can directly kill heroes with low health, and Ornn's ultimate is also in his hand. The most important thing is that Noxus has not flashed yet.

Ornn only needs to release his ultimate to knock Noxus up, and Widowmaker can add some damage and directly release his ultimate to kill Noxus. It is very easy to kill Noxus, who the C9 coach wants to target. Shen Lang doesn't believe that the opponent jungler will not be tempted.

"You are really Jill, insidious!"

The factory manager shook his head and sighed.

Even if he is experienced, he can't resist such temptation. Even if he knows that the opponent jungler will counter-camp in the top lane, he may choose to take risks.

Noxus's health is too low. If Ornn and Widowmaker don't make mistakes, they can kill him instantly.

Ornn quickly cleaned up the line of soldiers under the tower. To Licorice's surprise, Noxus did not return to the city.

"It's a trick, definitely a trick!"

He instantly became alert, but at the same time, another tempting voice emerged in his mind.

What if the opponent's top laner was careless?

Even if the opponent's jungler was really counter-camping, he could kill Noxus instantly.

The bottom lane is now advantageous, as long as Noxus can be suppressed, this game can be won.


In just a few seconds, Licorice successfully convinced himself.

When he was about to call the jungler in the voice, he found that the jungler Svenskeren had already controlled Widowmaker to move up.

He even convinced himself earlier than Licorice.

"Widowmaker is moving up, she should want to catch Noxus, and the health of Weiwu brother is a bit dangerous now."

The director switched the camera, and Guan Zeyuan immediately explained nervously.

I remember that my heart was in my throat: "Just now, Noxus should have deliberately resisted the tower and taken damage to lower his own health, so as to lure Widowmaker to gank. This idea is very good, but it seems a bit too risky."

"If he didn't take risks, he wouldn't be called Brother Weiwu."

Rita added.

It might be risky for others, but for Shen Lang, they thought it was normal, after all, he liked to do such risky things.

Widowmaker quickly came to the top lane.

Seeing his jungler in place, Licorice could no longer suppress his excitement and directly released his ultimate to call for the sheep.


A dull sound sounded, and the fiery red lava goat rushed over.

With the flash still on CD, it was still unrealistic to want to move away from Ornn's ultimate. All Shen Lang could do was to enter the bushes above before Ornn's ultimate hit him.

The mark of Widowmaker's W skill appeared on Noxus's head. At the moment when he was knocked away by Ornn's ultimate, Svenskeren quickly handed over the Q skill in the direction of Noxus.


Widowmaker stepped forward to connect with the E skill. Under its damage, Noxus's health quickly reached the killing line of the ultimate.

However, just when Svenskeren wanted to release the ultimate, Noxus was freed from the charm.

Shen Lang's reaction was faster!

After releasing the E skill, Noxus pulled the Widowmaker next to him to his side and quickly connected the Q skill.

[Ruthless Iron Hand] can provide a short-term control effect, making it impossible for Widowmaker to release the ultimate in the first time, and just when it released the ultimate, Noxus's Q skill hit it in advance.


Widowmaker's ultimate hit, but before the damage was dealt, Noxus's health rose slightly.

"Noxus is not dead!"

In the commentary booth, remember to stand up and shout excitedly.

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