"Did they really kill Ornn by crossing the tower?"

Guan Zeyuan's eyes widened.

When Noxus first started to hold the tower and consume Ornn's health, the three of them were discussing.

Jide and Rita both thought that with Shen Lang's personality, this was definitely a prelude to killing Ornn by crossing the tower. When Ornn's health was suppressed, Shen Lang would definitely take action decisively.

But Guan Zeyuan didn't think so.

After all, Ornn still had his ultimate in his hand, and if Noxus crossed the tower to kill him, he would be easily killed.

But the final result slapped him in the face again.

Not only did Noxus successfully kill Ornn by crossing the tower, he even used the extreme blood recovery of Triumph to successfully escape the attack range of the defense tower with low health.

"Widowmaker is in the bottom lane, and Clockwork can't go to the top lane to support. Although Noxus is at low health this time, it seems that C9 has no way to deal with it. Brother Weiwu returned to the city to replenish his status and go online. Using the Rift Herald, it should be no problem to get the bounty of the top lane defense tower."

Jide said while analyzing.

Now the only ones who can compete with Noxus for the first blood tower bounty are Kaisa and Minotaur in the bottom lane.

But because Varus's ability to clear the line is still very strong, the soldiers are always difficult to send into the defense tower, and iboy naturally has no way to consume the health of the defense tower.

However, to everyone's surprise.

Noxus didn't go back!

After leaving the attack range of the defense tower with low health, Shen Lang returned to the top lane from the opposite jungle to lead the line, and after pushing the soldiers into the defense tower, he started to destroy the tower directly.

"How dare he?"

Guan Zeyuan expressed his incomprehension.

They have a God's perspective, so they naturally know that Widowmaker is in the bottom lane at this time, and no one can threaten Noxus with low health.

But Shen Lang doesn't have a God's perspective.

Either he has a superior awareness and predicts that Widowmaker will not catch him, or he is so bold that he is confident that he can kill Widowmaker even with this little health, and he is not afraid of being caught by the opposite jungler.

No matter which possibility it is, it is very exaggerated.

Noxus was quite fast in destroying the tower. By the time Ornn was resurrected, the health of the top lane tower was low.

Licorice didn't dare to teleport directly to the tower. He was worried that Noxus would destroy the tower before he came down, so he could only teleport to the soldiers behind the tower.

When he landed, Noxus had already taken away the remaining health of the tower. Ornn's ultimate was still on cooldown, and Licorice could only watch Noxus walk away.

"I can only say that Brother Weiwu is really brave. He is really brave. It seems that he doesn't take the opponent seriously at all."

"Brother Weiwu weighs 140 pounds, of which 40 pounds are rebellious, and the rest are all courage!"

"Noxus got the bounty of the first blood tower without summoning the Rift Herald. In this way, EDG can still make a fuss about this Herald. To be safe, Noxus will go directly to the bottom lane to summon the Herald and take the opponent's bottom tower. To be more aggressive, he will go to the middle lane and look for an opportunity to take C9's middle tower..."

The three people in the commentary booth started to discuss one after another.

When I remember saying these two situations, almost all I think of is the second one.

If he can be safe, then is he still a mighty guy?

As expected.

After returning to the city to replenish his status and equipment, Noxus went straight to the middle lane without any hesitation.

"Come to the middle lane to make trouble!"

Shen Lang urged in the voice.

The main reason is that the time of the Eye of the Vanguard is about to pass, and we must hurry up.

Noxus has no big move at this time, but the sprint is about to turn good, and he still has good combat effectiveness.

Olaf went to the middle lane, and Meiko also went to the middle lane after helping Kaisa clean up the bottom lane soldiers.

Jensen's sense of the game is still very sharp.

Although he didn't see the opponent, he still felt something was wrong, so he called his teammates in the voice chat:

"Can the jungler and support come to the middle lane to help counter-camp?"

Svenskeren didn't find an opportunity in the bottom lane. After hearing what his mid laner said, he walked to the middle lane without thinking much. Tam also moved towards the middle lane after helping Varus clear the line of soldiers.

"C9 seems to have noticed something. Will this wave be in trouble?"

I remember feeling a little uneasy.

Since C9 has noticed something, Jensen will definitely not walk out of the defensive tower. If EDG wants to make a difference, they must cross the tower and kill, which will undoubtedly give C9 an opportunity.

While he was uneasy, the junior brother had already sent the line of soldiers in the middle lane into the defensive tower.

Meiko controlled the Minotaur to enter the opposite jungle area, wanting to go around the back of the defensive tower to start a team fight. Olaf squatted in the bushes next to him. The factory manager placed a true eye in the bushes in advance, so he could be sure that there was no vision of the opponent.

Shen Lang came to the bushes next to F6 on the opposite side and placed a true ward when he entered the bushes.Make sure they won't be seen.

"I feel like Olaf is right next to us!"

Jensen was getting more and more uneasy. Ryze pushed the line actively. There was no vision in the bush in the middle lane, and he couldn't see the sides of the jungle. He didn't feel safe at all.

"Relax, this might be our chance!"

Svenskeren told Jensen to relax, but he couldn't help shaking his hands.

As long as he seized this opportunity, there was still a chance of winning this game.

"If the opponent dares to cross the tower, let them see how powerful we are!"

Support Zeyzal also became excited.

During the discussion, Meiko controlled the Minotaur to walk out of the bush, went straight to the back of the C9 middle tower, and decisively released skills towards the Clockwork in the defense tower.


While Clockwork was knocked away, the junior quickly controlled Ryze to get close, trying to connect the control.

At the same time, Olaf in the bush activated the Predator and used the burst of movement speed to rush towards the C9 defense tower.

"Go, go, go!"

Svenskeren shouted hurriedly in the voice chat.

Zeyzal hurriedly used his ultimate and led Widowmaker and the other player into the middle lane defense tower.

"Where are the opposing jungler and support?"

Watching Tam's ultimate landing, the factory manager was horrified and wanted to retreat and sell the Minotaur.

Fortunately, Shen Lang stopped him in time: "Don't retreat, don't retreat, you can still fight, keep fighting, kill Clockwork first!"

Hearing this, the factory manager could only bite the bullet and continue to rush under the defense tower.

After landing, Zeyzal hurriedly released his W skill to eat the remaining blood Clockwork into his stomach, and then used his Q skill to slow down the Minotaur who was resisting the tower.

Svenskeren targeted Ryze next to him and quickly approached to use his EQ skill.

And Jensen came out of Tam's stomach, used his Q skill to move the ball to the feet of Ryze and the other player, and then directly released his ultimate.

Command: Shockwave!

The force field around the puppet twisted, and both Minotaur and Ryze were passively pulled to the center, and their health dropped sharply.


Jensen showed a smug smile on his face. Minotaur was holding the tower, and Ryze was cut by Widowmaker. The two were almost dead. This wave of tower crossing and killing, EDG exploded directly.

However, at this moment, Shen Lang started sprinting and rushed quickly to the position of Clockwork.

Seeing Noxus appear behind him, Jensen's smile froze on his face instantly.

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